To the left of Alba Longa road connecting with the sanctuary of Jupiter Latiaris still grows a forest of oaks dedicated to the nymph Silana, from which he derived the name. The origins of this nymph is so remote that no one knows what God the father, or if his mother was human or divine descent. He must be divine, it is very beautiful and who willingly enter their domains immediately feel a slight coolness, in summer, or a comforting warmth in winter. The intensity and sweetness of those feelings immediately reveal the presence of silanes and benevolence.
It says, in effect, who has loved a lot and have preserved their love intact in the heart. Thus the tender reception to visitors, the darkness or lightness that offers as appropriate to the season, and even rumor that gives your ears, the rustle of leaves and chirping birds that resembles music, or poetry - they sometimes seem to pronounce words - or both at once. There are some who have glimpsed gliding between trees, winding, pausing a moment to make sure to be seen and followed. So guide to the cave where he has his home who had never before ventured into the bush.
There at the bottom of that cave, comes a gush of clear water and creates a haven in the same cavity. It reflects the red, rock, green moss growing on the walls and, sometimes, the face of the nymph itself. The liquid is not known where he is going, because neither the spring stops flowing, and the backwater never overflows. And so, many believe that feeds the waters of Lake Albano, which other sources are not known.
Rhea Silvia - also called by some Ilia - there ran to a bright spring morning, just turned fourteen. Came from the heart pounding in the chest and temples, almost out of breath, anxiety and fear looming in the face. She had awakened happy and with intent to gather wild flowers to take to the altar of Pomona and ask the goddess abundant fruit. Could not. The ambition and death threats before she rose. That day was hopelessly twisted path of his life and also seen in the perspective of time, began to change the world.
What we are naive to imagine that when nature is benevolent and cheerful reflects a kind of harmony between humans and the fate! No one fears a disaster on a sunny day. And so, we enjoyed calm believed to be safe, as if the blue sky was a sign of peace.
The experience, however, teaches us that good news can reach us in the depths of winter and the bad as well. That same lightning that split the sky on a stormy night lighting may find ourselves watching a child or a deceased. And since childhood and learn what the course of the sun and the order in which the seasons pass in divine matters remain ignorant forever. The will of the gods is unpredictable and obscure: sometimes what appeared to be a good is being a bad and what began in an ominous it becomes, unexpectedly, in our salvation.
Something similar might think Rhea Silvia, Acca Hersilia Larentia and the first and only time we were together, gathered at the sacred forest of silane had been a haven and prison for many years Rhea Silvia. Each is inscribed in the soul the mark of fate and discrediting the gossip, Acca Larentia, the violent separation from their own, Hersilia, the victim of the excesses of others, Rhea Silvia. The latter had been the hardest hit, because when his father, King Numitor of Alba Longa, was deposed by his own brother Amuli, that relative cruel took no pity on her.
Fate had joined the three women with a powerful bond, half fact and half blood of affection. As if they were born at the same time and grown together, to be embraced as the father hugs his sons after returning from a long journey. Eager to know, talked, talked and talked as only women know how to do, putting the heart in words. Shared their memories, their travails and wept joys, laughed. Mixed with other important things trivial, if it can be considered trivial to talk about the fruit that grew in the womb of Hersilia and even before birth, was loved by those three women. There was also silence.
And I wonder if it had not been por ellas, se habría fundado esta ciudad magnífica, esta urbe privilegiada siempre por los dioses pese a haber sido concebida mediante los crímenes más horribles, engaños y traiciones.
No. Roma no hubiera existido. O, en todo caso, no hubiera existido la Roma que conocemos.
NOTA 1: La primera foto muestra el lago Albano y, al fondo, el monte Cavo, donde se hallaba el Santuario de Jupiter Latiaris. Éste fue un gran centro religioso y de unión de los pueblos latinos. Hacia la parte superior izda. se cree que estuvo, a media ladera, la ciudad de Alba Longa.
NOTE 2: Dear friends, I ask for understanding if you do not visit as much as I like. This adventure started today I require a huge effort and, at the risk of not being able to, I prefer to go visitándoos to one and occasionally more than try to visit you all at the same time. I know you understand.
NOTE 3: Here is the list of new additions. Some people are missing or I have asked myself assigned character (and I'm thinking), or be lacking a name. For the next post will try to include the full list. But I ask you patience, for preparing the list and am very links work. ADRIANA
a vestal .. Wheat Ana Alonso
founding PLOUGH .. Joanna
AURELIA, wife of King Numitor. Aurelia Gonzalez.
Caecus, blind. Franki
DIANA, goddess. Amparo Andrés Machi
EMILIA, a young juniper. M ª Pilar
fibula, brooch of bronze. Jimeno Dolors
Janus, god protector. Alberto Rodríguez and Here
MARS, god war. The navigator
MATRON philosophical spirit. Gloria
MELVIUS, director of Romulus. Vicente Valero Costa
MENENIUS young juniper. Merchant
Sáiz Loli Crete. Angel Molledo
MERCURY, winged god. Hermes
MOSCA, common insect. Sex in flies.
NAN, dwarf. Nan
SERVIUS, augur. José Carrión Quílez. PALATINE
hill. Teresa Silvestre
PASTOR. Xibeliuss
PRAXTEX, criminal. Spok
REMO, one of the twins .. Kurtz
RÓMULO, one of the twins. Maik pepper
Silius, a worker in stone. Carlos Cesar Alvarez
Tarpey, a Vestal. Ana Sabater
TRACIUS, a businessman. Fab-golem.
VALERIA, a goldsmith. Amparo Devesa.
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