Taken http://www.diariodecuba.com The regime accuses of leading the Yoani Sánchez ' cyberwar '
U.S. Agencies - DDC
03/22/2011' Tell me who denigrates you and tell you who you are ', answered the blogger on Twitter. 'They know what they have done! Desfondada Pandora's Box! ".
The Government accused on Monday on TV (national) Yoani Sanchez to lead the so-called "cyber war" launched by the United States, while the blogger said the Cuban authorities are trying to "demonize" the Internet to maintain control, AFP reported.
In a new chapter in the series entitled The Reason for Cuba, which the Government has devoted to "denounce" the "subversive activities" of opponents
, without giving voice to none, an engineer from the Ministry of Information and Communications and bloggers officials said that Washington seeks to destabilize the revolution through "cyber-dissidents."
(Yoani Sánchez)
"There on the island a new type of counter composed of bloggers cibermercenarios (...) These are instruments built to generate sources of conflict by internal use of new information technologies and communications, "said the regime in the chapter entitled" Cyberwar. "
return, Sanchez hung in her blog, Generación Y, a video entitled" Why Citizens, in which states that the Government intends to open the massive internet access, and control on the web "has worsened" in recent weeks after what happened in North Africa.
The regime "is nervous because social networks, Twitter , Facebook, Cuba can play a role similar to what happened in Egypt, Tunisia, and now we are in another twist, a new demonization technology, the Internet, "said the half-hour video, which appears gathered with five other dissidents.
" I am alarmed because access to the network in the world today is a human right. A government that restricts and demonizes know you are compromising the development of their nation in the very long term, "said Sanchez.
On television, the authorities accused Sanchez of being part of a" media campaign "against Cuba. They said they had received as "payment" as the multiple award-Ortega y Gasset, the English daily El País, in 2008 - that would total a half million dollars.
"For many years United States has tried to find excuses to justify military action against Cuba and it could be one: to use our people, our youth for cyber-terrorists, "the official program.
Following the broadcast of the program, the blogger of 35 years tweeted, "At the edge of climax, several alternative bloggers have just been attacked in the official TV Hurraaaa!".
"Now as they will say that the alternative bloggers do not know anyone?" he added . http:/www.vocescubanas.com They left their faces on TV, harassed and demonized Tell me who denigrates you and tell you who you are.
Sanchez received messages of support from dissidents like Oscar Elias Biscet, Guillermo Fariñas, Dagoberto Valdes, Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez) and René Gómez Manzano, among others. Claudia also bloggers like Cadelo and Orlando Luis Pardo.
"I'm so happy! Finally the blogosphere alternative official TV, even to insult us," Sanchez said. "They do not know what they have done! Desfondada Pandora's Box!".
The program aired on Cuban television also recalled that the U.S. president, Barack Obama, and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have publicly endorsed Sanchez.
also stressed blogger alleged links with foreign embassies in Cuba and the U.S. Interest Section in Havana, and his "support" to groups like the Ladies in White, EFE reported.
authorities stressed that "the faces" of this new form of "counter" are not persons "above, resentful and tired," referring to the traditionally dissent, but bloggers posing as "freedom fighters of expression on the net and claim the Cubans' access to free information. "
The official television program also accused the big international media of conducting "campaigns media "against Cuba.
and http://www.diariodecuba.com d The 'cyberwar ', according to La Habana (first part)
Cuban television
03/22/2011 Length: 14:00 minutes
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Anonymous - 22/03/2011 - 6:25 pm
Carlos del Porto face was a professor of mine in CUJAE had no fucking clue with poor skills and very bad teacher, its role in CUJAE was political rather than anything else was there or secretary of the youth do not know .. but chivatón was always and I see it is .. ********************
Anonymous - 03/22/2011 - 5:46 pm Anonymous
try to scare people who do not even know is a computer.
music, images, solemn tone, adjectives overloaded ...
Cuba is a country that falls for their own shortcomings. Really makes you think the U.S. the 'cyberwar' when you're selling food, sends tourists and Cuban-American money good? No I think it not a tantico.
not know how to stop the blogging phenomenon and, ultimately, is what's next, is whoever is in front. If one reads the official blogs, not ruling out the libel and so bored with repetition. In contrast, daily news and taken out the 'independent', with more agility and dynamism. Glad
go all the pamphleteers who live off the pocket dictatorial, as Rosa Miriam Elizalde and Enrique Ubieta ... they can travel abroad, to open their accounts in foreign currency receivables, driving ban and blacklists.
If you really are as 'good journalists', why not do a debate with Yoani Sánchez, Claudia Cadelo and all those who represent the opposition? You are so afraid of dissent? So lacking are arguments that seem unable to confront? ************
Nausea has left a new comment on your post "
Cuba: The regime accuses of leading ... Yoani Sánchez "Pure
theater, and pretty bad. The usual. Among other things, these people get bored. They themselves have to be tired of such blatant bullshit. ************
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "
Cuba: The regime accuses of leading Yoani Sánchez ... "
As someone told me a few days ago:" What a waste of oxygen! ".
I do not think there's much to say about it. I remember a History Channel documentary on the subject of the Berlin Wall. It was the wall Berlin one of the causes of the fall of communism in the former GDR were not able to afford it, every "innovation" will cost a half hours ... and another. So I hope they now occur in the "cyberwar" . They can not withstand the challenge.
fear are shit, here comes the plague me.
chicho the lame