no longer funny that one of the main findings in this whole debate held disproportionate and surreal about the so-called 'Law Sinde' is the Internet that has invalidated the copyright. Rather, it is not entitled to receive any payment for the dissemination of their work. And I say funny because the author usually receives the least of that pie, but of course, if we sell a law to "defend creators' and they put the face sometimes with arguments that seem the very definition of" elephant in china shop " "If we thought that the SGAE is awkward, there are the filmmakers," the logical consequence is to override everything request. Frankly, I can understand that there are people who download movies and music, books, comics Internet without paying a penny and yet not want to be called a thief and make up arguments to justify superretorcidos. I also do, I prefer to say yes, that 'theft' because the pasta because the culture is expensive and there is no human way to make ends meet and I have thousands of ways to access that content. But what I do is a crime under English law. I do not even cut it-the internet for all that could control is my ADSL operator, which the SGAE not charge a fee. So true: I am a cynic. Not a freedom fighter masquerading as Guy Fawkes at the door of the show of the Goya or threaten to boycott press conferences, the latter would be nice if they did, maybe they learned something about journalism and stopped reading so many nonsense-but do not move legislate ass when other things that affect them probably more than the closing Seriesyonkis. That's the kind of people that when someone says things like I say here will call for boycott and call him "parasite." "Dude, want to charge me for reading your book?" "No, I is not looking hard for something that I have carefully worked as the owner of the page you downloaded you earn dough on advertising and, especially, Phone / Vodafone / Orange / Jazztel te clavan cuarenta napos al mes para que puedas hacerlo”. Un momento. Hace unas líneas he dicho que yo también lo hago. También he dicho que soy cínico, no que sea hipócrita. Ni que no me aproveche de esta situación. Lo que pasa es que cuando ves a gente que paga la cuota mensual de Megavideo antes que una entrada de cine y a aspirantes a artistas aceptan que la obra artística en sí no merece una retribución por el tiempo y esfuerzo que le has dedicado, en lugar de la necesaria e inevitable reconversión de la industria cultural a nivel mundial lo que veo es un completo callejón sin salida. Explicar lo que cuesta en inversión rodar una peli o grabar un disco es una pérdida de tiempo, así que me centro en el For writers, that's what touches me more closely. Because writing does not cost a dime. Edit, publish and distribute paper library itself, which explains for example that I take 0.73 euros for each copy of my book, which sells at 12. And I do not fucking grace, we will not cheat, but the editor put pasta on the roll, not me. Still, I have other options, options on paper does not stop at all the 'Law Sinde'-and my choice is to take a chance with them. But not an imposition by people who believe that "quality" of a writer is relative and depends only on the money you earn, so if no one wins pasta are all the same level and playing in the same league. And even if you mount a crowfunding or someone pays your self-published book, you better because you convince people that you pay for your own charism for me that is the same as others do, but with a patina of concealing the outsider mediocrity, but good. And there we go. That, that the rock is looking for life, I do not have to be thinking a lot about that, and I'm nobody, after all. But this is my blog and that my right to ejaculate tirades unrelated. I've read other much worse out there.
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