Thursday, March 24, 2011

Miku Miku Dance Not Open



A few people were allowed to rest that night in Alba Longa. Who else was suffering terribly Aurelia Queen, accompanied only by the servant Tucci and heart stricken with grief, watched his son's body. While shedding tears for him, could not take your mind worries about the dangers that awaited her daughter, so young, so innocent and helpless. It also regretted not having better preserved the throne of her husband. What explanation would you give, how to be justified when he returned? And even more deeply felt the sting of pain because I could not even say that Numitor still alive.

The sleep fled from the sight of Criseyde, firebrands anger. Had gone to bed bearing the title of queen and behold, because of a stupid stinking pig augur that it might have simulated a favorable omen, CRIS remained dry. Clenched fists at the thought of her husband and his scruples. Much easier for everyone would have been that some gunmen had been killed on the road pretending Numitor thieves ...! Have followed his advice now with good wishes or not, would be kings. Hopefully Numitor had burst and the evil belly that she had seen to procure.

Amulius not sleep. The ceremony of the omens would be repeated the next day after the funeral. Would have liked to preside over the funeral rites vested with the powers of the monarch, but more important was that the warriors recognize as their natural leader. And we already had. Furthermore, had ordered the armed Albanians to dismiss filed with honor Numitor son and at the same time, make a show of force. Display the command of so many warriors armed persuade the dissatisfied, including Council members more reluctant, if he dared augur hesitate to interpret the will of the gods.

Concern gave no respite to the Vestal Maxima Camilia in the house of the vestal virgins. Because of the isolation imposed Amulius the queen, he could tell just by sending a trusted messenger to warn the king Numitor and nothing else. And it was well, for he was very distraught and despite being unable to give definite information about Rhea Silvia. Since the beginning of this drama had tried to understand the reasons for the conduct of Amuli. If I wanted be king why he had not killed his brother? And if you do not want to soil their hands with blood why so brutally attacking his family? Camilia sensed that Rea needed to help find answers to these questions.

Dawn rose tinted forest and sanctuary of Diana Nemorensis,
Numitor where the king of Alba Longa had spent the night restless. Delivering on its promise, the priest of Diana was replaced by his henchmen to the servants of the king and he had stopped vomiting, but his skin was burning, still sweating and was sunk into a troubled doze. They had prepared a car for transport to the merits of straw, a mat on top and space so he could sit next to a companion. The carefully accommodated and the priest fired the motorcade.

- do not stop for any reason or lose sight of the king - he warned. Go as fast as you can to make it Numitor's throne is in danger. And his life too. The gods want that is not too late.

Rea Silvia woke with a start with a hole in my heart. His brother. The pain came back with full sharpness after being placated during sleep. Beside Palantea slept peacefully, lying on its side and with folded hands under the cheeks. He realized then, as if he were cast on the face a bowl of cold water, the situation had been the shepherdess for his cause: he had lost to pigs and had not even returned to the cabin of his mistress from the day above. Kritubis could punish severely, and even reduce it to slavery and sell! The thought gave him a chill and felt even more indebted for their assistance. Try to compensate, by all means prevent that Palantea something bad happens.

Soon, a diffuse light came in through the vents of the cave and announced the new day. The girls got up and called Espórtula, who made them up and drink hot soup. After a brief discussion, Rhea Silvia imposed its will over the wisdom they asked their friends attend the funeral of his brother mixed in the crowd. Tiznaría not face, but would clean and neat as possible, as a sign of respect, but would cover the head and face with a blanket provided by Espórtula. With a focus on rites, no one would be fixed public in it.

The place of the ceremony was a clearing near the necropolis, a widening of the slope located at higher elevations than Alba Longa, outside the wall. Under the guidance of Alec, the three women, Rhea Silvia, Espórtula and Palantea, walked between the cabins of the highest part of the city until arriving near the western gate, where it would go. So many people marching in the same direction, forming a large group, easily crossed the gate of the wall.

Down below, on the waters of Lake Albano parade clouds driven by the breath of Favonius. The forests on the opposite bank is reflected in the tremor shook the airwaves. Like them, the heart of Rhea Silvia lived a quiet turmoil: the death of his brother clouded the beauty of spring in his soul obscured any hint of joy. And something moved inside, a nameless anxiety. Again and again gripped returned to the same questions: had done well to escape? Surrounded by people and in the light of day, fear of the day before seemed meaningless. All was confusion and sadness.

Six funeral pyres rose the center of the esplanade. Occupying three sides, in training, waiting for hundreds of Albanians with their shields and spears, bronze helmets and breastplates of ox-hide. On the fourth side, facing the pyre, was a space reserved for the authorities. The rest of the audience would follow the ceremony perched on the slopes. From the distance they saw the funeral procession approaching. Opened the procession a group of young men in sheepskins. Carriers offerings and flutists preceded the corpses lying on the funeral bed. Behind them walked the Queen Aurelia flanked by Cris and Amuli. Seeing his mother, Rhea Silvia would have liked to run to meet him and hug. The others were Camilia and Vestal, the priest Latiaris Jupiter Shrine, members of the Council. All Rea knew from childhood. And each time it was more foolish not to be there with them.

funeral beds deposited on the ground and the authorities took their places. With the horsehair crest on his helmet shaken by the wind, Amulius stepped forward to address the public. His stature pride, its carved bronze breastplate flashed when the clouds loomed a ray of sun, resembling a god. From where they could not hear his words, but should be very telling because the warriors I often cheered by colliding the spears against their shields.

finished speaking, leaving aside the deceased would be buried and placed on the funeral pyres to warriors. Three times they were called by name before applying the torches that lit the fire. Viewing burn the body of his brother, Rhea Silvia felt strange, embarrassed. He had lost his life to defend it. And she, in place of honor as it should, what was there among the public, hiding their relationship, refusing to be of the same blood? What kept him from going to where his mother and mourn her? Began to recede slowly to separate from their companions without attracting attention.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nambla Episode, Name Of French Song?

Cuban Spies in America. II Conference: The Wasp Network. Electronic Espionage. March 28, 2011

Cuban Spies in America.
II Conference: The Wasp Network. Electronic Espionage. March 28, 2011

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(3-23-11-9:10 AM)

On Monday night New Action published in Scoop, the news of the appearance a vital witness to clarify the true role of Lieutenant. Colonel Roberto Hernandez Caballero Cuban dictatorship, a witness for the prosecution, brought specially from Cuba. The appearance of the defense witness, was scheduled for yesterday morning, but the appearance of the journalist went on and took the audience on Tuesday, because Posada's defense attorney, Arturo Hernandez, was showcased and demonstrated their skills excellent lawyer, got into trouble when the prosecution witness, with intelligent and thoughtful questions that demonstrated the close relationship of this reporter with the Cuban tyranny and his closeness to Fidel Castro. Under

long and hard questioning the Bardach was forced to admit that he has traveled to Cuba in thirteen different occasions and has met several times with Fidel Castro.

(Ann Louise Bardach with major tyrant in 1994)

The highlight was when the lawyer asked Hernandez whether she was aware that Fidel Castro would not let anyone touch her, and she said, "if I know" if he was aware that not even his closest friends could play it, and she returned to admit that he knew perfectly. To another question, Arturo Hernandez, if she, who knew of Fidel Castro's close relationship with the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez knew that not even the "Gabo" is intimate and embrace pemtía Fidel Castro, the U.S. journalist, admitted, "Yes I am aware of that." At that time, Posada's lawyer, took a photo and showed it to the witness, as he said: "How can you explain this picture?". Ann Louise Bardach intensely pale. The lawyer then asked the judge permission to show the picture to the jury. The judge quickly replied, "only after I see and approve."

When the judge saw the photo, gave permission to be shown to the jury. Which he did Arturo Hernández. One could see the surprise on the faces of the jurors. PHOTO SHOWN AT ANN Louise Bardach, tightly around FIDEL CASTRO.

Independent observers felt that after two days of testimony from Bardach, many unfavorable scored as Posada, yesterday the defense did a tremendous victory to show the close relationship of the witness with the tyrant of Cuba.

(Roberto Hernández del Llano, a former Mayor of the General Intelligence Directorate)

In the morning, after I finish the Bardach. The defense called to testify at former Army Major Roberto Hernández del Llano Castro, exiled in the United States since 2007, and whose testimony has to be revealing because it would clarify who is truly her namesake Lt.. Colonel Roberto Hernandez Caballero, and what it spends in Cuba, as henchman and torturer of tyranny. It would be very interesting and instructive to see a confrontation between the two: the witness for the prosecution, brought from Cuba, and the defense witness, a victim of the torturer.

New Now readers understand the puzzle action in Monday night when I typed "When Lt. Col. Roberto Hernandez look at the witness stand, you see your name as in a mirror." *************

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " THE TRIAL OF LUIS POSADA LANE IN THE CITY OF ... "

as you can believe what he says Roberto Hernandez Caballero security official in Cuba. It is as demeaning believe in what you say fidel.
needed that roberto hernandez exoficial plain and testifying against many of the cruedades say that this man committed in Cuba with many families. *************

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The trial of Luis Posada Carriles in
...": CITY
can not believe in the control that sent Roberto Hernandez of Cuba hp gentleman tremendous threat in court and ends with people in Cuba, that man has destroyed many families in Cuba

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Clear Mucus Menstrual Blood

Cuba: The regime accuses Yoani Sanchez to lead the 'cyberwar' U.S. Norman


The regime accuses of leading the Yoani Sánchez ' cyberwar '

U.S. Agencies - DDC

03/22/2011' Tell me who denigrates you and tell you who you are ', answered the blogger on Twitter. 'They know what they have done! Desfondada Pandora's Box! ".

The Government accused on Monday on TV (national) Yoani Sanchez to lead the so-called "cyber war" launched by the United States, while the blogger said the Cuban authorities are trying to "demonize" the Internet to maintain control, AFP reported.

In a new chapter in the series entitled The Reason for Cuba, which the Government has devoted to "denounce" the "subversive activities" of opponents , without giving voice to none, an engineer from the Ministry of Information and Communications and bloggers officials said that Washington seeks to destabilize the revolution through "cyber-dissidents."

(Yoani Sánchez)

"There on the island a new type of counter composed of bloggers cibermercenarios (...) These are instruments built to generate sources of conflict by internal use of new information technologies and communications, "said the regime in the chapter entitled" Cyberwar. "

return, Sanchez hung in her blog, Generación Y, a video entitled" Why Citizens, in which states that the Government intends to open the massive internet access, and control on the web "has worsened" in recent weeks after what happened in North Africa.

The regime "is nervous because social networks, Twitter , Facebook, Cuba can play a role similar to what happened in Egypt, Tunisia, and now we are in another twist, a new demonization technology, the Internet, "said the half-hour video, which appears gathered with five other dissidents.

" I am alarmed because access to the network in the world today is a human right. A government that restricts and demonizes know you are compromising the development of their nation in the very long term, "said Sanchez.

On television, the authorities accused Sanchez of being part of a" media campaign "against Cuba. They said they had received as "payment" as the multiple award-Ortega y Gasset, the English daily El País, in 2008 - that would total a half million dollars.

"For many years United States has tried to find excuses to justify military action against Cuba and it could be one: to use our people, our youth for cyber-terrorists, "the official program.

Following the broadcast of the program, the blogger of 35 years tweeted, "At the edge of climax, several alternative bloggers have just been attacked in the official TV Hurraaaa!".

"Now as they will say that the alternative bloggers do not know anyone?" he added . http:/ They left their faces on TV, harassed and demonized Tell me who denigrates you and tell you who you are.

Sanchez received messages of support from dissidents like Oscar Elias Biscet, Guillermo Fariñas, Dagoberto Valdes, Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez) and René Gómez Manzano, among others. Claudia also bloggers like Cadelo and Orlando Luis Pardo.

"I'm so happy! Finally the blogosphere alternative official TV, even to insult us," Sanchez said. "They do not know what they have done! Desfondada Pandora's Box!".

The program aired on Cuban television also recalled that the U.S. president, Barack Obama, and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have publicly endorsed Sanchez.

also stressed blogger alleged links with foreign embassies in Cuba and the U.S. Interest Section in Havana, and his "support" to groups like the Ladies in White, EFE reported.

authorities stressed that "the faces" of this new form of "counter" are not persons "above, resentful and tired," referring to the traditionally dissent, but bloggers posing as "freedom fighters of expression on the net and claim the Cubans' access to free information. "

The official television program also accused the big international media of conducting "campaigns media "against Cuba.


Taken and d

The 'cyberwar ', according to La Habana (first part)

Cuban television

03/22/2011 Length: 14:00 minutes

********** ****


Anonymous - 22/03/2011 - 6:25 pm

Carlos del Porto face was a professor of mine in CUJAE had no fucking clue with poor skills and very bad teacher, its role in CUJAE was political rather than anything else was there or secretary of the youth do not know .. but chivatón was always and I see it is .. ********************

Anonymous - 03/22/2011 - 5:46 pm Anonymous

try to scare people who do not even know is a computer.
music, images, solemn tone, adjectives overloaded ...
Cuba is a country that falls for their own shortcomings. Really makes you think the U.S. the 'cyberwar' when you're selling food, sends tourists and Cuban-American money good? No I think it not a tantico.
not know how to stop the blogging phenomenon and, ultimately, is what's next, is whoever is in front. If one reads the official blogs, not ruling out the libel and so bored with repetition. In contrast, daily news and taken out the 'independent', with more agility and dynamism. Glad
go all the pamphleteers who live off the pocket dictatorial, as Rosa Miriam Elizalde and Enrique Ubieta ... they can travel abroad, to open their accounts in foreign currency receivables, driving ban and blacklists.
If you really are as 'good journalists', why not do a debate with Yoani Sánchez, Claudia Cadelo and all those who represent the opposition? You are so afraid of dissent? So lacking are arguments that seem unable to confront? ************


Nausea has left a new comment on your post " Cuba: The regime accuses of leading ... Yoani Sánchez "Pure

theater, and pretty bad. The usual. Among other things, these people get bored. They themselves have to be tired of such blatant bullshit. ************

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Cuba: The regime accuses of leading Yoani Sánchez ... "

As someone told me a few days ago:" What a waste of oxygen! ".

I do not think there's much to say about it. I remember a History Channel documentary on the subject of the Berlin Wall. It was the wall Berlin one of the causes of the fall of communism in the former GDR were not able to afford it, every "innovation" will cost a half hours ... and another. So I hope they now occur in the "cyberwar" . They can not withstand the challenge.

fear are shit, here comes the plague me.

chicho the lame

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Hernandez, a former Cuban Prisoner of Conscience: Chronicle of a trip to Norway unrealized

Taken of

Chronicle of a journey is not done. By Norman Hernandez

former Cuban prisoner of conscience.

The rationale for not letting me out of the Iberian Peninsula is that I am seeking international protection in Spain (Asylum) and where only the government can protect is in the territory of their State. It is true that this law exists, but it is also true that there are special permissions that allow asylum seekers to visit the territory of any State, if not the country of which the applicant takes refuge. I

to get from where you do not let me go. This time it came to the country where the aurora borealis are a tourist attraction. I could not reach the nation of the descendants of Leiv Eirekson, first European to American soil floor, said that nearly 500 years before Italy not Christopher Columbus. I could not walk on the soil of the Vikings. Do not let me get to the country that awards the Nobel Peace Prize. The government of Spain did not want to visit Norway.

The visit did not I have the honor of being in "Bernt breakfast." Hagtvet Bertner, professor, political science professor who has written extensively against totalitarianism and well known as an intellectual fighter against extreme ideologies. There, I met for two hours with members of the intellectual elite of Norway. Then we went to lunch and tasted very coveted Norwegian cod in my Cuba. Along the professed

Andreas Steinar Saether I gave a lecture to students at the University of Oslo, studying English and are interested in the Cuban revolution. We do not need interpreters to speak of immortalized Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas (1943-1990), author of the novel "ends the parade" and best known for his auto-biographical novel "When the night comes." The Cuban poet Nicolas Guillen, was also present in conversation with students who are particularly interested in the poem "I have." Guillen poem that welcomes the 1959 revolution.

made in my visit to one of the most literate countries in the world (99% literacy) and in which all public and compulsory education is free, too, had the honor to exchange views with Hὰkon Haugli and Jan Tore Sanner . Both the support group to the Storting (Parliament). Jan Tore Sanner A, I was pleased to get him a second time, since I met him when he came to know me and meet me when I came into exile. I told them about the violations the government of Cuba to the fundamental rights of people and asked them to intercede because the two brothers who are still in prison: Félix Navarro and José Daniel Ferrer García. Two Cuban prisoners of conscience are in jail because they do not accept exile as a condition of freedom.

other hand I exhorted them to support the most emblematic of the former prisoners of conscience in Cuba: Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet. I let them know that Dr. Biscet is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and many, both inside and outside the maritime borders of the largest Antillean island, they think that is the only person capable of uniting the organized, but fragmented opposition Cuba, with the objective of the peaceful overthrow the totalitarian rule of the Castro brothers. "Dr. Biscet, needs more support now than when he was arrested," he expressed.

In the land of poet and playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), considered the largest and most influential dramatist of his time and author of "when we wake the dead" (the last of his plays) and also the author of the novel "Sophie's World," published to date in 44 languages \u200b\u200band which has sold over 15 million copies worldwide, the philosopher and writer Jostein Gaarder, could not miss a meeting with EU colleagues Writers from Norway.

There I met a friend and writer Henrik Hovland, who was the one who organized the whole trip that I let go, so with my wife and daughter could exchange views with politicians, academics, intellectuals and writers in the country is located further north in Europe. Henrik already knew him, he was the first who went to Spain to welcome me into exile. My wife and daughter knew him when he and the president of the Writers' Union of Norway, Anne Oterholm, traveled to Cuba in 2009 with the objective of me visit my home and delivery of Freedom of Expression Award.

This Sunday 20 March, the government Spain did not allow me to participate in the annual meeting of Norwegian writers or that they could personally thank my colleagues of the Scandinavian peninsula honoring me with the prize delivered.

Neither the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, wanted my daughter 8 years old perform one of his dreams: Make a snowman. Needless to visit a museum of animals. Both events were part of the program.

The rationale for not letting me out of the Iberian Peninsula is that I am seeking international protection in Spain (Asylum) and where only the government can protect is in the territory of their State. is true that this law exists, but it is also true that there are special permissions that allow asylum seekers to visit the territory of any State, if not the country of which the applicant seeks refuge . If this permission does not exist would not be possible in September last year were able to visit Brussels and then in November, Poland. Justify Full
is not the first time the English socialist government violates my right to travel around Europe. In December will not let me go to Germany. But no matter, shame for them they are supporting and serving as an accomplice to the totalitarian government of the Castro brothers. It does not matter because truth always triumphs over lies and also the true democrats in Germany and I hope those of Norway, I also expect to see first hand the suffering of the people of Cuba .

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The tyranny of the Castro announces the release of the two remaining political prisoners of the Group of 75 in Joaquin Sabina


Cuba announces the release of the last two political prisoners of the Group of 75

* Felix Navarro, 56, and José Daniel Ferrer, 40
* Cuba gives an end to a nine-month process releases

The Cuban Catholic Church announced Tuesday the release of prisoners last two of conscience who remained in prison from the Group of 75, as known to the opponents condemned the crackdown on the "Black Spring" of 2003.

is Felix Navarro and José Daniel Ferrer, as reported the Archbishop of Havana in a statement. Felix Navarro, 56, was a board member of the opposition Movement for Democracy and Freedom in Cuba when he was sentenced in 2003 to 25 years in prison, the same sentence he received Ferrer, 40 years and belonging to the Christian Liberation Movement.
Felix Navarro and José Daniel Ferrer.

(Felix Navarro and José Daniel Ferrer)

Like other ten of his colleagues and released, Navarro and Ferrer had rejected the condition of exile in Spain to get out of prison.

After mediation by the Catholic Church in Cuba, the government of Raul Castro in July 2010 pledged to gradually release the 52 opponents of the Group of 75 who were in prison at the time, which has resulted in a long 'drip' of releases that has spread over eight months.

The Government of Spain supported the open process between the Catholic Church and the authorities of the island and its territory has hosted dozens of these prisoners of conscience and other inmates, with family thereof.

The first release from prison were the opponents of the Group of 75 who agreed to the condition of exile in Spain, where he traveled 40, while the releases have been delayed most are those who refused to leave Cuba .

months after starting the process, the Cuban authorities expanded the releases of other prisoners convicted of offenses against state security, although many of them internal opposition not recognize them as active dissidents.

Another 11 prisoners to be transferred to Spain

The Catholic Church on Tuesday also announced the upcoming release and transfer to Spain of 11 Cuban prisoners outside the Group of 75. One of the prisoners in the new list released on Tuesday the Archbishop of Havana Lobaina Néstor Rodríguez, president and founder of the Cuban Youth Movement for Democracy, was arrested in December 2010 and who was on hunger strike.

Recently, Amnesty International (AI) demanded his release and Nestor Rodriguez considered a "prisoner of conscience imprisoned solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression."

The rest of the prisoners whose release was announced on Tuesday are Juan Carlos Vazquez, Bodanis Zulueta, Jose Antonio Sardinas, Antonio Garcia, Arnaldo Marquez, Eduardo Diaz, Erick Caballero, Alberto Santiago Dobochet, José Manuel de la Rosa and Roberto Lopez.

Néstor Rodríguez addition, only four of them appear in the lists of political prisoners that makes the opposition Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN), with sentences ranging from four to 30 years. Most of the crimes the group is related to acts of terrorism, disrespect or attempts to leave the country illegally.

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Cuba: Cuba is "a terrible failure historical '

Joaquín Sabina: Cuba is' a tremendous historical failure '

Madrid 03/22/2011

The English singer will tour the U.S. and will be presented in Miami on 27 May. Supports know that in his visits to the island has been 'a privileged tourist. "

The English singer Joaquin Sabina said that Cuba "is lately being something close to a tremendous historic failure" in an interview with the Miami newspaper El Nuevo Herald on the occasion of his first U.S. tour, which starts in May.

"I love you so much the island, unless the Cuban exiles, who love her more than me, but I love her very much and live all the contradictions that island living, "said Sabina, known for his leftist positions and who repeatedly has refused to condemn the regime in Havana.

In April last year, said he would not sign" no manifesto or letter against Cuba while there are things like (the prison) or blocking Guantanamo. "

The English musician of 62 years will be presented at the American Airlines Arena in Miami on May 27 as part of his tour before last train that will take him to New York, 25, and Los Angeles on September 29.

"Come up with a lot of adrenaline and enthusiasm, wanting to give a concert that is an overview of our work and knowing that it will be a group of Cubans with banners at the door, "said the singer, aware that Miami will find both supporters and detractors.

Sabina admitted to knowing that in about ten visits to Cuba has been treated as" a privileged tourist and not as a Cuban who suffer and bear the Cuban dictatorship. "

" Now I have not been done in Cuba because I feel very sad. I read the newspapers, talk to people and I know what's going on and I know the country is bankrupt, "he added.

did not clarify whether his trip to Havana had a" love island ".

" Cuba is not a person can go more or less right or wrong made, not fall in love with someone. First you fall in love with the island, after the city of [Havana] and then around the world going down the street, "he said simply.

Sabina, who twice met alone with Fidel Castro, said he has "a peaceful vision of Cuban reality."

"I've never seen well", he added, and said that in his meetings with the former president talked about "everything.''

According to El Nuevo Herald, admitted to being one of the artists who have been slow to acknowledge publicly the situation in Cuba.

"Leftists in Spain and in Europe we never share anything about what was happening behind of the Berlin Wall, because we considered a horror. The revolution of our youth was the Cuban, and have lived it as an emotion and as a heartbreaking tragedy for many years, "he said.

The English singer lived in exile in London in the seventies for his militant left, pursued by the Franco.

"The drama of exile I understand that. In Spain there are many Cuban exiles semiexiliados, some are musicians and have played with them. I'm friends with Paquito D'Rivera, Bebo Valdes and I know, "he said. He also mentioned his appreciation for singer-songwriters Pablo Milanes and Silvio Rodriguez.

" They are very important in the island I have given hundreds of dollars if they were long, and they decided to stay there, "he said." I would not change for them, but I think it is very, very difficult what they're doing, "he said.

Sabina was ready to sing with the Cuban Willy Chirino, who popularized a version of his Black Sox.

"I liked both versions, I do my song as he sang. If it appears on the show and gets to sing, because I loved "he said.
some comments left

Nausea has left a new comment entry " Joaquín Sabina: Cuba is" a terrible failure historical ... "

And Sabina is a huge brazen, if not more ugly (and fairer). These foreign Socialists, who live at full speed swimming privileges, have the nerve to take the very saviors of humanity and to lecture the world. This little guy has absolutely nothing to say to a Cuban on Cuba. Having talked so much shit before, if now is to make interesting, to go with that bone Juanes and comparsa. If I had a drop of shame, would not dare touch the subject of Cuba or near Miami, but it seems he believes he can coax "those people" in exile like idiots. Enough and so much disrespect.

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Cuba: The Case of Polish posters and Dagoberto Valdés Cuba


The case of Polish posters

By Luis Cino Alvarez March 22, 2011

HAVANA, Cuba, March ( - In the Lies well paid, from the series The reasons for Cuba, for dressing the uncovering of another mole of State Security, the agent Robin, and document "the complicity of European diplomats in dark plots against the Cuban government hatched by the CIA, "take hold nothing less than an exhibition of Polish posters held in the cities of Pinar del Rio and Havana in early 2000.

The exhibition, funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, brought to Cuba 40 posters from the Museum of Wilanow, made between 1944 and 1998.

were chosen for the exhibition highlights the posters. Inevitably reflected in Polish history that crucial period when the country passed by the Nazis, the Stalinist terror, the "people's democracy" to Soviet-style the struggles of Solidarity, martial law and democratic transition.

was a factual, comprehensive and balanced. The posters, the realismo socialista al pop art, pasando por el kitsh publicitario, hablaban por sí solos. Carteles de propaganda política sobre los planes quinquenales, la alianza obrero-campesina, los desfiles del primero de mayo, la fidelidad a la Unión Soviética, los aniversarios de la creación del POUP (Partido Obrero Unificado) y en contra de Radio Europa Libre. También había carteles de promoción del grupo de danza folklórica Mazowse, la línea aérea Lot, el Jazz Jamboree Festival, el concurso internacional de piano Chopin, la protección del medio ambiente, etc.

De los 40 carteles expuestos, más de la mitad nada tenían que ver con la política. Pero había dos carteles del sindicato Solidarity and seven others that could be considered in one way or another, protest or dissent. Nine in total, compared to eleven signs of the crudest propaganda and pro-Soviet Communist, with titles such as "Monster dwarf and sputum of reaction", "Attentive to the enemy!", "Party Program, program nation, "" The working class, the bulwark of peace in the world ", among others.

Think if there was no balance in the sample. If something broke, it was by nature excessively laudatory of Communist propaganda. I remember among them a 50's poster of a smiling farmer cooperative (headscarf Tie head style collective farm, of course) that embraced with love a beet the size of a child.

The exhibition, in turn, provoked a tantrum in the official newspaper Granma. Eleven years later they still talk about that Polish poster exhibition as a dangerous attack. Scary is pathetically ridiculous what the regime. ****************

Videos of what happened in 2000

Polish Poster Exhibition. That

exposure and Dagoberto Valdés were heavily attacked by Granma and TV Roundtable in Cuba. Words

Dagoberto Valdés Part 1

Part II and Final

words of the third Secretary of the Embassy of Poland in the opening of Polish Poster Exhibition

The Nail Does Grow From The Nail *

: Reasons citizens. Discussion and reflection among several Cubans on "The citizen and his relationship with the institutions or dependency" Press Teleconference



Reasons For Yoani Sanchez

Discussion and reflection among many Cubans on "The citizen and his relationship with the institution or agency."

citizens from Grounds Yoani Sanchez on Vimeo .

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sailboat Cushions Mildew

Numitor DOUBLE


Detained in his career abruptly, Rhea Silvia thought he had fallen into the hands of their persecutors, and struggled to break out of that claw. He soon saw before him the face of Alec beggar who repeatedly beat her lips asking for silence with the index. Palantea time she saw them and stood well. The man gestured to indicate that follow him and, turning continually to ensure that they were going after him, leading them away from the door between a group of cabins near the wall and adapted to its environment. Brisk walking, crouching and quietly, avoiding uneven ground by the light of the moon, which shone splendid over their heads, even without closing the night. To his ears came more and more distant, panting and some screaming vocals.

Soon the terrain became more steep, almost sheer. Rhea Silvia realized that they had reached the top of Alba Longa and that his feet had to be the eastern gate of the wall and the market. Alec stopped at what appeared to be the last cabin, the back attached to the rock and told them hand they entered after him.

- Look who bring - said crossing the threshold. The interior was very dark, the only light came from the fire in the center of the cabin, at home on which a kettle was steaming. Espórtula looked up and the flames were reflected in her eyes a moment, because then stood up and approached the door to receive Rea.

- You're here! I thank the gods. Come in, come and sit by the fire. Give you a soup that will warm you - and I was rummaging in the back of the cabin a few bowls for returned home and placed them on the stones that marked the fireplace.

Young had sat snorting and tired, his legs too weak to sustain more. With trembling hands grasped the bowl Rea Silvia Espórtula proffered. Tears began to run again.

- I'm so scared. So I'm easy to recognize? - Asked.

- Yes for someone who, like me, you gave handfuls of dried beans before you had teeth - said the old -. I saw on the market. And Alec stood in front of the wall if
volvíais ...
Palantea quickly drank his soup, and seeing that Rea Silvia still trembling, put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed.

- I've seen in front of the cabin of my uncle Amulius, one of the men who have attacked this morning my house - Silvia Rea said to no one in particular -. In the market said they were looking for me. Where can I go? What is happening to my mother?

- Here you are safe - Espórtula said.

- But can log cabins ...

- Regis train! I hide and no one will find you, believe. As for your mother, okay. Tomorrow, when the funeral is over, try to get in touch with her.

- Is tomorrow the funeral? - Rhea Silvia was startled -. I must attend!

- It is better to rest now - he said firmly Espórtula -. Tomorrow is another day and see what should be done. Come, take estas tortas de harina por si tenéis hambre luego y esta ropa para taparos y venid conmigo. Alec, tú quédate vigilando la puerta.

Mientras la anciana apartaba de la pared del fondo un banco de madera cubierto con una piel de oveja y unos cestos encima, Rea Silvia se acercó a Alec y le cogió las manos. En sus ojos brillaban las lágrimas y el agradecimiento. Lo abrazó antes de responder a Espórtula, que la llamaba apremiante.

Entre el suelo de la cabaña y la pared rocosa se abría un hueco oscuro. Con una lucerna, Espórtula iluminó unos escalones tallados en piedra viva. Descendieron por la estrecha escalera, y pronto se found inside a spacious cave, but the ceiling was not much taller than them. Not seen the end of the cave but must have some vents, then fine beams of light came. The walls and ceiling were covered with white lines that stood out against the darkness of the stone. The temperature was warm and there was a strange peace there.

- What are these drawings? - Asked Palantea, admired those meaningless scribbles, however, were harmonics. Espórtula seemed confused and did not respond right away. Spread on the floor a couple of mats to lie on the girls and told them to let them load a lamp lit all night.

- A portrait of my beloved - he suddenly -. The larger circle is the face you see? And that curve, the mouth. The nose is straight from the center stripe and nuts on both sides are the eyes. Sometimes I put my ears, sometimes not. Now you never get, because I have already some very place to paint.

The girls listened astonished. Does your loved ? What would a beloved ? He asked many questions being run at the same time.

- Our parents were neighbors so I grew up together without separating. When I was your age, the heart and entire body with just upsets me that he had brushed me ...! I did not think of anyone else, just to be with him and as he passed. Then he went to war and never returned Lavinio. I draw every day to feel close. That's a dear: Someone who loves you so much that life is impossible without it.

Espórtula When he left, the friends went to bed and talked about the marvel which had never been reported. To love someone like that seemed impossible and at the same time, fascinating and mysterious.

- I would have loved - sighed Rhea Silvia - do not you?

Palantea, who always wore the syrinx strapped to his belt, looked in his clothes, took her to his lips and blew a piece of music so tender and beautiful eyes that seemed to mourn loved Espórtula.

The main hall of the actual cabin was lit by torches. The few servants fastened foot, forming a semicircle behind the queen, her brothers Amulius and Criseyde, the Vestal Maxima and the ten members of the Council. In the center had placed a portable altar: a thick brown trunk inside which had been emptied to lighten its weight was standing functions, and on it rested the altar, a flat stone, slightly recessed in the center and two rills carved c ada one side. Two separate bowls in the floor beneath the channels, would collect the blood of the victim.

Appius entered the room and after his two servants to the pig that was to be sacrificed. The augur bowed head and immediately went to the altar. Back to him, asked what would be consultation with the gods. Replied the eldest male of the Council:

- It will give the Queen Aurelia, on behalf of her husband to the throne of Alba Longa in favor of his brother, younger son of King Procas, the noble Amuli. Provided that the waiver has the blessing of the gods.

The augur turned to greet them, gave them back and ordered the servants to put the pig on the altar. The animal looked dazed and allowed to go without a fight. Appius briefly raised his eyes upwards, quietly recited the required formulas, extracted from a leather case the sacrificial knife and with one blow beheaded the pig, which collapsed without a whimper. Then opened the pig carcass and a fetid, stinking, flooded the room and forced everyone to hold their noses. Appius thrust his hands into the wound and separated the two sides to examine the inside. The stomach was so swollen he looked ready to burst.

- The omens are not good - he said, addressing the old man who had made the query. And it created a moment of great confusion in the real cabin.

With Cayetano for giving a jar and announce this initiative in his blog.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cartier Watch 20-61323

Oscar Elias Biscet in the Miami Dade College on March 14, 2011


by Juan Carlos Chavez

Three days after being released from prison, dissident Oscar Elias Biscet, the most important opposition figure in Cuba, demanded on Monday in his first press conference the immediate resignation of the brothers Fidel and Raul Castro, as "totalitarian dictatorship''compared with those of Hitler and Stalin. He also said Cuban authorities were" anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-black.''

"I demand immediate resignation of Fidel Castro, Raul and his cronies to appoint the national transitional government,''said Biscet.

Biscet, 49, called for the immediate release of political prisoners and criticized the sentence American contractor 15 years of Alan P. Gross for carrying communication equipment to independent groups to promote the development of civil society on the island.

"I think the international community must treat this case to avoid the arbitrariness that have committed to us,''said Biscet. "Gross should not be imprisoned. Behind this arrest is a strategy politics.''

founder and president of the Lawton Foundation spoke from an undisclosed location in Havana, with reporters gathered at the Wolfson campus of Miami Dade College in downtown. During the conference via Skype, answered questions for about an hour. Biscet

said the severe conditions in Cuban prisons, where he stayed from 1999, except for 36 days, serving a sentence of 25 accused of undermining state security. His release on Friday is part of the negotiations held in July between the government of Raul Castro and the Catholic Church. More than 90 prisoners have been released and, mostly, exiled to Spain.

With a firm and resolute tone, called for the immediate and unconditional release of three political prisoners: Librado Linares, José Daniel Ferrer and Felix Navarro. The Cuban authorities are silent on the extension of the closure of three dissidents.

Unwilling to be released on condition of leaving the island, said the opposition Biscet is "on the winning path.''" Cubans do not think we should leave but to seek solutions to problems is urgent to solve,''said . "Finish my job is to win freedom for the Cuban people to live in peace and prosperity.''

When asked about his candidacy the presidency of a possible transitional government, said he had to think first in respect for human rights. He said that if I had to hold public office, Cubans did not disappoint. "I love this town,''he said.

said that once in Cuba to respect human rights and social justice is done, select a political party and define their thinking.

stressed that economic reforms promised by Castro will solve the problems of the population. Despite the promises, he noted, it is becoming worse "deep economic, social and moral.''

"These [the Castro] have proposed ideas and methods [. . .], But increasingly are worse living conditions of our country,''he said. "Those who incurred such serious errors that can persist in amending its system.''

added that the opposition movement on the island is gaining more followers and stressed that there are known leaders and an opposition that has made" progress " '. Among those listed brake the death penalty, the decrease in abortions and the fact that people can comment on''something more''street without fear of falling prey immediately. According to him, even in the ranks of the Communist Party are supporters of the dissident movement.

"In Cuba there is a strong and widespread opposition throughout the country,''he said. "This makes me think that in reality, the Cuban government is bankrupt because more and more people within the opposition, despite the terror that exists.''Biscet

criticized the relaxation of restrictions on travel and remittances to the island, as these measures do not have a direct impact on the framework of citizens' rights.

"This has been used in China for 30 years and see which still has the same dictatorship,''he said. "Although China has improved economically there is no political or civil liberties.''

praised the work of exiles in the search of peaceful change and consistent for individual freedoms for Cubans. He stressed the need to join forces within and outside Cuba to encourage democratic development opportunities. "We will get those changes through a revolution of human rights non-violently,''he said.

The first few hours after his release, he said, had been" joy and sadness.'' On the journey home in Havana, he noted, had witnessed the destruction and sorrow of the Cubans.

"I realized that we still live under slavery,''he said." Despite these difficulties, fills my heart with joy I know that there is a very hard job to do for the welfare of my people.''

described as "good''management of the Catholic Church in the process of release of prisoners of conscience and said that this will be a key institution in a democratic transition.

" In the future, if we can convince the in power to the transitional government, which has to be a mediator of this management will be the Catholic Church,''he said. ''This is important for the country because it will avoid bloodshed. The system's days are numbered.''


Press Teleconference Oscar Elias Biscet in the Miami Dade College on March 14, 2011 Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 Part 4

Part 5

some comments left

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Teleconference Oscar Elias Biscet press on ... "Not a greeting

d thanks to all who have done so el.Ni to exile or to the people in this the Leader general.Es quremos not dare call for its nombre.Ni dictator tells of a political role but one of the bunch, talking about human rights.
not that perhaps what most have been doing since time already?
we are embarked, pathetic interview and once again left out hundreds or thousands who had once wanted participar.Otra group interests prevailed. Cuba
Too bad nobody out and say what you think of a veraz.No have a child that you can defend. Hitler
disappeared Staliln speak and sent him to Siberia without visiting Russian or return ticket. No eggs
alzarlserle irsele Castro and do not appear to clandestinaj.Todavia calles.Que dead in the penalty and the cowardice of the people and most of those who call themselves leaders.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Understanding Mildot Reticle


Caudillismo is an evil that unfortunately we as a people rid. Biscet is an undisputed leader of the Cuban opposition, but it is not unique and is a human being who, like all human beings make mistakes and successes.

In a teleconference with people in the Miami Dade College presented courageous approaches to the Castro, but, in my opinion, was not very lucid when assessed the role of the Catholic Church (actually part of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church Cuban) in the mediation ¨ ¨ alleged tyranny, when in fact that part of the Church was in support of the dictatorship out of the extremely complicated situation that was at the international level due to the need for international financial funds, shares internal opposition, the assassination of Orlando Zapata, the brutal repression of the Damas de Blanco and especially to Support Women in solidarity with them. I am of the opinion that a transition must be present the Catholic Church and other denominations, but its most respected and credible, as are the Bishop Emeritus of Pinar del Rio Bishop José Siro González Bacallao, Father Conrad, Archbishop Pedro Meurice, the layman Dagoberto Valdés, etc. .. Keep in mind that Biscet was unable to be adequately informed about the mediation ¨ ¨ and other events to be in prison in a country where the misinformation is breakfast, lunch and dinner every Cuban.

6:20 From the minute you hear the above assessment of Biscet

Part 4

****************** NO TASK BISCET IS BUT ALL OF U.S..

Alfredo M. Cepero

The news of the release of Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet moved all freedom-loving Cubans from Havana to Madrid and Miami to Santiago de Cuba. And beyond us, joy and hope reigned together in the minds and hearts of men and women around the world recognize this man as a leader in the defense of the life of the unborn and human rights in general.

a couple of days ago, I had the privilege and satisfaction of holding a telephone conversation with a friend who does not know in person but with whom I share many ideas on ways able to lead Cuba to a plethora of opportunities for all children. It was a frank, firm and direct that confirmed the ability of Biscet to be instrumental in the healing of our national ills.

During the same Biscet told me about his immediate plans with these words: "Now comes a process of physical recovery and catch up on world events to successfully face the challenges of helping to lead the people of Cuba to prosperity, happiness and harmony. "

As I write these lines not only share many of the ideas of Biscet but experience the joy expressed by the people to release that I'm bound by love and longing despite a half century of absence. I would scream their lungs that freedom of Biscet is the preamble to the impending release of Cuba. I would say to the champion of our freedom that is Biscet has already fulfilled its mission. But the experience of many years of fruitless struggle against the vicious tyranny that oppresses us and our history full of confrontations and conflicts since the beginning of the Republic made me take a more cautious and moderate part of my optimism. Let me explain.

(Oscar Elias Biscet and his wife. Photo added by this blogger)

Like so many other brave men who have been martyred, harassment or imprisonment along this long struggle this man made his entrance into public life political vocation but patriotic imperative. With the release ended for heroic stage Biscet who risked their lives to denounce oppression. Now begins a time of great challenges, the more dangerous and more frustration.

has nothing less than to heal wounds and encourage hopes of a people flock become evil and cynicism of a satanic system. And that therapy is not taught in medical school. Innovative treatments will have to improvise and sometimes even act on instinct. And it is very likely that your prize is the one predicted Martí Máximo Gómez when he called the war of 95: "The pleasure of sacrifice probable and ingratitude of men. "

Many will be asked to do the miracle of the elusive unity that we have failed in the fight for our freedom and who multiplied loaves and fishes or convert water into wine to renew the vows of what was once our abused and starved democracy. Some have come by these days to launch his presidential candidacy and to have proposed his name to baptize one of the main streets of Havana.

The same mix of kitsch and adulation he has prostituted to so many of our leaders. We ascribe divine powers, and to encourage them, the God-like. The motivations are diverse. A seeking patronage and sinecures. Some are lurking to accumulate political capital by destructive criticism of their actions. Others, the majority refuse to accept their responsibility as citizens in the health of our democracy. No wonder our country has a well-earned reputation for political indifference and destroy their leaders either by flattery or jealousy .

I, on the other hand, very few are as qualified as Biscet by character, principles and behaviors to get to Cuba without the abyss of hatred, violence and poverty that he had lived for half a century. But neither is eternal Biscet and his presence on the political scene will be permanent. If Cubans we want a stable nation that will withstand the vagaries and human weaknesses of our leaders have to break the chain of dependence of our political leaders. We need to be aware that the proper functioning of democracy depends on the periodic replacement of rulers. Without that substitution, democracy becomes a farce which leads to overlapping dictatorships such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua .

And back to our chain of misfortunes, there are as ominous reminders of our error three links represented by Machado, Batista and Castro. Gerardo Machado was an exemplary and constructive work of government in his first presidential term from 1925 to 1929. But they covered their acolytes're saddled with adulation and ridicule qualifier of "egregious." When the president acted on one occasion to ask what time it was some of his aides, the character came to the extreme submission to answer the "general you want." The result was a Machado arrogant and disconnected from public opinion that was imposed on the force for a second term and led the 1933 revolution, which in turn gave birth to the dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Fulgencio Batista was not only good government between 1940 and 1944 but presided over honest elections and handed power to the victorious opposition candidate had been proposed by the Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Authentic) Dr. Ramón Grau San Martín. But the greed and arrogance led him to give the final blow to our democracy to the coup of March 10, 1952, just three months before an election scheduled for June and the first results of which we believe would have been respected by President Carlos Prio. His supporters coined the slogan "This is the man," as if all the other Cubans we had been a eunuch. The result was a civil war that brought us the monster of Fidel Castro.

Regarding the latter, there are no adjectives to describe their wickedness. It was the largest repository of current of faith and hope that any ruler has ever inspired in the course of the history of our unfortunate nation. Insult to one of our most noble brutes calling it "the horse," I said "this is your home" and we proclaim the suicidal madness to the four winds: "If Fidel is a communist who put me on the list." And the list of acts of barbarism could fill an encyclopedia.

In conclusion, if we want our children and our children's children can live in freedom and prosperity in our homeland, not killed by bullets to the firing squads that do not suffer captivity and torture in filthy jails them from wandering orphans in foreign lands home we must take the responsibility to promote and preserve the democratic republic bequeathed to us by our liberators. And that task is not only Biscet but all of us.

How To Extract Files To Mount And Blade



The Cuban Committee for Human Rights since its inception has fought not only in the field of allegations of violations, so has to stimulate the birth and growth in Cuban civil society necessary. Clarify the following because we are not against the right of anyone to organize and create the organization, blog, movement or school of thought deemed. To do otherwise is a right we defend. However, if we are against the falsification of identification or identity of an organization and a few e-mail with my name.

(Ricardo Bofill, president of the Committee for Human Rights)

exists in the internet a person who is identified as the Cuban Committee for Human Rights and our symbol and an e-mail me ( not is ours and what we know to save our responsibility. My link to the Internet only through this page along with Mr. Oscar Pena Vice President of the institution and also its Executive Director. And my phone is (305) 856-8987.

pray with this in mind. Dr. Ricardo Bofill

blogger comment

Friday, March 18, 2011

Free Standing Horse Feeder


The history demonstrates conclusively that places particular emphasis on its intelligence to penetrate the radio stations, television and press flat to systematically deal the subject of Cuba. Deny that, in response to a supreme ignorance and naivete or to comply with an order or directive of the Centre of Havana. Taken



Por Iliana Curra

Resulta que, echando una mirada a la página web de Radio y TV Martí, nos encontramos con casos como el que pude postear en mi blog (abajo) donde se nota una cierta propaganda a la Cuba castrista. Las encuestas que ponen también, son a veces, ingenuas o sutiles, más allá del motivo por el cual pudiera interpretarse de una forma u otra.

Y es que, revisando un poco la historia de quienes allí laboran, se puede comprobar que se encuentra alguien que fue web master de Casa de Las Américas, Isabel Espronceda. quien además se highlighted as a director of videos, including one did appear in a number of the magazine Casa de Las Americas dedicated to Miguel Bonasso, a former Argentine montonero belonging to the guerrilla organization that South American country.

Casa de Las Americas, as everyone knows, was founded in 1959 by Haydee Santamaria Castro and now presides over another Castro, Roberto Fernandez Retamar. It gives space to stronger Latin American intellectuals of leftist and Cubans who have defended the communist dictatorship in place since 1959 by force and maintained by repression.

Characters that have worked there, as well as in magazine and many other video and film projects, have belonged to the so-called intellectual elite and their ideological acolytes who have professed their ideology communism as permanent until manage to cross the 90 miles and into key parts of the U.S. government where they could make their spade work for the regime.

Is this one of those cases? Nobody knows.

Are Radio and TV Martí created for this? Of course not. Radio and TV Martí responds to the U.S. government, but is due to a Cuban exile who managed to impose it through effort and determination, lobbying and doing the best they could to Cubans on the island have a voice, for information to enter the Cuban people was the truth and not the subtle propaganda that is now shout for a system outdated, repressive and cowardly.

For that there was Jorge Mas Canosa, who fought with the exile to which this project was achieved in all all. Change the line of Radio and TV Marti would be something that Cuban exiles can not afford, and not allow it. Jorge Mas Canosa is not now, but we are. *******************


Manolo Pozo / Los Angeles, ca. said ... AY

Iliana, news emerging every day and annoy a lot unpleasant. Is not the first person of "dubious prosedencia" working in the station that did a lot for me had much to do with communism gained some ground. But do not think so now. And I say this Iliana: both sensor transmission and is carrying out its programming this season is no longer useful, "subversive of the 80 and 90. The memory together with the Voice Foundation (preferring the latter) in a large sensor transmission to the island. Now is a very poor signal, you do not understand, and the more I explain it the less I understand. As I do not understand some staff who have gone through the different departments of the station. And with respect for all good men I know is Radio Marti I think the station should be trained together, but also identified with the Cuban cause (anti-Castro). Is a company of American government, but its aim must respond to the interests of exile, to the opposition and freedom of Cuba. Rather than dismantle, or convey to Mexico or Venezuela.