Understanding Mildot Reticle
TASK IS NOT BUT OSCAR ELIAS BISCET WE ALL Caudillismo is an evil that unfortunately we as a people rid. Biscet is an undisputed leader of the Cuban opposition, but it is not unique and is a human being who, like all human beings make mistakes and successes.
In a teleconference with people in the Miami Dade College presented courageous approaches to the Castro, but, in my opinion, was not very lucid when assessed the role of the Catholic Church (actually part of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church Cuban) in the mediation ¨ ¨ alleged tyranny, when in fact that part of the Church was in support of the dictatorship out of the extremely complicated situation that was at the international level due to the need for international financial funds, shares internal opposition, the assassination of Orlando Zapata, the brutal repression of the Damas de Blanco and especially to Support Women in solidarity with them. I am of the opinion that a transition must be present the Catholic Church and other denominations, but its most respected and credible, as are the Bishop Emeritus of Pinar del Rio Bishop José Siro González Bacallao, Father Conrad, Archbishop Pedro Meurice, the layman Dagoberto Valdés, etc. .. Keep in mind that Biscet was unable to be adequately informed about the mediation ¨ ¨ and other events to be in prison in a country where the misinformation is breakfast, lunch and dinner every Cuban.
6:20 From the minute you hear the above assessment of Biscet
Part 4
****************** NO TASK BISCET IS BUT ALL OF U.S..
Alfredo M. Cepero
The news of the release of Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet moved all freedom-loving Cubans from Havana to Madrid and Miami to Santiago de Cuba. And beyond us, joy and hope reigned together in the minds and hearts of men and women around the world recognize this man as a leader in the defense of the life of the unborn and human rights in general.
a couple of days ago, I had the privilege and satisfaction of holding a telephone conversation with a friend who does not know in person but with whom I share many ideas on ways able to lead Cuba to a plethora of opportunities for all children. It was a frank, firm and direct that confirmed the ability of Biscet to be instrumental in the healing of our national ills.
During the same Biscet told me about his immediate plans with these words: "Now comes a process of physical recovery and catch up on world events to successfully face the challenges of helping to lead the people of Cuba to prosperity, happiness and harmony. "
As I write these lines not only share many of the ideas of Biscet but experience the joy expressed by the people to release that I'm bound by love and longing despite a half century of absence. I would scream their lungs that freedom of Biscet is the preamble to the impending release of Cuba. I would say to the champion of our freedom that is Biscet has already fulfilled its mission. But the experience of many years of fruitless struggle against the vicious tyranny that oppresses us and our history full of confrontations and conflicts
since the beginning of the Republic made me take a more cautious and moderate part of my optimism. Let me explain.
(Oscar Elias Biscet and his wife. Photo added by this blogger)
Like so many other brave men who have been martyred, harassment or imprisonment along this long struggle this man made his entrance into public life political vocation but patriotic imperative. With the release ended for heroic stage Biscet who risked their lives to denounce oppression. Now begins a time of great challenges, the more dangerous and more frustration.
has nothing less than to heal wounds and encourage hopes of a people flock become evil and cynicism of a satanic system. And that therapy is not taught in medical school. Innovative treatments will have to improvise and sometimes even act on instinct. And it is very likely that your prize is the one predicted Martí Máximo Gómez when he called the war of 95: "The pleasure of sacrifice probable and ingratitude of men. "
Many will be asked to do the miracle of the elusive unity that we have failed in the fight for our freedom and who multiplied loaves and fishes or convert water into wine to renew the vows of what was once our abused and starved democracy. Some have come by these days to launch his presidential candidacy and to have proposed his name to baptize one of the main streets of Havana.
The same mix of kitsch and adulation he has prostituted to so many of our leaders. We ascribe divine powers, and to encourage them, the God-like. The motivations are diverse. A seeking patronage and sinecures. Some are lurking to accumulate political capital by destructive criticism of their actions. Others, the majority refuse to accept their responsibility as citizens in the health of our democracy. No wonder our country has a well-earned reputation for political indifference and destroy their leaders either by flattery or jealousy .
I, on the other hand, very few are as qualified as Biscet by character, principles and behaviors to get to Cuba without the abyss of hatred, violence and poverty that he had lived for half a century. But neither is eternal Biscet and his presence on the political scene will be permanent. If Cubans we want a stable nation that will withstand the vagaries and human weaknesses of our leaders have to break the chain of dependence of our political leaders. We need to be aware that the proper functioning of democracy depends on the periodic replacement of rulers. Without that substitution, democracy becomes a farce which leads to overlapping dictatorships such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua .
And back to our chain of misfortunes, there are as ominous reminders of our error three links represented by Machado, Batista and Castro. Gerardo Machado was an exemplary and constructive work of government in his first presidential term from 1925 to 1929. But they covered their acolytes're saddled with adulation and ridicule qualifier of "egregious." When the president acted on one occasion to ask what time it was some of his aides, the character came to the extreme submission to answer the "general you want." The result was a Machado arrogant and disconnected from public opinion that was imposed on the force for a second term and led the 1933 revolution, which in turn gave birth to the dictator Fulgencio Batista.
Fulgencio Batista was not only good government between 1940 and 1944 but presided over honest elections and handed power to the victorious opposition candidate had been proposed by the Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Authentic) Dr. Ramón Grau San Martín. But the greed and arrogance led him to give the final blow to our democracy to the coup of March 10, 1952, just three months before an election scheduled for June and the first results of which we believe would have been respected by President Carlos Prio. His supporters coined the slogan "This is the man," as if all the other Cubans we had been a eunuch. The result was a civil war that brought us the monster of Fidel Castro.
Regarding the latter, there are no adjectives to describe their wickedness. It was the largest repository of current of faith and hope that any ruler has ever inspired in the course of the history of our unfortunate nation. Insult to one of our most noble brutes calling it "the horse," I said "this is your home" and we proclaim the suicidal madness to the four winds: "If Fidel is a communist who put me on the list." And the list of acts of barbarism could fill an encyclopedia.
In conclusion, if we want our children and our children's children can live in freedom and prosperity in our homeland, not killed by bullets to the firing squads that do not suffer captivity and torture in filthy jails them from wandering orphans in foreign lands home we must take the responsibility to promote and preserve the democratic republic bequeathed to us by our liberators. And that task is not only Biscet but all of us.
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