Vitral magazine really has not gone and are 100 numbers that have come out. Its editorials are quite similar to those they had when Dagobert was its director, not the content of magazine articles that are fairly ¨ minions, "or" decaffeinated ¨. The Center for Civic and Religious Formation of Pinar del Rio, which was his magazine Vitral, it was dismantled and disappeared shortly after Jorge Enrique Serpa administracción took over the Diocese of Pinar del Rio, after the desired retirement age Monsignor Siro by the totalitarian dictatorship. Jorge Serpa only had 9 years in Cuba and many identify with the same ideas del Cardenal Jaime Ortega respecto al régimen imperante en Cuba y la forma de interactuar con él. La revista antes de la renuncia de Dagoberto, por las presiones del entonces flamante Obispo Jorge Serpa, ya tenía una tirada de más de 10 000 ejemplares ( 14 000 es la cifra que conozco) y no existía tal falta de recursos desde el exterior, fundamentalmente de Alemania, salvo que Serpa los desviara para otras actividades o renunciara a ellos.
El agente prácticamente vive y trabaja en La Habana, mientras que Dagoberto vive y desarrolla casi todas sus actividades en Pinar del Río.
En el número 32 de la revista Vitral se lee el siguiente fragmento:
¨J.B: Sin embargo, esto no siempre ha sido así. Tú fuiste durante años director de la Galería de San Luis. O sea, eres también un producto de las instituciones... Y en estos momentos estás trabajando en La Habana con la galería independiente de Frank Díaz Vázquez. Las instituciones tendrán que seguir existiendo a pesar de nosotros.
D.S: Por supuesto. Yo debo haber cometido también algunas injusticias. Pero de todas formas te digo que las instituciones públicas no estan haciendo todo lo posible. Mira, Frank es un caso sui generis: Un señor con una galería particular, un promotor con un trabajo muy serio, que trabaja con internet, recientemente premiado en Estados Together, working very hard in building this company imageuen art. Frank is playing the role should other institutions. Because the private galleries in all parts of the world are working with a group of artists and the phenomenon of promoting Cuban art course that somehow transcends them. Even when Frank Díaz Vázquez call and have one of the most incredible in this sense that I have seen. ¨
The interview was the painter David Santafe (DS) and made Joaquin Badajoz (JB), ° Jochy ¨ for old friends, who lives in Miami for several years.
Videos of events in the 2000
Polish Poster Exhibition. That
exposure and Dagoberto Valdés were heavily attacked by Granma and TV Roundtable in Cuba.
Dagoberto Valdés Words Part 1
Part II and Final
third Secretary of the Embassy Poland in the opening of the Polish Poster Exhibition
Dagoberto Valdés, this blogger and workers and admirers of Stained Glass in December 2004 .
Polish Poster Exhibition. That
exposure and Dagoberto Valdés were heavily attacked by Granma and TV Roundtable in Cuba.
Dagoberto Valdés Words Part 1
Part II and Final
third Secretary of the Embassy Poland in the opening of the Polish Poster Exhibition

were 10 years in Cuba from my collaboration with the magazine and this picture was the day of farewell before leaving for exile, also from Madrid, an event I covered the launch of a book of Dagobert, which was published in stained glass, but no name appeared for unknown reasons. ****************
The regime accuses U.S. of inciting Cuban confrontational cultural movement
03/15/2011 A new report, published by 'Granma', opens with an artist informant Security and Dagoberto Valdés attacks.
In another chapter in its series aimed at trying to show that the dissidents on the island is "manufactured" by the United States, the government presented on Tuesday to artist Frank Carlos Vázquez Díaz as an informant for state security and accused the secular Dagoberto Valdés of wanting "to become the champion of freedom" through the defunct magazine Vitral.
A new report, published in the official newspaper Granma,

(Dagoberto Valdés Hernández and now Bishop Emeritus of Pinar del Río José Siro González Bacallao. Brain and soul respectively Vitral and Center for Civic and Religious Pinar del Rio. Photos and comments Cuban blogger's Baracutey)
The newspaper said the U.S. attaches "high priority" to the "production of 'community leaders'" in Cuba and, through its Interests Section in Havana (SINA), search for "group of interest young people, artists and intellectuals, individuals 'capacity' to the 'transition' in Cuba who yearn for. "
Granma, the Communist Party said Vazquez, Pinar del Rio and presented as the "agent Robin of State Security, was contacted in 1998 when he created with a group of artists" an alternative cultural project, called Arte Cubano, to raise awareness Internet works and attract attention, "in particular the international circuits," without the "direction of cultural institutions" of government.
"We established correspondence and working relationships with several major galleries in the United States, Canada and Europe," Vazquez told the informant.
According to Granma, SINA diplomats approached the local group on Obispo Street in Havana.
"From there began a process of meetings and contacts, almost daily, which were increased to the extent that developed the different activities we were doing," said Vazquez, a graduate in English Language.
SINA said the group began sending "dozens of boxes of books, magazines and publications." In addition, Douglas Barnes, the former official offered to convert the center "in an internet access."
The objective was to initiate contacts "people to people," said Granma. For the regime, which wanted the U.S. government was to assess "what sections of the intelligentsia could promote emergence of artistic movements' parallel ', in essence, they were rebellious and' independent of the state '.
"They believed that this revolutionary spirit would disappear in the Cuban cultural movement," the newspaper said.
From hustler to' agent '

(A genteFrank Carlos Vázquez Díaz)
Vázquez traveled twice to the United States' proposed exchange "with the Chicago Cultural Center, thanks to the efforts of Larry Corwin, "an art specialist, then Secretary of Press and Culture of the SINA."
"While there could have access to many personalities with whom, by my knowledge of their language, I could establish a dialogue and a deep contact," he said. "I knew from the mayor of Chicago to the directors of major cultural institutions, to renowned galleries in the world of art. We met with several congressmen, politicians."
According to Granma, these meetings were followed by others "with very definite political agendas that go beyond the dissemination and promotion of culture", and diplomats of SINA Vazquez began to manifest other '' needs', specifically to try to bring together young people. "
The newspaper said that the 'experience' American '"He also left other memorabilia in memory of the informant. In Chicago, "not forget the visit to slums," where citizens are fully segregated African Americans' "he said.
"I hit 'violence in the streets and the incessant traffic of drugs that exists in many places' and live 'the reality of a country that is designed to make money', and if people are not able to obtain 'are considered second class,' "the release added. Granma
again accused the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID, for its acronym in English) to serve as "cover for the activities of the CIA against Cuba."
"One of the methods is the production of leaders, allegedly trained as 'change agents' political and trying to capture the youthful universe, artists, academics, intellectuals ... using as bait the scholarships and travel, "he said.
The regime accuses Washington of trying to create a 'cultural phenomenon fictional'
The Communist Party newspaper also lashed out against the secular Dagoberto Valdes, director of the Independent Living magazine.
According to the report, in 2000, U.S. officials James Patrick Doran and Larry Corwin Vazquez insisted that come closer "to counter Dagoberto Valdés", who then ran the magazine Vitral and Religious Civic Center of Pinar del Rio, and prepare a meeting in "a discreet" Pinar del Río.
diplomats in the meeting "spoke with the above about the potential of its now-defunct counter publication to express ideas, and as a means to be used against the government and the Cuban Revolution," Granma said.
Valdes said raised "great concern as it was being contacted directly by the 'diplomatic' Americans because, he says, that made him much in evidence."
noted that the proposed lay "'work through the diplomats of the Czech and Polish embassies, which were slightly outside the public arena', allowing it to act 'with plenty of fast and quiet". "
"Soon, the meeting 'discreet' in Pinar was accompanied by a poster exhibition organized 'by chance', with the collaboration of Polish and Czech diplomats," the report said.
The informant said Dagoberto Valdés Vázquez sought to "become the champion of freedom, the spokesman of the intellectuals" and make Stained Glass' counterrevolutionary vehicle to destroy "the revolution.
Vitral, a publication of the Diocese of Pinar del Rio that bothered the Cuban authorities for its critical articles about the problems of the island closed in 2007, as Religious Civic Center, for "lack of resources."
Vazquez said that the work of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba in 2000 "can be considered one of the most active" in terms of culture.
accused U.S. diplomats of trying to "create a state of mind, a cultural phenomenon fictitious, fabricated, with which it is trying to express to the world that the Cuban intellectuals were against the Revolution."
The newspaper blamed the United States critical image of the island described by some "cultural exponents of" Cuba, which he described as "distorted."
The USIS seeks to impose on the work of artists "the U.S. agenda that seeks to divide the Cuban society, moving it, or magnifying-conflicts exist here as it related to the racial issue," he added.
TV reports from the tyranny
TV reports from the tyranny
some comments left
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Cuba : The tyranny of the Castro accuses U.S. of ...": in
Dagoberto say that is a "SINA" is a lie as big as that communism leads to fulfillment to the person or that "meets the needs ever-increasing population. " To judge must listen to both sides. We read the editorial in Granma, 2000, we listened to Randy Alonso and recently drilled the "super-agent 001" o Robin. ¿Por qué NUNCA han dejado a Dagoberto que hable?, ¿por qué NUNCA hemos escuchado lo que tendría que decir Dagoberto al respecto?. Porque se les caería el castillo de naipes.
chicho el cojo
ombre ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Cuba: La tiranía de los Castro acusa a EE UU de in...":
Tantas sabandijas. Tantas.
Teresa ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Cuba: La tiranía de los Castro acusa a EE UU de in...":
La información que tengo sobre lo que sucedió con Vitral coincide con lo que nos expone acá el Lic. Pedro Pablo Arencibia.
bothered truth and because they do not work comunitartio ineteresa the welfare of the people but the dirty power they wield.
Dagoberto Valdés met on a visit to Cuba at the time I was writing Vitral
and a house dedicated to assist children with problems at home led to Dagobert I, a very gentlemanly and gentril.
And why can not talk Dagoberto with USIS officials or visit these offices? I can I visit in Russia U.S. Embassy or the Office of Havana in DC and nobody accuses me of anything by that. SINA
But if the behavior keeps ingerence, why not send it out of business? Is there no concern for national sovereignty? Those who have no sovereignty are Cuban citizens and particular Dagoberto and others that once they set foot in any office of any foreign country is that they are plotting, as the dictatorship. They
mJy ridiculous because it is normal to visit embassies but as the people do not know, try to embobecerlos.
In Cuba there is no sovereignty or citizen or the country, and a government official said later, "thundered Cuba has two presidents: Cuba and Chavez. Two slags.
They continue with that language that takes the reality and they call Cuba's dictatorship and alliances conspiracy to mere exchanges of words or informational material gifts. I wanted
the Castro be as decent and honest as Dagoberto Valdés. Dagoberto
What was with that program is the honor of being criticized by the most disgraceful of all system in which Cubans have lived. What we need are people like Dagoberto Valdés in the direction of the country.
And I'm pretty sure Dagoberto Valdes and I absolutely agree on a very healthy, in our ideas but we need to respect the moral integrity of individuals. The Cubans should be entitled to free movement. Teresa Cruz
************* New Jersey
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Cuba: tyranny of the Castro accuses U.S. of in ... "
... for some years I had sex with officials of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba and I must make clear to all - and this is widespread opinion - that the Cubans for the first time we are treated with respect and dignity go from there, where we know the words THANK YOU, please forgive me, and so on., terms in extinction in Cuba due to bad taste and chavacaneria "revolutionary" who have ruined everything there. Alongside my contact with officials in OI - from consultation to the last employee Cosgrove even Cubans - was based on the strictest respect and good trato.Respecto to political activity to develop in Cuba - primarily Puerto Padre - did not feel the slightest interference or pressure alguna.Debo clarify that the delegation of human rights PP was the most active and many of the isla.No is where they get these "chivatones" so stupid and penetration. For others, Cuba is the only country in the world where there are no discordant pansadores or abuse, or opponents, or human rights violations, or prohibitions of any kind: How strange is the Cuban Castro wanting to leave paradise to go to the unknown and brutal in the Western world. Remember that "you can fool all the people some of the time all the time or a part of town, it is impossible to fool all the people all the time" ... Castrol, it is running out.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Cuba : The tyranny of the Castro accuses U.S. of ...": in
Dagoberto say that is a "SINA" is a lie as big as that communism leads to fulfillment to the person or that "meets the needs ever-increasing population. " To judge must listen to both sides. We read the editorial in Granma, 2000, we listened to Randy Alonso and recently drilled the "super-agent 001" o Robin. ¿Por qué NUNCA han dejado a Dagoberto que hable?, ¿por qué NUNCA hemos escuchado lo que tendría que decir Dagoberto al respecto?. Porque se les caería el castillo de naipes.
chicho el cojo
ombre ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Cuba: La tiranía de los Castro acusa a EE UU de in...":
Tantas sabandijas. Tantas.
Teresa ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Cuba: La tiranía de los Castro acusa a EE UU de in...":
La información que tengo sobre lo que sucedió con Vitral coincide con lo que nos expone acá el Lic. Pedro Pablo Arencibia.
bothered truth and because they do not work comunitartio ineteresa the welfare of the people but the dirty power they wield.
Dagoberto Valdés met on a visit to Cuba at the time I was writing Vitral
and a house dedicated to assist children with problems at home led to Dagobert I, a very gentlemanly and gentril.
And why can not talk Dagoberto with USIS officials or visit these offices? I can I visit in Russia U.S. Embassy or the Office of Havana in DC and nobody accuses me of anything by that. SINA
But if the behavior keeps ingerence, why not send it out of business? Is there no concern for national sovereignty? Those who have no sovereignty are Cuban citizens and particular Dagoberto and others that once they set foot in any office of any foreign country is that they are plotting, as the dictatorship. They
mJy ridiculous because it is normal to visit embassies but as the people do not know, try to embobecerlos.
In Cuba there is no sovereignty or citizen or the country, and a government official said later, "thundered Cuba has two presidents: Cuba and Chavez. Two slags.
They continue with that language that takes the reality and they call Cuba's dictatorship and alliances conspiracy to mere exchanges of words or informational material gifts. I wanted
the Castro be as decent and honest as Dagoberto Valdés. Dagoberto
What was with that program is the honor of being criticized by the most disgraceful of all system in which Cubans have lived. What we need are people like Dagoberto Valdés in the direction of the country.
And I'm pretty sure Dagoberto Valdes and I absolutely agree on a very healthy, in our ideas but we need to respect the moral integrity of individuals. The Cubans should be entitled to free movement. Teresa Cruz
************* New Jersey
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Cuba: tyranny of the Castro accuses U.S. of in ... "
... for some years I had sex with officials of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba and I must make clear to all - and this is widespread opinion - that the Cubans for the first time we are treated with respect and dignity go from there, where we know the words THANK YOU, please forgive me, and so on., terms in extinction in Cuba due to bad taste and chavacaneria "revolutionary" who have ruined everything there. Alongside my contact with officials in OI - from consultation to the last employee Cosgrove even Cubans - was based on the strictest respect and good trato.Respecto to political activity to develop in Cuba - primarily Puerto Padre - did not feel the slightest interference or pressure alguna.Debo clarify that the delegation of human rights PP was the most active and many of the isla.No is where they get these "chivatones" so stupid and penetration. For others, Cuba is the only country in the world where there are no discordant pansadores or abuse, or opponents, or human rights violations, or prohibitions of any kind: How strange is the Cuban Castro wanting to leave paradise to go to the unknown and brutal in the Western world. Remember that "you can fool all the people some of the time all the time or a part of town, it is impossible to fool all the people all the time" ... Castrol, it is running out.
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