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on Cuba. Father Joseph Conrad: "My people are suffering and I'm not going to abandon"

CafeFuerte Taken

Father Joseph Conrad: "My people are suffering and I'm not going to abandon"

By Wilfredo Cancio Isla
15 March 2011

- Father José Conrado Rodríguez Alegre no allows the rest when it comes to the U.S.. As will become pastoral tradition, the notorious priest spends his holidays to go-every two years, the parishes of North American cities where they gather large communities of Cuban Catholics.

The Cuban priest Jose Conrado Rodriguez in Miami, in March 2011

This time, Joseph Conrad undertake a one-month tour that takes you through 17 cities, from New Orleans to Washington, from Chicago to Boston with a message of harmony and hope for their compatriots in exile.

The visit of the pastor of the Church of St. Therese of Lisieux, in Santiago de Cuba, comes at a time when the Catholic Church is embroiled in an unusual trading with the Cuban government to release political prisoners, while the country is going through a difficult crossroads of economic, social and boiling layoffs.

Known for their critical views towards the Cuban regime and its boundless verve when he discusses the reality of the island, Joseph Conrad does not shy away from issues that seem high points. Has not shut up in Cuba after writing a harsh letter to Fidel Castro ORT in 1994, nor had qualms about repeating the dose in 2009, when it issued a call for Raúl Castro to undertake a different path against the government.

(Father Joseph Conrad Stock photo)

CaféFuerte In this interview with Miami, the charismatic priest on the eve of arriving at 60 years discusses hot issues in the mediation of the Catholic Church for political prisoners, cleverly dissects the current Cuban events exalts the determination of his countrymen in exile.

the government against the wall

mediation of the Catholic Church to achieve the release of political prisoners is a fact that has led the Cuban scene since last year. Why do you think that this mediation was accepted by the government? What do you attribute this? That

be given for the first time the presence of the church in such negotiations, at that level and that magnitude, is the result primarily of constancy and courage of a group of women, mothers, wives, sisters and family of the prisoners who were unjustly imprisoned in 2003. Consistency and peaceful struggle of the Damas de Blanco has been a key element along with the death of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, which was a sort of international salvo in addition to the unusual resonance that was in Cuba. And, undoubtedly, the hunger strike of Guillermo Fariñas, because the impact of the death of Zapata Tamayo caused an enormous interest in the situation of Fariñas, ie all the world were sensitized with Zapata's death and the possibility that he died Fariñas. Ie, created a situation where the government was really against the wall and the start was to start this negotiation that Cardinal Jaime Ortega led to his letter to the head of state, it was he who wrote to Raul Castro saying "This must be solved, here is a very serious problem and must be sought out. "

Then consider that there was a shared will to negotiate ...

With regard to the negotiation itself, no doubt that there was support from all parties, because no one wanted to die or Fariñas to prolong the violence against the Ladies in White, nobody wanted a repeat of what Zapata Tamayo, and indeed the issue of prisoners and was an issue that weighed on the national consciousness. Although burdened by the weight of each day, many people lose sensitivity, there came a time when the intellectuals, bloggers and people more motivated by social issues and defense of human rights, began to realize that the situation was very difficult and was about to explode. And, of course, international pressure was enormous, with a realistic and thorough campaign. So was that the government was forced to make a correct decision, which in this case was "We to negotiate, we will solve this problem. "

Cuba is a prison factory But you do not seem entirely satisfied with the solution to deport prisoners and delays in the release of those not wanting to leave the country. Am I wrong?

Where the umbrella was locked in the solution that was given to the problem. That's where I really feel that there was a serious flaw. First, the maneuverability of the Church is not very wide, because ultimately it is the government that guides what we do and how it's done, ie they are used to that authoritarianism and are cutting cod. It was also a situación novedosa y una de las cosas que la Iglesia debe aprender es a desempeñar un papel más activo, toda la Iglesia, todos los obispos, que representan a la comunidad que son los pastores. Y hace falta más audacia. Cuando se llega a un punto de gravedad social como el de los prisioneros de conciencia, la situación permitía más audacia. De ahí que la principal salida que se le dio al problema, la deportación de los presos, es, desde todos los puntos de vista, una mala solución. Por supuesto, uno tiene que ver las cosas en el contexto actual de nuestra sociedad. A cualquier cubano que se le ofrezca salir de Cuba en estos momentos se le está ofreciendo el premio gordo de la lotería.

Y entre a Cuban prison and a plane to Madrid's decision seems understandable, especially under the pressure of families. Do not you think?

is not surprising that these people who have served seven years in prison, what they went through their families facing economic hardship and thousands of all kinds, going through a real ordeal to cash them to visit prisons hundreds of miles their homes, they choose to leave the country without thinking twice. Because in Cuba's prisons do not have to get people the nails as they did in the days of Fulgencio Batista. If a workplace that is intended for four people you metes 16, morning, noon and night with little water and food of poor quality, causing it is already a terrible torture. The stench of people, 24 hours in that situation, in a space where you can not do without basic needs to avoid splashing the other. That's what the prisoners lived. Then, from this agony and deportation, as they send me to China, I am going to China. And families weighed heavily at the time of the decision. I know from very specific cases that I know, the same José Daniel Ferrer, the cause of 75, who has remained in Cuba and still is one of the four who remain in jail. His wife, children, everyone thinks it's best to leave the country, because even though his release is the fear come back again to lock it up. In Cuba you have to close the prison factory.

been 10 months since bargaining began in the Catholic Church with the government and by now have more than 100 prisoners released between those who have gone to Spain and have decided to remain in Cuba. What is your final assessment of this process? Does it open a new era for Cuban civil society or are we to another turn of the wheel?

If we were to a peaceful coexistence, of greater freedom, greater respect for human rights, justice, something that would really suck not only that, but come, because obviously I would say this is the beginning of something important and serious. But unfortunately the government has been fearful, cowardly, he had the courage to face the freedom of these people and to stay to live in Cuba. Does not mean that they should not willingly, one thing does not remove the other, but the option to stay in Cuba at an early stage was not enough time and not talked about that. Moreover, when I asked a bishop who was involved in this process, the response was silence ... "Well, no, until now there is out of the country." Then logically between the prison and leave the country had not much choice, right? Consider also that those who left were not given political refugee status, which would have meant a series of guarantees for these people who have already suffered too much and really would have deserved another solution. That the Church should be more actively for better treatment for our prisoners, that after all are our brothers.

mischief for 52 years Near the end of this process have returned with force rallies of repudiation against the Ladies in White. Does not it seem a worrying decline?

course itself. In previous months had come to suppress these expressions of violence, which are always organized, because when the government said "No, there was no further violence. If you are going now is because the government gave the green light for that. This is a responsibility we must demand the Cuban government. That is not justified and not good for any Cuban, neither here nor there or yonder, and does not benefit the government. It's bad for everyone. Cuba I think if we sit down to talk of truth all parties, upon the Church or who is mediating, as if they want to find a mediator to the Holy Father, but if we really sit down and discuss the country's problems respecting each other, accepting each other as different ... If I had that good will to solve the country's problems about the situation so serious that we have, yes it would be a reason for hope, encouragement, and say, look, they're on the right track.

But do you think the government is willing to talk with the Cubans who think the country should behave differently?

Social processes are initiated in a more simple and has not been given yet to say that there is going to give. The government needs now a serious reflection to discover that there are other ways of governing, there are other ways of exercising power and are more convenient for them and for all. The Church that would have to be very consistent and very active, because if the government has had the positive attitude of wanting the Church to be involved in this negotiation of the way they did, it would be really great that I could participate in a mediation in the future real. And, of course, I'm in for it. Everything else other than a deep conversation about the future of Cuba aims to resolve the emergency to a state that has 52 years making mischief. And you can not keep traveling down the same streets when those streets are so bad. Let's take it another way, as Marti said, for all and for the good of all. Because that's the point: of all Cubans without exception.

When discussing the challenges of the future Cuba, always appears the same question: what is the most damaged and difficult to rebuild? How would you respond?

The spiritual part is the most complex and most difficult to resolve. If by some miracle had an injection of wealth in Cuba and the Cuban government took a series of measures, as has happened in China and Vietnam to promote economic recovery, this could be done in a relatively short time. Sufficient to create an environment of expectations that generate creativity of the Cuban, which does not have to be a great artist to do so. Now, when people get used to the hypocrisy, lies, the double-sided, theft, disrespect people who think differently than you ... When people get used to fear, these are very serious problems.

A wound in the heart And the phenomenon of brain drain, which remains constant

Cuban ... no doubt. Whenever he leaves a Cuban in Cuba is like that to me made me a wound in the heart. So sorry. Because I feel so stupid not to realize that we are becoming an island of old, the young or will or want to go, throw the sea, or whatever. But this is reality, there is no future. From the economic point of view, if an economist says that reality is, well, in 15 years where will be this country. Because the birth rate is low, like a first world country in terms of birth rate. We are people who live long enough and the weight of the elderly in society is enormous ... The problem is that a country needs renewal, youth needs, children need ... if not, we focus to disaster.

What are the everyday concerns of people in Santiago de Cuba, the parishioners who come to your parish?

The first concern is to eat many times you can eat in the day. About three times, by the way, is not easy. People try to survive. At this time adding a very big concern, that is if they become unemployed or not, who will be working in the family. Because Cuba has survived because the family is very supportive, that is, you share what you have and if you work an eat all. The other key issue is the hopelessness, see no way out, not to see a change, not to see that will be better, but rather, the perception is that we are going to worse to worse, worse ... There is no reverse, not forward.

An underlying concern is that popular discontent may lead to public explosion with a violent outcome. Is it avoidable violence in Cuba?

do not think anyone sensible, one moderately warm, may want a violent outcome in Cuba. In every sense is a failure of spirit and heart of the nation and would be dire consequences. That nobody wants, certainly. But while I say that there are many ways of killing and dying, and unreservedly extend a situation that has resulted in the death of the human spirit, the death of human values, that is also a terrible war. And from the ethical point of view is a very serious situation. Of course, not only from the ethical point of view, is also from the standpoint of economic, social, cultural ... Nothing is left out of this situation and must be sought out, you have to find a solution. I am a man who believes in God and know that God never puts their child in a situation that has no outlet. There is an exit, but we must use all means in terms of finding it.

Signs of hope The things that are going into Cuban society, what are the signs that you find most challenging?

movement is an alternative bloggers unstoppable process. That was started and will continue. I have met many times with them, I have a deep relationship of friendship with many of them. They are really wonderful people, a sympathy, a lively intelligence, of inner freedom, a spirit of brotherhood between them. And much humor, certainly. You know the worst thing you can be in Cuba is weighed. And these people are very light in the sense of sympathy and also very deep, because it keeps people thinking and a serious dialogue about the situation that exists. I would say that this is the hot new Cuban situation, which coincides with a parallel movement among intellectuals, with very informed and sharp criticism. I always sample the latest novel by Leonardo Padura, The man who loved dogs. I have not seen before in Cuba as strong a book written by a Cuban living on the island. It is a fierce critique of totalitarianism, taken with nuances, angles very subtle, very deep, very real. I think these are clear signs of hope. In the Bible there is a fragment of one of the prophets who asks: "Can not you see emerging as the buds that are beginning to emerge of new branches? Can not you see? ". That quote reminds me of the current situation in Cuba. There is much pessimism, there are very tired, because there is pent-up resentment that gets it done, but at the same time one sees an inner freedom, freedom of thought, a boldness and an ethical commitment in many people ... To me that feeds me spiritually and give much hope.

Of all the priests who live and preach in Cuba, you are who maintains continuous dialogue and presence more systematic among the exiles. What are the reasons for this special line with exile?

The theme of exile is like an open wound. I have the gaping wound from which I became aware of the strong sense of identity that existed among the Cubans who had left Cuba. When a person came from Cuba, for us that we stayed there, it was as if that person had died. Psychologically, when my cousin went to Cuba I even stopped thinking about them, because the trauma of thinking about them, the pain we could not see, that we could hardly communicate ... as an erased that part of history , dozed that part of the heart. When I met exiled my family through and through, I have to say, Maria Cristina Herrera, was really a kind of glare. The reunion with my family, see what had been the love, it was like to reconnect with half of myself. Then from there I have thought long and hard.

A huge injustice What conclusions reached? How will these emotional wounds finally closed?

I think the Cuban government makes a huge injustice in taking away the country, because you have to say, no other way, people who left. Their treatment of the Cubans que están en el exterior, el hecho de que no pudieran regresar por tantos años, que cuando pudieron regresar fue con tantas restricciones, con esa necesidad de una visa, como si no fueran cubanos, y que se les haya negado el derecho a ser parte de lo que es de ellos y de lo que ellos forman parte, que es la patria. Porque a diferencia de otros tantos inmigrantes, los exiliados cubanos llevan a Cuba en el corazón, les duele Cuba. Y para mí una de la cosas que la Iglesia Católica tendría que hacer ya es establecer puentes, propiciar que el exilio se sienta parte de la Iglesia, que esos vínculos se renueven a un nivel profundo, sobre todo el exilio católico con relación a la Iglesia Católica. Por por una cuestión de justice and duty, we are having to it. I tell people in my parish in Santiago de Cuba that I have two parishes: a small, St. Therese of Lisieux, and large, that is exile. How

exile could help in this crucial moment in Cuba?

The first aid is solidarity in prayer. Perhaps I should say that the exile should reflect and rethink what are the best ways to influence the situation in Cuba, because they often support policies and attitudes remain that have not been successful. I do not know whether we should think about opening the prospects and have more imagination. The other thing, no doubt, is support for family members left in Cuba. Would also be important in the fourth centenary of the Virgin of Charity, the church called spiritual renewal. Whenever there is talk that Cuba is very bad. But one thing is certain: all humans need conversion. Many times in our lives there are things not going well, that make us less human, selfish, that set us apart from others, we withdraw into ourselves that separate us from God and the path of God. This conversion of individuals, families and communities Cuban toward God and spiritual renewal should be a program of the Catholic Church.

for its social and his controversial statements, you remain a thorn in the government often uncomfortable and sometimes, the Catholic hierarchy. Is the Father José Conrado prepared for an assignment forced out of Cuba?

For nothing. And I passed that course and I do not think the course again, because I got good grades. I was two and a half out of my country and my church, between 1996 and 1998. I did it out of respect for my Bishop [Archbishop Pedro Meurice], who asked me, and I am a man of the Church, I am an obedient man, but he was given. And, also because I feel that God calls me to stand with my people and my place is in Cuba. Whatever happens, there. I do not know what will happen to me, but I'll be there. That makes no turning back, and others, my mom is 85, lives in Santiago de Cuba and is blind. I will not leave my mother behind I will not get the adventure of a life in another country because she stayed in Cuba for me. So how am going to go and leave? In addition to this rationale, are the thousands of church grounds, patriotic, ethical, demanding that I stay next to my village when my people suffer. I'm not going to leave. The shepherd does not abandon the sheep. **********************


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