Detained in his career abruptly, Rhea Silvia thought he had fallen into the hands of their persecutors, and struggled to break out of that claw. He soon saw before him the face of Alec beggar who repeatedly beat her lips asking for silence with the index. Palantea time she saw them and stood well. The man
gestured to indicate that follow him and, turning continually to ensure that they were going after him, leading them away from the door between a group of cabins near the wall and adapted to its environment. Brisk walking, crouching and quietly, avoiding uneven ground by the light of the moon, which shone splendid over their heads, even without closing the night. To his ears came more and more distant, panting and some screaming vocals.
Soon the terrain became more steep, almost sheer. Rhea Silvia realized that they had reached the top of Alba Longa and that his feet had to be the eastern gate of the wall and the market. Alec stopped at what appeared to be the last cabin, the back attached to the rock and told them hand they entered after him.
- Look who bring - said crossing the threshold. The interior was very dark, the only light came from the fire in the center of the cabin, at home on which a kettle was steaming. Espórtula looked up and the flames were reflected in her eyes a moment, because then stood up and approached the door to receive Rea.
- You're here! I thank the gods. Come in, come and sit by the fire. Give you a soup that will warm you - and I was rummaging in the back of the cabin a few bowls for returned home and placed them on the stones that marked the fireplace.
Young had sat snorting and tired, his legs too weak to sustain more. With trembling hands grasped the bowl Rea Silvia Espórtula proffered. Tears began to run again.
- I'm so scared. So I'm easy to recognize? - Asked.
- Yes for someone who, like me, you gave handfuls of dried beans before you had teeth - said the old -. I saw on the market. And Alec stood in front of the wall if
volvíais ...
Palantea quickly drank his soup, and seeing that Rea Silvia still trembling, put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed.
- I've seen in front of the cabin of my uncle Amulius, one of the men who have attacked this morning my house - Silvia Rea said to no one in particular -. In the market said they were looking for me. Where can I go? What is happening to my mother?
- Here you are safe - Espórtula said.
- But can log cabins ...
- Regis train! I hide and no one will find you, believe. As for your mother, okay. Tomorrow, when the funeral is over, try to get in touch with her.
- Is tomorrow the funeral? - Rhea Silvia was startled -. I must attend!
- It is better to rest now - he said firmly Espórtula -. Tomorrow is another day and see what should be done. Come, take estas tortas de harina por si tenéis hambre luego y esta ropa para taparos y venid conmigo. Alec, tú quédate vigilando la puerta.
Mientras la anciana apartaba de la pared del fondo un banco de madera cubierto con una piel de oveja y unos cestos encima, Rea Silvia se acercó a Alec y le cogió las manos. En sus ojos brillaban las lágrimas y el agradecimiento. Lo abrazó antes de responder a Espórtula, que la llamaba apremiante.
Entre el suelo de la cabaña y la pared rocosa se abría un hueco oscuro. Con una lucerna, Espórtula iluminó unos escalones tallados en piedra viva. Descendieron por la estrecha escalera, y pronto se found inside a spacious cave, but the ceiling was not much taller than them. Not seen the end of the cave but must have some vents, then fine beams of light came. The walls and ceiling were covered with white lines that stood out against the darkness of the stone. The temperature was warm and there was a strange peace there.
- What are these drawings? - Asked Palantea, admired those meaningless scribbles, however, were harmonics. Espórtula seemed confused and did not respond right away. Spread on the floor a couple of mats to lie on the girls and told them to let them load a lamp lit all night.
- A portrait of my beloved - he suddenly -. The larger circle is the face you see? And that curve, the mouth. The nose is straight from the center stripe and nuts on both sides are the eyes. Sometimes I put my ears, sometimes not. Now you never get, because I have already some very place to paint.
The girls listened astonished. Does your loved ? What would a beloved ? He asked many questions being run at the same time.
- Our parents were neighbors so I grew up together without separating. When I was your age, the heart and entire body with just upsets me that he had brushed me ...! I did not think of anyone else, just to be with him and as he passed. Then he went to war and never returned Lavinio. I draw every day to feel close. That's a dear: Someone who loves you so much that life is impossible without it.
Espórtula When he left, the friends went to bed and talked about the marvel which had never been reported. To love someone like that seemed impossible and at the same time, fascinating and mysterious.
- I would have loved - sighed Rhea Silvia - do not you?
Palantea, who always wore the syrinx strapped to his belt, looked in his clothes, took her to his lips and blew a piece of music so tender and beautiful eyes that seemed to mourn loved Espórtula.
The main hall of the actual cabin was lit by torches. The few servants fastened foot, forming a semicircle behind the queen, her brothers Amulius and Criseyde, the Vestal Maxima and the ten members of the Council. In the center had placed a portable altar: a thick brown trunk inside which had been emptied to lighten its weight was standing functions, and on it rested the altar, a flat stone, slightly recessed in the center and two rills carved c
ada one side. Two separate bowls in the floor beneath the channels, would collect the blood of the victim.
Appius entered the room and after his two servants to the pig that was to be sacrificed. The augur bowed head and immediately went to the altar. Back to him, asked what would be consultation with the gods. Replied the eldest male of the Council:
- It will give the Queen Aurelia, on behalf of her husband to the throne of Alba Longa in favor of his brother, younger son of King Procas, the noble Amuli. Provided that the waiver has the blessing of the gods.
The augur turned to greet them, gave them back and ordered the servants to put the pig on the altar. The animal looked dazed and allowed to go without a fight. Appius briefly raised his eyes upwards, quietly recited the required formulas, extracted from a leather case the sacrificial knife and with one blow beheaded the pig, which collapsed without a whimper. Then opened the pig carcass and a fetid, stinking, flooded the room and forced everyone to hold their noses. Appius thrust his hands into the wound and separated the two sides to examine the inside. The stomach was so swollen he looked ready to burst.
- The omens are not good - he said, addressing the old man who had made the query. And it created a moment of great confusion in the real cabin.
With Cayetano for giving a jar and announce this initiative in his blog.
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