By Alfredo M. Cepero
Director of
Prayer Lord, you who know what to defend
suffered a beautiful ideal.
May the memory of his virtues, his firmness
and the exact nature of their duties
an example to us all.
Fundación José Antonio Echeverría.
Today March 13th, the commemoration of the fifty-fourth anniversary of the death in combat of student leader José Antonio Echeverría Bianchi. José Antonio Echeverría Foundation, headed by woman relentless is his sister Lucy Rodriguez Echeverria, organized a memorial Mass that was attended and took place at three in the afternoon at Saint Raymond's Catholic Church located at 3475 SW 17 Avenue in Miami.
It is, therefore, timely to do at least a brief overview of his life was short in time but so full of heroism and devotion to the best values \u200b\u200bof our nation that continues to illuminate our long journey back to freedom and democracy. José Antonio was born on July 16, 1932 in a gigantic house of colonial style door, located on the street jenes No. 242, between Colonel Verdugo and Calzada, in the landmark City Cárdenas. The city chosen by General Narciso López to toss for the first time on Cuban soil of the Lone Star flag on May 19, 1850, and in the future be known as Flag City.
His parents, Antonio and Concepción González Echeverría Tristá Bianchi, Catholic devotion and practice, instilled in children a strong sense of compassion and justice. From this base grew leader who, years later, would rebel against the dictatorship that oppresses its people without harboring feelings of personal animosity. As we once told her sister Lucy: "José Antonio had opponents but had no enemies."
José Antonio learned his first letters in the Colegio Champagnat Marist Brothers, and graduated Bachelor of Science and Arts in the Secondary School of Cardenas. Young was a happy, talkative and sportsman, but from a very early age he showed a great commitment to the defense of freedom and justice. Unfinished
secondary education at the Institute of Cárdenas, José Antonio and faced the then education minister who tried to implement a policy of repression against students. In 1950 he enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Havana and in his first year he was elected president of his course. From that moment began his brief but fruitful work not only as an architect by profession but as Architect of Hope and Freedom for many generations of Cubans.
In 1954, first occupied the presidency of the University Student Federation, was reelected in charge on two other occasions. With the increase of government repression of student and union leaders, José Antonio founded with others the Revolutionary Directorate in November 1955, which would be unanimously elected its Secretary General. During that time occupied important positions in the international student movement and spoke before student forums in Ceylon and Chile the people's struggle of Cuba for their freedom.
signed in Mexico in 1956 as a representative of the University Association agreement with Fidel Castro to join forces in the fight against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. This agreement is known as the Charter of Mexico. However, José Antonio had no illusions. I was aware of the designs of the future totalitarian tyrant. But I also knew that nothing could be done to prevent the invasion that Castro and preparing for the end of this year and hoped that the people of Cuba know elect rulers after the fall of the dictatorship.
Unfortunately and luckily for the tyrant, José Antonio was shot to death on March 13, 1957 being el camino abierto para esta pesadilla de 52 años. Los sobrevivientes sólo podemos especular cual habría sido el rumbo de la revolución cubana si José Antonio hubiera sobrevivido. Pero con especulaciones o sin ellas tenemos un compromiso sagrado: Luchar por la Cuba democrática, soberana, libre y justa por la que ofrendó su vida aquel jóven puro, idealista y generoso a quién aún le faltaban cuatro meses para cumplir los 25 años. Un joven, cuyo ejemplo de patriotismo y entrega lo convierten en un héroe para todos los tiempos.
VISITENOS: A los efectos de tener acceso a comentarios como el que usted acaba de leer y a otros temas y noticias de actualidad internacional lo invitamos a que visite :
By Alfredo M. Cepero
Director of
Prayer Lord, you who know what to defend
suffered a beautiful ideal.
May the memory of his virtues, his firmness
and the exact nature of their duties
an example to us all.
Fundación José Antonio Echeverría.

It is, therefore, timely to do at least a brief overview of his life was short in time but so full of heroism and devotion to the best values \u200b\u200bof our nation that continues to illuminate our long journey back to freedom and democracy. José Antonio was born on July 16, 1932 in a gigantic house of colonial style door, located on the street jenes No. 242, between Colonel Verdugo and Calzada, in the landmark City Cárdenas. The city chosen by General Narciso López to toss for the first time on Cuban soil of the Lone Star flag on May 19, 1850, and in the future be known as Flag City.
His parents, Antonio and Concepción González Echeverría Tristá Bianchi, Catholic devotion and practice, instilled in children a strong sense of compassion and justice. From this base grew leader who, years later, would rebel against the dictatorship that oppresses its people without harboring feelings of personal animosity. As we once told her sister Lucy: "José Antonio had opponents but had no enemies."
José Antonio learned his first letters in the Colegio Champagnat Marist Brothers, and graduated Bachelor of Science and Arts in the Secondary School of Cardenas. Young was a happy, talkative and sportsman, but from a very early age he showed a great commitment to the defense of freedom and justice. Unfinished
secondary education at the Institute of Cárdenas, José Antonio and faced the then education minister who tried to implement a policy of repression against students. In 1950 he enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Havana and in his first year he was elected president of his course. From that moment began his brief but fruitful work not only as an architect by profession but as Architect of Hope and Freedom for many generations of Cubans.
In 1954, first occupied the presidency of the University Student Federation, was reelected in charge on two other occasions. With the increase of government repression of student and union leaders, José Antonio founded with others the Revolutionary Directorate in November 1955, which would be unanimously elected its Secretary General. During that time occupied important positions in the international student movement and spoke before student forums in Ceylon and Chile the people's struggle of Cuba for their freedom.
signed in Mexico in 1956 as a representative of the University Association agreement with Fidel Castro to join forces in the fight against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. This agreement is known as the Charter of Mexico. However, José Antonio had no illusions. I was aware of the designs of the future totalitarian tyrant. But I also knew that nothing could be done to prevent the invasion that Castro and preparing for the end of this year and hoped that the people of Cuba know elect rulers after the fall of the dictatorship.
Unfortunately and luckily for the tyrant, José Antonio was shot to death on March 13, 1957 being el camino abierto para esta pesadilla de 52 años. Los sobrevivientes sólo podemos especular cual habría sido el rumbo de la revolución cubana si José Antonio hubiera sobrevivido. Pero con especulaciones o sin ellas tenemos un compromiso sagrado: Luchar por la Cuba democrática, soberana, libre y justa por la que ofrendó su vida aquel jóven puro, idealista y generoso a quién aún le faltaban cuatro meses para cumplir los 25 años. Un joven, cuyo ejemplo de patriotismo y entrega lo convierten en un héroe para todos los tiempos.
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