La multitud había quedado conmovida por un crimen despiadado y sin causa aparente. No se explicaba quién o por qué motivo habrían querido atacar con tal saña a la familia real. ¿Serían sicarios al servicio de alguna ciudad latina? Si era así, Alba Longa estaría en peligro y con su rey ausente. Y más allá de la desazón que embargaba sus ánimos, otra duda corría de boca en boca: puesto que el único King's son had perished without descendants, who inherited the throne when Numitor died? And asking the gods to resist until his health had given Rhea Silvia as a grandson, otherwise, only to inherit his brother would Amuli. Amulius, the odious .
But enough talk, we must protect Rhea Silvia. We will give you supplies and warm clothing and the Silana shall bear to the forest. Stay with it. In no way can return to Alba Longa, because his life is in grave danger here. And now, excuse me, I have to resolve many issues before noon.
The crack of a branch startled Rhea Silvia. His heart again began a blind gallop, a wild race that stood up and made a jump stick to the wall of the cave in darkness. Had failed to remove from his memory the fight to the death he had seen in his own house, and his mother's desperate cry rang in his head. It should not have fled, but stay with his family, help them instead of obeying the order to be safe. Hesitated on whether to return to Alba Longa when that unexpected noise had returned to forest and facing Silana your own risk. Holding her breath listened.
flooded forest
Giving back, sitting on an old stump in the fog, a girl playing the syrinx. He wore a brown robe and chestnuts are knotted braids over her head, leaving the bare neck. In a few pigs rooting around in the woods looking for the acorns that had fallen to the ground late. He remained motionless while listening to his heart's normal rhythm recovered and calmed. Then, slowly so as not to frighten her, he was approached. The girl started and stopped playing.
- the first time you ask that question to a pastor of pigs - she smiled. He formed dos hoyuelos en las mejillas y sus ojos parecían reír. – La neblina no te deja ver bien. Me llamo Palantea ¿y tú?
- ¿Vienes de Alba Longa?
- Nunca te había visto – dijo Palantea finally leaving the syrinx in her lap. - What are you doing here? And still have not told me your name.
Camilia sped up once he had crossed back through the crowd, back to cabaña de las vestales y el templo de Vesta, situados en el centro de la población. Unos instantes antes, desde la puerta de la cabaña real, había dado al público una sucinta explicación de lo ocurrido.
Camilia was no less concerned when he reached the cabin of the vestal virgins, where hope and Amnesis Elecampane.
- You were right - I said to see -. The situation is critical. And of course Amulius and his wife are behind the killings. I fear for Rhea Silvia.
- Were you able to speak with the queen? How are you? - Asked Elecampane. For some time the Queen had recourse to their services as expert on medicinal herbs and remedies and professed mutual affection.
- Those two, Amulius and Criseyde, the have isolated and monitored. Still, I could communicate with her - she said as her hand on his shoulder where he had placed the fibula with a finger Aurelia and reviewed his outline -. Not for nothing are friends since childhood. When we were young and some of us had problems, we used to share our brooches. It was as if each is put in place other and share their load. We are much relieved. I change his fibula and now you know that I understand the situation and will have my support.

flooded forest
So light and soft music like that which causes Favonius to blow when, in early spring, singing makes the leaves of oaks and chestnuts and
inc ita to bear fruit: gay as butterflies flutter and sweeter than honey bees. also evoked other sounds: water dripping on a rock, the crack of tiny leaves underfoot and the birds pecking , the slow passage of time. She was so beautiful melody that soothed the spirit and made her forget the sorrows. Without realizing it, Rhea Silvia had been approaching the entrance of the cave and cautiously looked out.

- Are you the nymph Silana? - Asked Rhea Silvia, overpowered by this divine music. The girl gave him a look of amazement and looked after their own clothes and bare feet.
- ¿Vienes de Alba Longa?
- No. Vivo en una cabaña cerca de aquí – dijo. Y al ver el rostro de decepción de Rea Silvia, le hizo sitio en el tocón y con un gesto de la mano la invitó a sentarse.
- Siempre toco la siringa como ofrenda a Silana a cambio de su permiso para que pasten mis cerdos – dijo antes de empezar a tocar otra vez. Rea Silvia, sentada a su lado, la escuchó en silencio.

- I can not tell you. I fled my home and I come back to Alba Longa, but no one recognized me.
stayed a while in silence, each lost in thought. Palantea then stood up, whistled for pigs and carefully observed the stranger. Should have a similar age, but Rea was higher. Judging by the whiteness of his skin, clear coat and sandals, must belong to a wealthy family. However, it was not conceited or proud. He even sat next to him.
- My father said that the best place to hide an acorn was put in a basket of acorns.
- What do you mean? - Asked Rhea Silvia, waking from his reverie.
- That if you dress and smell like all pastors, no one would notice you. So you could go back to Alba Longa - Palantea said.

- you help me? - Rhea Silvia said his face lit -. It can be dangerous for you.
- More than wandering alone in the woods, exposed to the wishes of gods and men? Now, my house is nearby.
thank the friends Mayte e Isabel Martínez Barquero have been echoed in posts on this initiative. Thank you both.
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