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The case of Polish posters
By Luis Cino Alvarez March 22, 2011
HAVANA, Cuba, March (www.cubanet.org) - In the Lies well paid, from the series The reasons for Cuba, for dressing the uncovering of another mole of State Security, the agent Robin, and document "the complicity of European diplomats in dark plots against the Cuban government hatched by the CIA, "take hold nothing less than an exhibition of Polish posters held in the cities of Pinar del Rio and Havana in early 2000.
The exhibition, funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, brought to Cuba 40 posters from the Museum of Wilanow, made between 1944 and 1998.
were chosen for the exhibition highlights the posters. Inevitably reflected in Polish history that crucial period when the country passed by the Nazis, the Stalinist terror, the "people's democracy" to Soviet-style the struggles of Solidarity, martial law and democratic transition.
was a factual, comprehensive and balanced. The posters, the realismo socialista al pop art, pasando por el kitsh publicitario, hablaban por sí solos. Carteles de propaganda política sobre los planes quinquenales, la alianza obrero-campesina, los desfiles del primero de mayo, la fidelidad a la Unión Soviética, los aniversarios de la creación del POUP (Partido Obrero Unificado) y en contra de Radio Europa Libre. También había carteles de promoción del grupo de danza folklórica Mazowse, la línea aérea Lot, el Jazz Jamboree Festival, el concurso internacional de piano Chopin, la protección del medio ambiente, etc.
De los 40 carteles expuestos, más de la mitad nada tenían que ver con la política. Pero había dos carteles del sindicato Solidarity and seven others that could be considered in one way or another, protest or dissent. Nine in total, compared to eleven signs of the crudest propaganda and pro-Soviet Communist, with titles such as "Monster dwarf and sputum of reaction", "Attentive to the enemy!", "Party Program, program nation, "" The working class, the bulwark of peace in the world ", among others.
Think if there was no balance in the sample. If something broke, it was by nature excessively laudatory of Communist propaganda. I remember among them a 50's poster of a smiling farmer cooperative (headscarf Tie head style collective farm, of course) that embraced with love a beet the size of a child.
The exhibition, in turn, provoked a tantrum in the official newspaper Granma. Eleven years later they still talk about that Polish poster exhibition as a dangerous attack. Scary is pathetically ridiculous what the regime. ****************
Videos of what happened in 2000
Polish Poster Exhibition. That
exposure and Dagoberto Valdés were heavily attacked by Granma and TV Roundtable in Cuba. Words
Dagoberto Valdés Part 1
Part II and Final
words of the third Secretary of the Embassy of Poland in the opening of Polish Poster Exhibition
The case of Polish posters
By Luis Cino Alvarez March 22, 2011

The exhibition, funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, brought to Cuba 40 posters from the Museum of Wilanow, made between 1944 and 1998.
were chosen for the exhibition highlights the posters. Inevitably reflected in Polish history that crucial period when the country passed by the Nazis, the Stalinist terror, the "people's democracy" to Soviet-style the struggles of Solidarity, martial law and democratic transition.
was a factual, comprehensive and balanced. The posters, the realismo socialista al pop art, pasando por el kitsh publicitario, hablaban por sí solos. Carteles de propaganda política sobre los planes quinquenales, la alianza obrero-campesina, los desfiles del primero de mayo, la fidelidad a la Unión Soviética, los aniversarios de la creación del POUP (Partido Obrero Unificado) y en contra de Radio Europa Libre. También había carteles de promoción del grupo de danza folklórica Mazowse, la línea aérea Lot, el Jazz Jamboree Festival, el concurso internacional de piano Chopin, la protección del medio ambiente, etc.
De los 40 carteles expuestos, más de la mitad nada tenían que ver con la política. Pero había dos carteles del sindicato Solidarity and seven others that could be considered in one way or another, protest or dissent. Nine in total, compared to eleven signs of the crudest propaganda and pro-Soviet Communist, with titles such as "Monster dwarf and sputum of reaction", "Attentive to the enemy!", "Party Program, program nation, "" The working class, the bulwark of peace in the world ", among others.
Think if there was no balance in the sample. If something broke, it was by nature excessively laudatory of Communist propaganda. I remember among them a 50's poster of a smiling farmer cooperative (headscarf Tie head style collective farm, of course) that embraced with love a beet the size of a child.
The exhibition, in turn, provoked a tantrum in the official newspaper Granma. Eleven years later they still talk about that Polish poster exhibition as a dangerous attack. Scary is pathetically ridiculous what the regime. ****************
Videos of what happened in 2000
Polish Poster Exhibition. That
exposure and Dagoberto Valdés were heavily attacked by Granma and TV Roundtable in Cuba. Words
Dagoberto Valdés Part 1
Part II and Final
words of the third Secretary of the Embassy of Poland in the opening of Polish Poster Exhibition
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