Twice sisters Amnesis Elecampane and passed, without seeing them, ahead of a section of wall where Palantea Rhea Silvia and surrounded by pigs, spoke quietly with their heads close together. Nor had seen Amulius henchmen, despite warming loitering near the minds of the Albanians, while quietly seeking Rea. Standing a short distance,
Two major roads were open and parallel east-west crossing the entire length of Alba Longa, pierced occasionally by other schools that joined the upper and the lower part of the city. In the resulting plots the cabins were built without order, leaving between the fences of some and others just enough room to pass.
Rhea Silvia was moving one of those tracks with his eyes fixed on the ground, holding back tears. He had apparently calmed down, but his chest hid a crowd of sorrows. Brother's death was the most poignant and profound, the most difficult to bear. Who had died on the battlefield, or disease would have taken would have been more tolerable than before almost losing his own eyes, treacherously attacked. Thought so still, not breathing, seeing, or hearing, shaken to his kisses and her tears, and that image was unbearable. Nevertheless, and painful, the death of his brother was his only certainty. The rest were doubts and anxiety, uncertainty, where would your father? Would you have thought of something? Would you know and the news? His mother would suffer terrible suffering.
- Is it here? - Asked Palantea to reach a crossroads, without raising his voice. Rhea Silvia looked up for guidance.
- Yes. Now we follow this path to the right - answer. He felt a tingling in the body, because they entered one of the major pathways, an abundance of groups of men and would be difficult to go unnoticed. Had taken too long to calm down, fall afternoon and again assaulted the anxiety and fear. But be strong, be repeated. Arose before him the red-stained thick trunk that ended his uncle's cabin Amuli. Was already close, very close to his salvation.
Among the few women who were traveling along this path and Amnesis Elecampane. They had traveled several times with the hope of Rhea Silvia before the Queen Aurelia renounce the throne, as was rumored about to do. And he must be true, because passing near the hut had seen real Appius augur badly decomposed, apparently in an unguarded moment he had stolen his pig. And as a waiver could not be done without consulting the will of the gods through omens, had sent a servant hastily to the house of the Vestal to find another animal. And so that the vestal Valeria had bought one.
Amnesis sister grabbed his arm and stopped. Two girls came towards them with a herd of pigs. The highest shepherdess, her shoulders slightly elevated and elastic step, he was just as Rhea Silvia. At that moment the girl raised her head and looked toward the cabin Amulius, located just behind the sisters. For a moment it was driven into the ground, his face became a grimace of horror and turning quickly, ran in the opposite direction, followed by her companion.
- What wrong? - Elecampane shouted, turning to see what had caused do fear of Rhea Silvia. Behind them, Pratex turned its sights on the herders and made a sign to some men to go out in pursuit.
Palantea Rhea Silvia and ran with all his might. They went between the cabins and weathered as they could, stumbling at times. pigs had been left behind in the main road and, grunting in terror, had become entangled between the legs of the persecutors. Rea instinctively headed for the gate in the wall to return a salir, aun sin saber qué haría después, dónde se refugiaría, cuánto tiempo podría resistir esa fuga desenfrenada sin agotarse. A punto de atravesar la puerta, una mano huesuda la sujetó del brazo, frenó bruscamente su carrera y casi la hizo caer.
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