- I have not yet found the girl, but my men are searching the roads and forests - reported Pratex -. Alba Longa discreetly look for if he had become here. Sooner or later fall into our hands.
Criseida frowned and looked at him with disdain. It seemed intolerable that Rhea Silvia to escape the persecution of soldiers experienced as Pratex. He clenched his fists tightly. Pratex That should not be as good as she thought her husband.
- Well, get on with it - he said -. Amulius Now, however, I have to concentrate on other more important issue. We will convene to the Council.
- "Without having finished with Rhea Silvia? - Criseida stirred with a hint of reproach in his tone.
- ¡No seas tan insistente, mujer! ¿Qué más da matarla hoy o mañana? La muerte se puede aplazar. Lo que no conviene atrasar es la renuncia de Aurelia. ¡Eso es lo urgente! Luego, cuando yo tenga la autoridad real, resolveré todo lo que haya quedado pendiente ahora.
- ¡Hablas como si ya los tuvieras!
- I'll have. And I swear by all the gods will not rest until we see buried Rhea Silvia.
- Calm down, woman - Amulius said, approaching her with conciliatory gesture -. Do you think our future is not important to me? That's why we seize the moment: the people will not be angry and revolt us, but the entire Board who press to Aurelia. Before them will not dare to demand the presence of his daughter and that will accelerate our plans and we will leave the hands free. Do not you understand?
- Do not just take, Amulius - insisted Criseida -. Rhea Silvia far it has been delivered. And I do not like.

searched the trunks of the oaks and the branches, if it had risen to one of them, recorded in the bushes as quietly called her by name, came to the end the forest, where the terrain abruptly and to continue to tiptoe needed hands to hold the brush. Nothing. There was no trace of it, nor had showed signs of violence. Where was he? Be hungry, I'd be tired. Perhaps he had decided to leave the forest.
Kritubis was before the door of his cabin. She was very tall and used to walk erect and quietly, as if their feet do not touch the ground. You never knew if he was upset or happy, because his face did not show any emotion. Observed to the sisters still and responded with a nod to his greeting.
- Can you give us some water, please? - Asked Elecampane.
- a girl came with us and, without realizing it, we have separated and we lost - while his sister said Amnesis quench the thirst -. Did not you've seen here?
- Was with you ...? Apparently, today everybody loses girl - the woman replied angrily. The sisters gave heart sank.
- Some men. And I've said what I say to you: do not know who that girl, and I've seen, I do not care. The only girl who is around here is my servant Palantea. And that does not lost.
- Can we talk to her? - Asked.
- No. And now, leave me alone. - Kritubis replied dryly. Snatched from the hands of the water bowl and ladle and got into the cabin.
Through the doorway, Amnesis could see a clear bulge in the floor next to the wall. Does deceiving the eye, or these could be Rhea Silvia's clothes? What would this mean? And was shocked to think that these unknown persons could have seen them too.
El post de arquehistoria sobre esta novela.
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