Thursday, February 17, 2011

Candid-hd Alternative



Many believe, in our day que a los dioses no les interesan los asuntos humanos y nuestra suerte les es indiferente. Sin embargo, en tiempos más antiguos los seres humanos y los divinos se unían y se entremezclaban con frecuencia. Ocupaban los mismos espacios: los campos anchurosos, los pastos y los labrantíos, las selvas, el aire, los riachuelos. Allí donde se dirigiese la vista había una deidad y, bajo su protección, crecían los rebaños y las cosechas aumentaban; se conocía que un dios o una diosa andaba cerca porque se estremecían las hojas de los árboles y las cañas emitían un lamento dulce. El ser humano sabía reconocer la divinidad allí donde se hallara y le rendía tributo. A su vez, los dioses recompensaban a sus protegidos concediéndoles una descendencia gloriosa. Porque mortales e inmortales compartían, también, pasiones idénticas.

“Silana, levantando un espeso muro de niebla,/ impidió a los perseguidores de Rea Silvia el acceso a su bosque./ No salvó de sus espadas a una virgen/ sino a toda la estirpe de Marte/ que de ella desciende”. Así relataba Urbano Lacio en su crónica oral parte de lo sucedido durante las primeras horas de aquel día nefasto. Y afirmaba, porque era muy minucioso, haber tomado ese testimonio de la joven Énule, que aquella famosa mañana recogía hierbas medicinales para sus remedios cuando Rea Silvia, que was always quiet, had gone right by running with the panic reflected in the face and had entered the forest Silana. Seen arriving shortly after chasing strangers appeared and did attempt to enter the same grove. With their own eyes watched in an instant, the oaks until then clear and straightforward, had been covered with a fog so thick you could not see beyond two steps. After a couple of attempts, the strangers stopped looking there and took another direction.

Knowing Rhea Silvia sheltered in the woods, loaded Elecampane shouldered his bag esparto herbs and returned to Alba Longa to make inquiries. It had seemed very strange and had not gone unnoticed by the purple color of the sky. He looked for his sister Amnesis and both went to the widening, located at the northeastern foot of the wall, where farmers and herdsmen exchanged their products. Alba Longa was not in a better place to learn the news, since the market always ran from mouth to mouth the last events, the gossip and rumors.

That day everyone had a story to tell: from the Alec beggar, like every morning, had gone to the cabin for their real cake Spelt and found the kitchen was empty as her belly, until Espórtula, whose language he feared around the world. A railed loudly against the head chef of Queen Aurelia, because, after having ordered the previous day a bag of cabbage, that morning he had gone to take it and had grown tired of waiting on the street without that neither she nor any someone else would have deigned to pick out. Combined

complaints and comments from each other, was that those who attended the king's hut Numitor that day had found an anomaly: they had not seen any of the people living there, not heard noise or any movement could be seen, made unusual in a cabin where there was always activity in and out and servants, of the guards at the door there was no sign. However, it had taken place Amulius men and not allowed entry. The concern was growing. Anyone purporting to hide a secret, had failed. How long could something so strange to go unnoticed in a city of a thousand huts?

About Numitor housing had gathered a crowd. Amnesis Elecampane and went there, mingled among the audience and listened. Versions had very inconsistent: some claimed that the king had died in Coriolan Numitor and were planning a trip to pick up his body. Others, a mysterious disease that had attacked the inhabitants of the cabin. Many people believed that any misfortune that had happened, would not be alien to the machinations of Criseyde, wicked among the wicked. Amulius also said he wanted to buy the throne to his sister and before that rumor many winced. No one, among all those gathered, he thought that so much mystery was due to something good. The happy news fly like pigeons and miserable crawl like snakes.

- We've heard enough - said his sister Elecampane -. Let's go. We should be seizing this moment to act.

Oblivious to the crowd waiting at the gates, Queen Aurelia made superhuman efforts to stand firm and not sink into despair. In just a few hours, the house had collapsed Numitor: his son viciously murdered, her daughter in danger of suffering the same fate; servitude destroyed, loved ones who knew almost from birth. How well known the usurpers had planned it all, take advantage of the absence of Numitor! She had been left alone, isolated, without anyone who could help her. Feared for Rhea Silvia, for those fourteen years of his own innocence uncle wanted truncated. Needed to protect it. And so stubbornly refused to give up claim to the throne Amulius if not before her daughter returned safe and sound.

- It's over time, Aurelia -. Cris glanced burning with hatred and contempt -. Listen, why do not you repeat it! If you do not give up the throne immediately accuse you of being yourself who has caused these deaths. Tell your son has surprised you with a raised-bed and threats to their infidelity and discover your report you, you've ordered your lover to kill him. You will be a parricide adulterous queen! Do not you asked for it to die a moment? So continue refusing to do what you ask and you believe that you will die, put to death, rejected by your husband and cursed throughout the land. There will be grave for your bones.

- I want here to Rhea Silvia - hit repeat Aurelia lifeless voice, his mind dazed and overwhelmed by the blow of this new threat.

- No time for that. Decide now.

- Can I have a choice, then, between my daughter's life and mine? - Asked at last.

- have no such luck: you must only choose which of the two die earlier.

A deathly silence descended on the cabin.


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