Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The atmosphere in the house of the Vestal was somber when a messenger arrived from Amulius: the Vestal Maxima should go immediately to the lodge real, because he would meet the Council. Camilia's brow frown. Aware Amulius maneuvers to use in your favor irritation in the streets, I knew the call of the Council tried to force the resignation of Aurelia. And what was worse, did not see how to prevent it.

This was their last concern, since shortly before the sisters received Amnesis Elecampane and very restless. They had found Rhea Silvia in the forest of Silana, as expected, and feared by some evidence, which had returned to Alba Longa followed by the henchmen of Amuli. Camilia the had calmed down. Suited out to look right away, hide in his house when give her and send a message with great discretion. House of the Vestal could be monitored.

- Adriana, go with one of our servants to the market and buy a pig. If Aurelia resignation, it is necessary to take the wishes and need - Camilla said the vestal -. Take care also to alert the augur Appius. To come to the real cabin door and wait to be called.

The Vestal Maximum covered her head with her veil and went out. The streets were crowded with the public, the concern was evident. Many streets to see her arrive and it their way, but there was no smile or kindness in their faces. Neither she smiled: he regretted very much not being able to fulfill the promise to protect Rhea Silvia and now his friend and Queen Aurelia would be more helpless than ever.

Ten Council members were already living in the real cabin when he Camilia. Stood up, greeted her with a nod and she gave them back the same way the greeting. Queen Aurelia was located in the center of the semicircle formed by the directors with his brother sitting Amulius on his right. Despite the gloom, the queen's face bore the signs of suffering. Turned off the light dark circles under his eyes always lively and his complexion paled with clenched jaws. Camilla sat to the left of the queen.

- Madam, this is a very painful moment for us all - said the director standing up older, white haired man -. The loss that has been home he has done well to Alba Longa, for your son should succeed to the throne to your husband Numitor. It was a great warrior and a beloved youth. We mourn with you.

- Así es, reina Aurelia – intervino un segundo consejero, más joven, cuando el anciano se sentó –. Tu hijo hubiera sido un buen rey, pues había recibido de sus progenitores las enseñanzas y el ejemplo necesarios para serlo. Apelamos a tu buen sentido y tu responsabilidad, tantas veces demostradas, para que renuncies al trono.

Hizo una pausa en su discurso mientras paseaba la vista por el rostro de la reina y los consejeros. Amulio miraba al suelo.

- Ignoramos de dónde ha venido ese ataque cruel – prosiguió –, y podría preceder a otro más extenso contra toda la ciudad. Is beginning the season of war and many cities aspire to take over ours. We must prepare our military and put the face who can direct.

- Nobody has declared war - said the queen - nor have I ever heard that attacked a village to another without complying with the ritual, asking the blessing of the gods or warning. This was a surprise attack and vile. Treason does not usually come from outside.

- With more reason, then, we must act, because we face a new and unknown danger - stressed the Minister, but nobody had missed the last sentence of the queen.

A slight Amulius signal, one of the servants who were standing at the back of the room was passed cation, who slipped in quietly and stood next to the wall so the queen looked good. Aurelia fully understood the threat of his brother-blame to her and did not insist on the grounds of treason. It began a tense debate.

light coming through the ventilation hole open under the ridge beam was moving slowly the walls of the cabin to move the afternoon and fading. The discussion dragged on, some Directors called for the return of Numitor wait, while others called for the resignation of Aurelia. The arguments of each other revolved obsessively around the hazard and the demand by the Albanians themselves to assemble an army, until Amulius broke the deadlock.

- Had you said this morning, Queen Aurelia, fearing for your husband's poor health and how it might affect this misfortune, renounce the throne in his name - said Amulius -. He said the Vestal Maxima front of me. I do not understand your attitude now. Has anything changed since then?

- I said I would if my daughter were here with me.

- Where is your daughter? - Asked quickly the second counselor.

- I do not know - Aurelia said slowly. And he was conscious of having fallen into a trap.

- Do not know where ... - said the Minister - And do not fear for his life?

- I fear for it, yeah. It's a girl.

- And while your daughter in danger, do you refuse to put a king in front of the warriors who also seek and defend the right away? With all due respect, ma'am, the pain has altered the trial. Neither King nor any mother Numitor this city approve your behavior - the Minister concluded triumphantly. Other directors

stunned. Nor did they understood why they were discussing whether the queen was ready to resign. Without a doubt, something happened to the wise woman. Raged arguments to convince her now from all the directors.

- The population will turn against you, Aurelia if, for your stubbornness, his children are attacked by surprise and die - concluded the Minister oldest -. In addition, you'll want to find out who the murderers of your family. The longer we delay, the more benefits we give to them.

- Who are the murderers, you say? - Asked bitterly Aurelia - If I were in my power, and would have punished.

- Well, give us the tool to make them pay for their crime: the loss of your brother please Amulius and everything will work out.

- Be as you ask - Aurelia gave in, realizing that the battle was lost. His attempt to win back Numitor time if failed. But all was not lost: trust the Vestal Maxima and their ability to protect Rhea Silvia. At least his daughter would be safe now and that was most important to her.

- Prepare necessary to formalize the resignation - he said, as she stood with dignity.

Two friends announce the writing of this novel on your blog m ª Antonia Moreno and la dame masquée . Thank you both, your help is much appreciated.


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