Back in the days preceding the young Urban Lazio, who lived from about events and left oral chronic drinking all scholars, had witnessed a phenomenon: a sow had given birth to a piglet white and one black and the latter stopped sucking another until melted. ¿Pudo ser un presagio de lo que estaba a punto de suceder? Al morir unos años atrás, el rey Procas de Alba Longa había dejado una herencia dividida de manera imprudente: al primogénito Númitor le había legado el trono, mientras que al hijo menor, Amulio, lo había hecho dueño de su ingente fortuna. La riqueza abre todas las puertas, no hay obstáculos para sus pretensiones. Quien la posee ansía, casi siempre, alcanzar el poder. Y Amulio se aprestaba a cogerlo.
En ausencia del rey Númitor, que había ido a tratar una alianza con el rey de Corioles, su esposa, la reina Aurelia, regía los destinos de la ciudad. Aquella mañana despachaba junto a su único son a problem of boundaries when a package full of strangers requested a hearing. The queen welcomed and offered the gifts of hospitality. Etruscan merchants said they and as one mother and son risked his desire to settle in Alba Longa, the other, suddenly, they opened their bundles and surprised by an attack.
had just lifted from the bed when he heard Rea Silvia scandal. The actual cabin was divided into several units and the voices and noises of weapons that came to his room came from the room, so I hurriedly put on her, he headed there.
- Run, Rea, run, my daughter! Go, go! - His mother shouted without turning to look at it, pushing it back to the body and hands toward the kitchen.
The young woman paralyzed by surprise, failed to move or speak, despite her mother's desperate orders. A group of unidentified armed with shields and swords melee fighting against some servants, because the soldiers guarding the door and tried to reduce them lying on the ground. There was blood on the floor and walls, the throne, a defense and as a weapon, had broken legs, shattered vessels, torn fabrics, tables fall into disorder, cries and more cries were mingled in the scene of rage and fury. His own brother, with his sword, had been placed in front of your mother and protected her with his body. He also shouted to Rea that it be made safe.
those screams were not, however, that Rea Silvia brought to the room, but the hands of the slaves in the kitchen, grabbed her and threw her, and between prayers and output by pushing the door service. From the threshold crack heard the voice of his mother in a terrible cry and ran in panic, torn between the desire to escape and return. Broke the wall, reached in a few strides the path of Jupiter Shrine Latiario and away from the city. He dared not imagine what would have happened: I was only thinking about running, not to sink the foot between the treads of tanks or trip.
Along the edge of the sacred forest of Silana paused and looked back at Alba Longa, to check the following. Just saw in the distance, the faint columns of smoke rising above the ridge of the huts. He thought that pastors have already led to pasture cattle and homes would be women only. A young woman with a basket of esparto grass gathered on an embankment near the edge and behind it, on the lake Albano, flat like a sheet of silver, the moon was fading off by the first rays of the sun.
His brother would not see the lake, neither the sun nor the moon. His eyes had been fixed, empty while his neck blood flowed unrestrained. The cries of his mother, his kisses, his pleas to return to life faced with a wall of silence. The fight was over. The servants were badly wounded or killed, the slaves of the kitchen, their throats slit. Only the queen were still alive and the attackers Aurelia, still sitting on the floor panting after completing their deadly work. They talked among themselves in Etruscan language.
With quick steps entered the real cabin Amulius, walked over to where his sister moaned knees and stared at the corpse of his nephew. Queen Aurelia raised her head and was relieved to see him. But it lasted only a moment: there was something offensive and ruthless in the attitude of Amuli, a deadly chill. Not even a moment bowed nor spoke. Instead, he turned his back and went to the leader of the group, ignoring the cry of pain burst from the throats of Aurelia, asked
- Pratex, where is the girl?
- has escaped - answered mentioned.
- to find her and bring her ID.
- What madness is this, Amulius? - Shouted the Queen, standing -. What hast thou to do with these men? Do not hurt my daughter! It's almost a girl ...
- Do you still dare to give orders, Aurelia? - Said at the time entering Criseyde's wife Amulius, his mouth puckered -. Oh, your little girl ...! Bring her right away, yes. And it will be much more beneficial for you to get killed.
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