Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alton Towers Log Flume Duck

: CUBA: Displaced and captive peoples


Institute of Historical Memory Against Totalitarianism Cubana (IMHCT) UNIVERSAL EDITIONS

and presented the


CUBA: Displaced and captive peoples

An essential book to understand the barbarity of the regime, which applied a new refocusing, to prevent popular resistance against communist totalitarianism

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ediciones Universal 3090 SW 8 ST, Miami FL, 33135

Juan Manuel Salvat

Saturnino Polon

Marcos Antonio Ramos

Darias Idolidia

Amado Rodriguez

Pedro Corzo


some comments left

Reinerio Ramirez Pereira has left a new comment on your post "Presentation of the book: CUBA: Displaced and pu ...":

early - when Zoe go look at the time the comment - write a comment on the future of Cuba and do not quote this blog because I take the data from the Institute of Historical Memory, thanks Peter for keeping us informed. In my paper I address the issue of the pseudo dissent, division of the island (deductions in the wake of the videos) and refer to blogs as a new shareholder. Greetings from Bern. *****************

King has left a new comment on your post "Presentation of the book: CUBA: Displaced and pu ...":

leave comments on the blog of Zoe. _______________________

Reinerio March 15, 2011 8:23 a.m.
Please note: Your comment is waiting to be moderated.
first greetings.
- Changes the video in Cuba. %%%%%%%%%

- after connecting the dots - the news arm with common sense and various sources - I want to share something about the future of Cuba. behind this review will refer to an event and more enlightening video. However, the offspring of Dorticos Torrado Osvaldo already in Cuban Voices - te remito a la pagina de portada ( foto y blog de Rosa Maria ) , Yoani Sanchez vinculada – tambien – a la Arquidiocesis de la Habana – te remito al blog FotosdeCuba en portada de Voces cubanas , Favio Hurtado ( foto en el piso 14 ) es el editor jefe de Espacios Laical y lo conoci personalmenteen la redaccion de la revista en la Habana . de modo que afirmo desde aqui que Yoani Sanchez Cordero es una agente castrista bien entrenada para obnubilar la oposicion , controlarla , denunciarla y facilitar el transito al Raulismo Light , la prueba mas emblematica – ademas de reciente – de lo que afirmo es que aparejada a la liberacion de Biscet en su twitter anunciaba la contra noticia del arresto de Farinias , por extension ni una palabra Biscet and interviews. called attention to the action and its new blog post "Where was the Cuban dissident Biscet when released? "Bound to Cuba Independiente vs Neokaxtrizmo blog.
- I take the paragon of news to share you about the release of essential text on the captive peoples, so with the deliberate pretext video you refer to the FAQ (click on image) from the time 21:32 min - late interventions - have much material for fruitful research into the future - predestined - to Cuba, specifically on Saturday Night Fever Party orgies rotations in the mansions of the 100 millionaires Cubans.
In short, there are all a gear disidencial and business (*) (mafia understand) only avoidable if we do not forget that from: the people that forgets its history is doomed to repeat it. Http://www.cubamemorial.net/Eventos/110312-PrimeraPresentacionLibro_CubaDesplazadosyPueblosCautivos.htm

(*) refer to a solvent and Liborio commentator lengthy article on the future of the island and the cosmopolitan fabric lurking in the division.
responsability me totally with my comment, well away from the speculation and based on experience, common sense and my life in the island prison.
subscribe - Reinerio Ramirez Pereira
Dorzematt 10 3313 Büren zum Hof \u200b\u200b

Bern - Schweiz


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