
Kritubis se asomó a la puerta de su cabaña y vio alejarse en dirección a la ciudad a las dos mujeres que le habían pedido agua. Miró la posición del sol. Si se daba prisa, le daría tiempo de ir a Alba Longa y regresar antes dark. Who is the girl who had brought her maid Palantea the cabin? Had seen while secretly changed clothes in the back. And it had seemed very suspicious that were filed shortly after unidentified men rude and obnoxious, asking for a girl. He did not like.

- To you I appeal, as a man of proven virtue - said just before the old priest was -. My king, who has received sick in the sanctuary is in grave danger. I need your help.
- Watch quiet - said the priest - because I'll do as you ask. I've known for years Numitor and I feel great respect for him. The gods want to help him at this critical time and extend protection to his family.

- Muy diferente de esta mañana, creo yo – respondió la pastorcilla –. De todos modos, es mejor que no hables con nadie y mantengas la cabeza gacha. Ven detrás de mí sin separarte. Cuando quieras que me pare agárrame de la túnica y, si has de decirme algo, que sea en voz baja o al oído.
Rea Silvia asintió con la cabeza, pero no se movió.
- No tenemos mucho tiempo, sobre todo si hemos de volver a mi cabaña a dormir – y con estas palabras, Palantea echó a andar.
- Yes, yes, there are assembled the Council, the Vestal Maxima, everyone ... - they heard.
- ... we can not go on like this - a man angrily protested a group on his left -. However women are queens that would resolve issues of concern to men!
- A catastrophe is true. But Queen Aurelia does not deserve this treatment. Poor woman, as if he had not suffered enough! - Said a young woman in a group of women.
grabbed Palantea tunic. She turned and saw a glance as she asked. They approached the women and the shepherdess, standing beside one of them asked him what happened. The woman looked at them.
- Have not you heard? I see you come of the field - said -. A great misfortune. They have attacked the hut of the king and killed his son and his family. Of those who were there only saved the queen.
- And his daughter, who say they have managed to flee - otherwise intervened.
- Yes, but it is also rumored that the murderers are looking for ...
Rea Silvia Palantea felt the hand of his grip and tighten. His vision was dark and his head was spinning. Was carried away by the extraordinary power of the shepherdess, holding her waist, pulled her and moved with great determination among the people. At last her down and support the shoulder against the wall while she sat back to the audience to protect it from prying eyes. Pigs surrounded them.
- I would go with my mother, I go with my mother ... - quietly repeated -. Rhea Silvia It will be very lonely.

- Tienes razón, sí. Ayúdame a encontrar refugio.
- Claro que te voy a ayudar. Iremos a donde quieras. Pero ante todo debes tranquilizarte porque de lo contrario llamarás la atención y alguien puede reconocerte.
- Me tranquilizo, sí, ya estoy más tranquila. Ay ¿adónde iré? – y tras unos instantes durante los cuales las lágrimas le rodaban como un torrente por las mejillas, tuvo una idea –. La casa de mi tío Amulio está aquí nearby. Come quick, come here. I'll be safe with him and I can meet my mother.
With Joanna to announce this initiative in his blog.
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