With mind stunned by a hodgepodge of emotions, Rhea Silvia, roadside, hesitated while fetching breath . Where do you flee? Would not it be better to step back? Seen from a distance, the city of Alba Longa seemed quiet waking. However, the actual cabin was plunged into a chaos of battle and blood. Again heard in his head the cry of his mother and flinched. No, not return yet. Was a step in the sacred grove of silanes and knew him well. They seek shelter.
"nymph Silana Oh, I claim your protection as I am in danger. Accept me in your forest as a host mother in his lap to their offspring. Ofrendarte promise wreaths as many days in the summer. "Saying this prayer went into the forest and went rushing back to the hidden cave where he was born Silana source. As I crossed the threshold of the cave and purify their hands and face with water, a new anxiety seized his thinking. How long was to go there? If kept hid da how would know what happened to her mother and brother? Another wave of panic gripped her heart: and if they needed his help?

Meanwhile Pratex and his henchmen
searched the road looking for footprints or signs of the passing of Rhea Silvia. Near the forest edge were some herbs Silana crushed, as if someone had been standing there. Pratex thought it was worth a look among the oaks. He called a couple of men to accompany him and others ordered them to continue to crawl around. He drew his sword and entered the realm of the nymph.

- Have mercy on Rhea Silvia, Amulius! - Exclaimed -. Have mercy
you, Cris, because you are a mother too! What wrong I have done my children? What I have offended your father and me?
- Enough, Aurelia! - Extravagantly said Chryseis -. I hear tires. Do not you shut up like all women? If you have not understood what happened, explain it not worthwhile. We, husband terminemos lo que hemos venido a hacer!
you, Cris, because you are a mother too! What wrong I have done my children? What I have offended your father and me?
- Enough, Aurelia! - Extravagantly said Chryseis -. I hear tires. Do not you shut up like all women? If you have not understood what happened, explain it not worthwhile. We, husband terminemos lo que hemos venido a hacer!
- Escúchame, bien cuñada – dijo acercándose a la reina Aurelia y poniéndosele delante –. Ya no eres reina, ni mi hermano es rey. Ahora mismo vas a preparar una declaración para anunciar, delante de testigos, que mi hermano Númitor se encuentra fatigado de las tareas de gobierno y renuncia al trono in my favor.
- And how will convince them of such a hoax, with my son's body still warm, with all my servants killed by your men?
- The're going to persuade you. Who said that my wife or I have something to do with this massacre? Blame it on your child. Has been disrupted. In a fit of madness has attacked its own servants. They have defended and, by the will of fate, have been all dead.
- Tell cation to enter - Amulius ordered the bailiff. This left the real cabin for a moment and re-entered accompanied by a poorly dressed and faced man, his nose and cheeks streaked purple veins.
- Well, cation, in front of the Queen repeated what you've seen these days.
- I've seen your son, ma'am, sleeping at noon in the shade of a cypress tree - the man said, staggering and giving off a strong smell of wine.
- That's a lie - Aurelia howled.

- Kill me if you want. Or if not like, kill me! Never say such a falsehood. My son has died wielding the sword, yes, but defending the murderers who have commanded you.
- You think things better, Aurelia - insisted Criseida approaching and turning her sister about him challenging -. Your word is worthless, because you are nothing. Nothing! You're alive but your luck may get worse.
- not scare me, Criseyde - said the queen -. After what happened what do I care about my luck?
- But how foolish you are, sister! I bet it will matter.
Here you can read how it was received the news that we are to found Rome in various blogs: Reyes , Elena and Domus Baebia Saguntino.
This post belongs to the series that will relate the myths of the founding of Rome. I can not put in the title, because google me "punished" by the repetition, so I'll numbering each post with Roman numerals and will be grouped under the label "Founding of Rome (1 ª part)
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