The gods lavish youth the gift of joy and well, Rhea Silvia and Palantea had laughed while, hidden behind the cabin so that it does Kritubis the saw, the shepherdess tried to give the appearance of a pastor at Rea. He gave his own coat brownish in place of wearing light-colored, one color only used by important people, and she herself was dressed in a more old woman who had been small. He picked up the hair into two braids close together that hid the whiteness of her neck before dropping it in the back and then tried to hide the delicate skin of his face blackened with soot, with the index finger he traced a thick line on eyebrows almost joined at the center, also shook the dark against the temples on both sides and, finally, was spotted a little by the birth of the ears.
As he did, kneeling and facing the two, Palantea escaped her laughter and Rea could not contain, imagining his frightening appearance. As never went barefoot, he could not dispense with the scuffed shoes and a rock to damage the leather and, once the shoes were new, stained with mud, including the feet.
- Now comes the most important - said Palantea -: you smell a little pig, because otherwise nobody would take a shepherdess.
- I know how we will - so glad announced Rea Silvia -: hug a cada uno de tus cerdos y verás…
Siguieron muchas más risas, porque los cerdos no se dejaban atrapar y Rea dio con su cuerpo en el suelo tantas veces como lo intentó. Y así, entre la tierra y las hojuelas que se le habían adherido a las ropas y al cabello, el roce con los cerdos y el aspecto un tanto desastrado tras los revolcones, Rea pensó que podía regresar a Alba Longa sin riesgo de ser reconocida. Palantea entró en la cabaña, dejó las ropas de su amiga enrolladas junto a la pared, y dijo a su ama Kritubis que iría con los cerdos hacia la ciudad.
De camino se procuraron una vara larga a modo de cayado para Rea y la joven empezó to manage awkwardly. However, his joy had gone out. Still had not told the shepherdess who he was, nor the reason for their flight, not their fears. Palantea crestfallen as he walked beside her, watched her askance. Finally, near a fork in the road where they had to choose which one to take, the shepherdess said
- in this case - said Palantea - Should we go through the western gate and crossed the city, or prefer to go round the outside of the wall to the market? They usually have a large audience and talk about everything ...
- If we cross the city to get cross with people and will be easier for someone to recognize you. The market is going down this road or even across the field. Once there, according to the news you hear, we enter the city by the lift door or go back.
- Let then cross country - Rea said, admiring her friend's reasoning. He had been very lucky to meet her. Left the way down the slope and went into a thick forest of chestnut trees, keeping in view the road above them. The time of day the favor, heading for the sun and west and lengthened the shadows of the trees hid them with a soft shadow.
Near Lake Nemi and the sacred grove of Diana Nemorensis, the origin of whose worship is lost in the mists of time, there was a small town. He would be born of the centuries the city of Aricia, Latium famous, but then it was only a handful of shady huts along the road leading to Coriolan. There was mid-afternoon, having ridden a mule without a break from noon, the messenger sent by Camilla, the Vestal Maxima Numitor to the king of Alba Longa.

The gods lavish youth the gift of joy and well, Rhea Silvia and Palantea had laughed while, hidden behind the cabin so that it does Kritubis the saw, the shepherdess tried to give the appearance of a pastor at Rea. He gave his own coat brownish in place of wearing light-colored, one color only used by important people, and she herself was dressed in a more old woman who had been small. He picked up the hair into two braids close together that hid the whiteness of her neck before dropping it in the back and then tried to hide the delicate skin of his face blackened with soot, with the index finger he traced a thick line on eyebrows almost joined at the center, also shook the dark against the temples on both sides and, finally, was spotted a little by the birth of the ears.
- Now comes the most important - said Palantea -: you smell a little pig, because otherwise nobody would take a shepherdess.
- I know how we will - so glad announced Rea Silvia -: hug a cada uno de tus cerdos y verás…
Siguieron muchas más risas, porque los cerdos no se dejaban atrapar y Rea dio con su cuerpo en el suelo tantas veces como lo intentó. Y así, entre la tierra y las hojuelas que se le habían adherido a las ropas y al cabello, el roce con los cerdos y el aspecto un tanto desastrado tras los revolcones, Rea pensó que podía regresar a Alba Longa sin riesgo de ser reconocida. Palantea entró en la cabaña, dejó las ropas de su amiga enrolladas junto a la pared, y dijo a su ama Kritubis que iría con los cerdos hacia la ciudad.

- Want to go directly to your home?
- No, no - said Rea -. Before you let me know if something important has occurred in the city and what is counted by the streets.
- in this case - said Palantea - Should we go through the western gate and crossed the city, or prefer to go round the outside of the wall to the market? They usually have a large audience and talk about everything ...
- If we cross the city to get cross with people and will be easier for someone to recognize you. The market is going down this road or even across the field. Once there, according to the news you hear, we enter the city by the lift door or go back.
- Let then cross country - Rea said, admiring her friend's reasoning. He had been very lucky to meet her. Left the way down the slope and went into a thick forest of chestnut trees, keeping in view the road above them. The time of day the favor, heading for the sun and west and lengthened the shadows of the trees hid them with a soft shadow.

Near Lake Nemi and the sacred grove of Diana Nemorensis, the origin of whose worship is lost in the mists of time, there was a small town. He would be born of the centuries the city of Aricia, Latium famous, but then it was only a handful of shady huts along the road leading to Coriolan. There was mid-afternoon, having ridden a mule without a break from noon, the messenger sent by Camilla, the Vestal Maxima Numitor to the king of Alba Longa.
Exhausted by the effort, he stopped to rest and drink water, and the gods will have events at will, saying he went to meet Numitor, villagers told him that his King had arrived two days, and suddenly feeling ill, had been under the care of the priest of Diana. In his pleadings, he was taken to the sanctuary and, once there, the king.

- Traigo una mala noticia, señor. Tu casa ha sufrido esta mañana un ataque por parte de desconocidos. Ha muerto tu hijo y con él todos tus siervos. La reina Aurelia está bien y tu hija Rea Silvia ha podido huir y ponerse a salvo. Me manda la Vestal Maximum alert you and ask you back as soon as possible, because even your throne is in danger.
Numitor closed his eyes. And yet, through his closed eyelids their suffering could be felt, felt their pain. Soon, with great effort relied on his left elbow and rose slightly. His eyes were pits when he looked at the messenger.
- Tomorrow morning, because I'll ride as fast as possible.
- Do it. You will all my hopes. And you do not waste time - he added to his servants -, begin to prepare it all. Hurry, hurry! If your king must die, whether in their own land.
The messenger left the wrong impression and stay with some trepidation. Had noticed something strange, but so had a good time, failed to discover what it was. All servants of the house of Numitor had died and those who accompanied the king had not even asked how.
Thanks to the friends who have spoken of this novel in their blogs sotelo alexandra faderland , offered as a poisoner, isabel, the sewing as Marcia, a young shepherd Palantea sabina and that is none other than Freia. I love all these links.
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