Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Make A Solar Panel With A Pringles Can

Cuba: "Three generations of exiles, banished About Víctor Rolando Arroyo Carmona and Regis Iglesias and their families in Spain


blogger Victor and was a militant opponent organizations when he attended the Center for Civic and Religious of the Diocese of Pinar del Rio, no opposition was made after attending the courses valuable that this center was offering, which was Rector Monsignor Bishop José Siro González Bacallao. Arroyo first belonged to the opposition group · Maximum Gómez ¨ ° Forum and later founded the Reform ¨.

Michelangelo is the greatest and Rain, no Raindeer, is the youngest son of Elsa. Rainer is a diabetic since I was a teenager.


Cuba: "Three generations of exiles" Víctor Rolando

lived in Cuba in a cell of 4 square meters. Now new life with his wife, daughter and grandson in Madrid

Photo: Jaime Garcia
- Diego Alejandro, four months into the arms of his mother, Nairelys, who came to Spain pregnant when her father freed

CARMEN MUÑOZ Liberpress-Journal -13/03/2011 - Shortly after arriving in Spain after leaving jail, Víctor Rolando was "shocked" to see the Puerta del Sol how a group of people "Safe protesting" against the Castro regime. Still incredulous television shows when "the Zapatero government brutality answers without criticism of the opposition." Proven integrity and courage to his countrymen, Víctor Rolando Arroyo, a former prisoner of conscience, a graduate in Geography, born in Pinar del Rio 60 years ago, was jailed three times for dissent from the dictatorship. La última entre la Primavera Negra de 2003 y el 7 de septiembre de 2010, fecha en que aterrizó en España después del compromiso de Raúl Castro de excarcelar a los 52 presos políticos de esa oleada represiva —los últimos del «Grupo de los 75»—, en un diálogo inédito con la Iglesia católica cubana que acompaña el Gobierno español. La condición del menor de los dictadores fue cambiar la celda por el exilio forzado. La mala salud de varios familiares, gran parte secuela del hostigamiento del régimen comunista, pesó a la hora de tomar la decisión.

Un artículo crítico sobre el método del cultivo del tabaco le costó por primera vez la cárcel in 1996. Nine of the eighteen months in a punishment cell five feet by three feet with two dangerous common criminals. The second was in 2000, when he participated in the campaign "Millennium Three Kings", an initiative launched from Miami to the island to recover that tradition. In addition to losing freedom again, they confiscated the 400 toys he had bought in official shops with money sent for this purpose from the United States.

Former prisoner of conscience elaborated regional projects for the Institute of Physical Planning of Pinar del Rio where he began to disagree with bosses who failed to meet plans. Arroyo, who is a practicing Catholic, began to attend the Center for Civic and Religious who led the dissident Dagoberto Valdés. Then he joined opposition groups, a promoter of the Varela Project, Oswaldo Payá, and works as a librarian and freelance journalist.

After seven years in prison, including beatings and hunger strikes, including, tries to recover the time stolen from the family in Spain. Víctor Rolando Arroyo arrived in Madrid with his wife, Elsa González Padrón, BA in History, a teacher and member of the Ladies in White. Also his daughter Nairelys-then eight months pregnant and this group of women prisoners, and his family: George, her husband, the state telephone installer Etecsa, and his son Jorge Javier, two years. Cuban dissident living with two children from his first marriage to Elsa, Michelangelo and Raindeer, 20 and 24, respectively.

A bright flat in Móstoles

Hostal Welcome, Vallecas, was the first address of the Arroyo in Spain. After the birth of Diego Alejandro, 8 November at the Hospital Gregorio Marañón, lived three months in Sigüenza. Always with the assistance of NGOs Red Cross, CEAR or Accem, that channel aid the English Government. Until the March 1 move to a four-bedroom bright flat Móstoles, by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. "These apartments in Cuba only has the regime's elite," he confesses quietly Víctor Rolando. Elsa thinks the same about the microwave oven and have in the kitchen where they prepare the "rice moro" (with beans) and other Cuban dishes to try eating at the same time as they would in their country. Cuban family received from the English Government, through NGOs, 740 euros for rental housing and 580 euros for food and household expenses. Tracked

medical problems, Victor Rolando concerned about their legal status, employment and academic

While waiting for the answer to your request political asylum, Cuban dissident has created a routine that involves working with the Cuban Human Rights Observatory, studying, reading, walking, welcome the growing Cuban community and visit his daughter, also a neighbor of Móstoles. Since July, have come to Spain 68 Cuban prisoners, 40 of the "Group of 75", although a minority has been moved to the U.S. and a significant group plans to do the same. Arroyo expressed her desire to remain in Spain.

This week, Nairelys has served 28 years. His house is a couple of metro stops from the Elsa and Victor Rolando, you have a gift in a bag (shopping bag for Cubans) of a hypermarket. Housing is somewhat smaller and darker. But they are happy with their two babies and a few Cuban friends who just prepare marinated fish. Celebrate with wine. Jorge Nairelys and have taken up permanent subsidiary protection, which entitles them to a residence permit and work. But the young Cuban says he does not find work, that several telephone companies have said that "their extra installers." They are aware that have landed in Spain in the worst, with more than four million unemployed. Once on track

medical problems, Victor Rolando concerned about their legal status, academic work and the recognition of qualifications. Know English official aid can not be eternal. "We are in a legal and emotional limbo, we have no assurance of anything," he laments. Former political prisoner says that "three months ago he should have received a response to the request for political asylum by the special procedure, as we suggested the same English authorities that it could handle."

However, English officials said on ABC that the asylum law provides that the deadline for responding is extended six months. In late March, the interministerial committee meets and is expected, according to the sources, granted political asylum to a "significant number" de ex presos políticos cubanos. Los portavoces del Ministerio de Exteriores consultados rechazan que se hallen en un «limbo legal», porque «o bien tienen el estatuto de solicitante de asilo o la protección subsidiaria permanente».

Los jóvenes Rainder y Miguel Ángel se sienten «inseguros» en España, reconoce Elsa, su madre. Sin trabajo y sin poder continuar sus estudios mientras La Habana no cumpla su compromiso de enviar los títulos y expedientes académicos. Otra piedra en el camino para integrarse en la sociedad española. «No pedimos privilegios, sino mayor sensibilidad y comunicación por parte del Gobierno español, que cumplan sus compromisos y le pida President Raul Castro to do it, gives the impression that it has done for us but to help the Cuban regime to clean up its image before the European Union, "concluded Víctor Rolando Arroyo.

To see video of the interview click HERE


"In Spain we do not come by boat"

When his father was a correspondent for Prensa Latina in Japan, Regis Iglesias, then a teenager, he realized that "capitalism was not as we are painted in Cuba. " Rolling Stones fan, soundman was in a state enterprise in 1991 when he was expelled from his political work. Two years earlier, this grandson of Galician born 41 years ago in the Havana neighborhood of Lawton had joined the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL). Also working with independent media.
During the 2003 crackdown was sentenced to 18 years in prison. After last spring dialogue between Raul Castro and Cardinal Jaime Ortega, Regis initially refused to accept the condition of exile in Spain if he wanted his release. Remember that behind bars "dreamed of the time of salida para trabajar en Cuba por la transición». Pero sus dos hijas, de 23 y 21 años, se sintieron defraudadas y «me pidieron que diera ese paso para reunirnos». «Llevo 22 años de actividad política, mis hijas crecieron entre privaciones y persecuciones, no solo han sufrido los siete años de prisión», explica el portavoz del MCL en España.
El ex prisionero de conciencia, que llegó a España el pasado 17 de agosto, agradece la ayuda que reciben del Gobierno, «hay muchos españoles que no tienen esto». Pero está inquieto porque esa ayuda en teoría se acaba en un año y porque los cursos que les ofrecen las ONG «son buenos para la vida laboral en España, but not for political or intellectual training. Cuba needs better prepared tables and I want to be useful for transition and democracy. "
also concerned administrative silence to his request for political asylum. "Not having a legal status defined, is difficult to travel outside of Spain to bring the message about the situation in Cuba." "We did not come in a boat, took us out of prison to lead us by our political work, we are still in prison. And we will maintain the cause of freedom in Cuba. " Unlike many former political prisoners in Spain, Regis Iglesias says he has not begun the process to move United States. "I stay in Spain, the next time you cross the Atlantic will be to travel to Cuba, I'm not going to Brussels or to not interrupt the proceedings of political asylum."

No transcripts

Park Regis lives in Coimbra (Móstoles) with the mother of his daughters and the youngest of them, that Cuba had a bachelor's degree in economics technical school and wants to study biology. At most, who lives in Valencia, is missing a half to finish a degree in graphic design. But to go to college in Spain without his academic record. Churches asked the English Government claims to Havana those documents. "Cardinal Ortega said that Raul Castro promised to deliver the securities to the English authorities."

During the recent presentation in Madrid of "A very special album, published to raise funds for these Cuban exiles, Regis Iglesias complained about the lack of direct dialogue with the Government. However, foreign spokespersons pointed to ABC that communication is "fluid" and that the government "is behind the daily management of the NGO" with former prisoners of conscience.


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