Monday, February 21, 2011

Wii I Spy Paper City Arrows

- Vestal Maxima arrives! - Shouted to the men inside one of the surveillance.

Amulius grimaced and turned quickly towards Aurelia.

- Tell you give up the throne.

- Not without my daughter.

- You're going life!

Camilla appeared in the doorway, Vestal Max Alba Longa, accompanied by the vestal Adriana and two maids. The crowd had broken through with a general feeling of approval and relief. The prestige of this lady's reassuring. With this in mind, seemed less serious anything could have happened: not for nothing was the supreme priestess of the goddess Vesta, protector of their city and each of their homes. At the highest public dignity, the Vestal Maxima totaled being an honest person and little inclined to beating about the secret, beyond those required by the exercise of his priesthood.

Just your view adapted to the darkness inside, he shook a dreadful scene: ten or twelve bodies of men and women lying beside a wall and a little separated from the others, was that of Numitor son. Messy clothes gave it that had been washed and left in that place without any care or respect, without regard for his dignity, his eyes open and their faces contorted, covered blood still thick, dirty. In the air was almost unbearable odor, a mixture of fear and blood, sweat and death.

Sitting in the middle of the room was, the image of desolation, Queen Aurelia. Camilla's eyes were crossed with those of the queen and read them a warning, or a plea or a request for restraint. He did not go unnoticed Amulius hostile attitude and his wife, although the latter had one hand on the shoulder of her sister. Aurelia headed and took her hands:

- What happened, Aurelia? What is all this?

- A terrible misfortune, Vestal High - intervened Amulius -. You see, my nephew is dead. A loss for my family and Alba Longa. I do not know how to take my brother the news. Bad, very bad, surely. We fear for his health. For this reason, Queen Aurelia wanted to make a statement. We were going to call you.

- I'll give up the throne on behalf of Numitor Camilia. We were hoping to get my daughter to do so - said Aurelia. He felt the fingers of his sister clavársele viciously on the shoulder. - See how misfortune has been priming us. And yet I must thank the gods Rhea Silvia has managed to flee. Who knows if this time she would not be dead ...!

- But Who did this? How did this happen?

- I do not know how it started, because I was finishing getting dressed in my room. I have come to hear screams and found myself in the midst of a scuffle. My poor son has defended me with her own life ... I have not recognized any of the attackers. Fortunately, you've come Amulius and have fled ...

- Have you sent anyone in search of Rhea Silvia? What has warned Numitor? - Asked Vestal Max, after a moment of silence. Aurelia felt shaking hands in hers.

- All my servants are dead, Camilia, do not you see? I beg you to do so.

- I will. And no matter how great your pain, Aurelia, action is needed. The town of Alba Longa to know what happened. And you can not be here, all three, without doing anything to give these dead decent treatment they deserve. There must notify their families. Send the servants to purify and prepare for the funeral.
Tucci My servant will stay with you, with you and who need help. I understand that your child deserves the funeral a warrior and it also requires some preparation. And you yourself, my queen, you rise above. Come on, give me your fibula because I see that is stained and while it takes me. I'll see limpiártela. Also in the appearance and clothing should be sought when appropriate dignity. While

Camilia, with the help of Tucci, removed the bronze brooch holding the cloak of Aurelia in the right shoulder and substituted for his, the tears flowed from the eyes of the queen as a river.

- not appropriate under the circumstances, which is delayed by the resignation of Aurelia - intervened Amulius containing his anger barely -. You who have much sense práctico, Camilia, comprenderás la necesidad de contar enseguida con una autoridad real que tome las riendas del gobierno, averigüe con exactitud lo ocurrido, busque a los culpables y los castigue – dijo, fijando los ojos en Aurelia –. No creo indispensable la presencia de Rea Silvia.

- No, no lo es – respondió Camilia –, pero sería cruel que su madre hubiera de afrontar todo esto sola.

- ¡Ay, yo solo espero que esos asesinos no la hayan perseguido y matado también a ella! – dijo con falsa compunción Criseida.

- ¿Y por qué habrían de hacerlo? – respondió Camilia quickly, turning to Criseyde -. Do you know something others do not? Do you mean to say it was a deliberate attack and not an attempted robbery has done so dire?

- No, no, Camilia. It is an unfounded fear. Mothers usually be very afraid ... - was quick to answer. But his face was hatred, a growing resentment towards that stupid Vestal that had been submitted without being called and I was complicating the plans. Hopefully Prátex had already fulfilled his orders and had had the wisdom to hide the corpse of Rhea Silvia.

News about the beginning of this novel in some blogs friends on poetry. , mariajesúsparadela. , Rafa Almazán, Antonio Martín Ortiz, Javier Pellicer THANKS TO ALL, FRIENDS


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