Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Repair Foam Soap Dispenser

fruitless search of waiting


El sol había alcanzado su cénit y, sin embargo, el tiempo parecía haberse detenido en la cabaña real. Ninguna orden había salido de ella para buscar y capturar a los culpables, ninguna medida de protección para la ciudad. Ignorantes de la situación de aislamiento e indefensión de Aurelia, los habitantes de Alba Longa no se explicaban la actitud de su reina y la inquietud crecía. Esa falta de acción irritaba a los parientes de los muertos, que clamaban justicia, y era la comidilla group of men who, aware of what happened, returning from the fields and gathered spontaneously.

just informed him of the unrest in the streets, Amulius grasped the advantages of putting the population against the queen. It would save having to keep threatening that stubborn if all of Alba Longa demanded the renunciation of the throne. What I had not thought of before? Quickly he sent his servants to stoke discontent and fear. Nothing unites both men nor becomes so blind as to believe in an imminent danger.

- We can not sit back! - Was one of the expressions repeatedly by agents of Amulius -. If you kill the son of the king and stood still, our rivals we accuse of being cowards and attack us.

- is the occasion of Lavinio had expected! They feel aggrieved since they are more important - other -. confirmed Will take advantage of our weakness. We should prepare!

- Forget that. The queen thinks only mourn her son. And of course ... What can you expect from a woman? - Sarcastically added a third.

- our honor is at stake and perhaps our own city. Someone should explain to the queen - said in good faith some people.

- Do not be naive. Apparently, Aurelia raves and is about to lose my mind. Right now, when we have just suffered an attack on the royal house and need to be conducted by a firm hand and strong! In the absence of King Numitor Amulius his brother is the only entitled to do so.

Conversations like this are repeated all over Alba Longa, was handed down from one group to another and raise the alarm. And so, who at dawn begged the gods to Amulius never came to power, at noon he was considered a savior.

Aurelia's heart was bleeding everywhere. Had moved the bodies from the great hall to one of the rooms in the cottage and there a group of servants sent by the Vestal Maxima, along with Tucci and the Queen herself were preparing for the funeral. Breaking heart to see those lives cut short by violence, without mercy or reason. Who have raised arms against their old shuddered and ruthlessness, deserved to die in their beds surrounded by care and affection. And it hurt less to see young people cut down in full bloom, stolen from a life that could have been full and useful to their peers, parents of children who do not come born. That was the sad reward for their loyalty, payment by sharing food and drink, to honor the same household gods, having been born and raised in that cabin and be the family * the king.

A pain being unbearable for any human being, it was even more to Aurelia had also lost her only son and she knew her daughter in danger. At the thought, her whole body trembled with fear. Where was Rhea Silvia? "I'd get to find and protect Camilia? Regarding her husband, trembling at the thought that he had killed his brother.

- ask to see the Queen Aurelia - Adriana announced vestal entering the actual cabin. In the main hall and Criseyde Amulius spoke with several of his henchmen. Parts had broken furniture and removed the signs of violence. Everything seemed in order, as if nothing had happened.

- is very busy - Amulius looking contemptuously replied the young vestal -. Tell me what you want, and I will pass it.

- It is not possible, sir. Bring the outfit to the funeral rites - he pointed to two servants who came after her with huge baskets -. Can not be seen drawn up here, I have asked several families who will make it. These men are negociar el intercambio entre la reina y sus dueños. Ella misma debe hacerlo, pero puedes estar presente, si quieres.

No perdería el tiempo en cuestiones banales, pensó Amulio, ni tenía intención de ver a Aurelia. Prefería hacerlo en presencia del Consejo en el momento de la renuncia al trono. Mientras tanto, más valía que la reina se entretuviese en asuntos mujeriles y no pensara en nada más. Ordenó a uno de sus esbirros que acompañara a la vestal y se quedara allí.

La reina acogió a la vestal con una mirada de esperanza y, a la vez, de interrogación. Adriana se inclinó ante ella y le besó las manos.

- Estate calm, ma'am - muttered -. We know what lies behind Rea Silvia. At this time and will surely Elecampane with her and believe that safe. Will protect it, have confidence in us. Aurelia

remained impenetrable face, but tears welled up in her eyes. He then turned to the servants who brought the grave goods and sought help from Tucci and vestal itself to select it. The two young women and beardless be buried and they chose bowls, cups and other containers of common-size clay. The queen wept to add a twister to the old woman who spun wool. The men who had died fighting would cremated and her dowry would table in miniature.

- need six urns shaped mud hut. Do you allow time to model them? - Asked the queen. The men said yes -. The swords, spears and shields in miniature bronze want my noble servants and iron for my son. They deserve to enjoy in the past all his warrior reputation. Aurelia

sighed, as if expressing their own desires the relief. Had I known then how much suffering would have to bear, he might have preferred to be as dead as them.

* Already in ancient times, the notion of "family" referred to all those people living under one roof, including servants and slaves. Hence, Aurelia deal with them all who are his family.

If you are curious, here's an interview I have done in the magazine You coach!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brotherprinter Status Monitor Offline



Camilia sped up once he had crossed back through the crowd, back to cabaña de las vestales y el templo de Vesta, situados en el centro de la población. Unos instantes antes, desde la puerta de la cabaña real, había dado al público una sucinta explicación de lo ocurrido.

La multitud había quedado conmovida por un crimen despiadado y sin causa aparente. No se explicaba quién o por qué motivo habrían querido atacar con tal saña a la familia real. ¿Serían sicarios al servicio de alguna ciudad latina? Si era así, Alba Longa estaría en peligro y con su rey ausente. Y más allá de la desazón que embargaba sus ánimos, otra duda corría de boca en boca: puesto que el único King's son had perished without descendants, who inherited the throne when Numitor died? And asking the gods to resist until his health had given Rhea Silvia as a grandson, otherwise, only to inherit his brother would Amuli. Amulius, the odious .

Camilia was no less concerned when he reached the cabin of the vestal virgins, where hope and Amnesis Elecampane.

- You were right - I said to see -. The situation is critical. And of course Amulius and his wife are behind the killings. I fear for Rhea Silvia.

- Were you able to speak with the queen? How are you? - Asked Elecampane. For some time the Queen had recourse to their services as expert on medicinal herbs and remedies and professed mutual affection.

- Those two, Amulius and Criseyde, the have isolated and monitored. Still, I could communicate with her - she said as her hand on his shoulder where he had placed the fibula with a finger Aurelia and reviewed his outline -. Not for nothing are friends since childhood. When we were young and some of us had problems, we used to share our brooches. It was as if each is put in place other and share their load. We are much relieved. I change his fibula and now you know that I understand the situation and will have my support.

But enough talk, we must protect Rhea Silvia. We will give you supplies and warm clothing and the Silana shall bear to the forest. Stay with it. In no way can return to Alba Longa, because his life is in grave danger here. And now, excuse me, I have to resolve many issues before noon.

The crack of a branch startled Rhea Silvia. His heart again began a blind gallop, a wild race that stood up and made a jump stick to the wall of the cave in darkness. Had failed to remove from his memory the fight to the death he had seen in his own house, and his mother's desperate cry rang in his head. It should not have fled, but stay with his family, help them instead of obeying the order to be safe. Hesitated on whether to return to Alba Longa when that unexpected noise had returned to forest and facing Silana your own risk. Holding her breath listened.

flooded forest
So light and soft music like that which causes Favonius to blow when, in early spring, singing makes the leaves of oaks and chestnuts and inc ita to bear fruit: gay as butterflies flutter and sweeter than honey bees. also evoked other sounds: water dripping on a rock, the crack of tiny leaves underfoot and the birds pecking , the slow passage of time. She was so beautiful melody that soothed the spirit and made her forget the sorrows. Without realizing it, Rhea Silvia had been approaching the entrance of the cave and cautiously looked out.

Giving back, sitting on an old stump in the fog, a girl playing the syrinx. He wore a brown robe and chestnuts are knotted braids over her head, leaving the bare neck. In a few pigs rooting around in the woods looking for the acorns that had fallen to the ground late. He remained motionless while listening to his heart's normal rhythm recovered and calmed. Then, slowly so as not to frighten her, he was approached. The girl started and stopped playing.

- Are you the nymph Silana? - Asked Rhea Silvia, overpowered by this divine music. The girl gave him a look of amazement and looked after their own clothes and bare feet.

- the first time you ask that question to a pastor of pigs - she smiled. He formed dos hoyuelos en las mejillas y sus ojos parecían reír. – La neblina no te deja ver bien. Me llamo Palantea ¿y tú?

- ¿Vienes de Alba Longa?

- No. Vivo en una cabaña cerca de aquí – dijo. Y al ver el rostro de decepción de Rea Silvia, le hizo sitio en el tocón y con un gesto de la mano la invitó a sentarse.

- Siempre toco la siringa como ofrenda a Silana a cambio de su permiso para que pasten mis cerdos – dijo antes de empezar a tocar otra vez. Rea Silvia, sentada a su lado, la escuchó en silencio.

- Nunca te había visto – dijo Palantea finally leaving the syrinx in her lap. - What are you doing here? And still have not told me your name.

- I can not tell you. I fled my home and I come back to Alba Longa, but no one recognized me.

stayed a while in silence, each lost in thought. Palantea then stood up, whistled for pigs and carefully observed the stranger. Should have a similar age, but Rea was higher. Judging by the whiteness of his skin, clear coat and sandals, must belong to a wealthy family. However, it was not conceited or proud. He even sat next to him.

- My father said that the best place to hide an acorn was put in a basket of acorns.

- What do you mean? - Asked Rhea Silvia, waking from his reverie.

- That if you dress and smell like all pastors, no one would notice you. So you could go back to Alba Longa - Palantea said.

- you help me? - Rhea Silvia said his face lit -. It can be dangerous for you.

- More than wandering alone in the woods, exposed to the wishes of gods and men? Now, my house is nearby.

thank the friends Mayte e Isabel Martínez Barquero have been echoed in posts on this initiative. Thank you both.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wii I Spy Paper City Arrows

- Vestal Maxima arrives! - Shouted to the men inside one of the surveillance.

Amulius grimaced and turned quickly towards Aurelia.

- Tell you give up the throne.

- Not without my daughter.

- You're going life!

Camilla appeared in the doorway, Vestal Max Alba Longa, accompanied by the vestal Adriana and two maids. The crowd had broken through with a general feeling of approval and relief. The prestige of this lady's reassuring. With this in mind, seemed less serious anything could have happened: not for nothing was the supreme priestess of the goddess Vesta, protector of their city and each of their homes. At the highest public dignity, the Vestal Maxima totaled being an honest person and little inclined to beating about the secret, beyond those required by the exercise of his priesthood.

Just your view adapted to the darkness inside, he shook a dreadful scene: ten or twelve bodies of men and women lying beside a wall and a little separated from the others, was that of Numitor son. Messy clothes gave it that had been washed and left in that place without any care or respect, without regard for his dignity, his eyes open and their faces contorted, covered blood still thick, dirty. In the air was almost unbearable odor, a mixture of fear and blood, sweat and death.

Sitting in the middle of the room was, the image of desolation, Queen Aurelia. Camilla's eyes were crossed with those of the queen and read them a warning, or a plea or a request for restraint. He did not go unnoticed Amulius hostile attitude and his wife, although the latter had one hand on the shoulder of her sister. Aurelia headed and took her hands:

- What happened, Aurelia? What is all this?

- A terrible misfortune, Vestal High - intervened Amulius -. You see, my nephew is dead. A loss for my family and Alba Longa. I do not know how to take my brother the news. Bad, very bad, surely. We fear for his health. For this reason, Queen Aurelia wanted to make a statement. We were going to call you.

- I'll give up the throne on behalf of Numitor Camilia. We were hoping to get my daughter to do so - said Aurelia. He felt the fingers of his sister clavársele viciously on the shoulder. - See how misfortune has been priming us. And yet I must thank the gods Rhea Silvia has managed to flee. Who knows if this time she would not be dead ...!

- But Who did this? How did this happen?

- I do not know how it started, because I was finishing getting dressed in my room. I have come to hear screams and found myself in the midst of a scuffle. My poor son has defended me with her own life ... I have not recognized any of the attackers. Fortunately, you've come Amulius and have fled ...

- Have you sent anyone in search of Rhea Silvia? What has warned Numitor? - Asked Vestal Max, after a moment of silence. Aurelia felt shaking hands in hers.

- All my servants are dead, Camilia, do not you see? I beg you to do so.

- I will. And no matter how great your pain, Aurelia, action is needed. The town of Alba Longa to know what happened. And you can not be here, all three, without doing anything to give these dead decent treatment they deserve. There must notify their families. Send the servants to purify and prepare for the funeral.
Tucci My servant will stay with you, with you and who need help. I understand that your child deserves the funeral a warrior and it also requires some preparation. And you yourself, my queen, you rise above. Come on, give me your fibula because I see that is stained and while it takes me. I'll see limpiártela. Also in the appearance and clothing should be sought when appropriate dignity. While

Camilia, with the help of Tucci, removed the bronze brooch holding the cloak of Aurelia in the right shoulder and substituted for his, the tears flowed from the eyes of the queen as a river.

- not appropriate under the circumstances, which is delayed by the resignation of Aurelia - intervened Amulius containing his anger barely -. You who have much sense práctico, Camilia, comprenderás la necesidad de contar enseguida con una autoridad real que tome las riendas del gobierno, averigüe con exactitud lo ocurrido, busque a los culpables y los castigue – dijo, fijando los ojos en Aurelia –. No creo indispensable la presencia de Rea Silvia.

- No, no lo es – respondió Camilia –, pero sería cruel que su madre hubiera de afrontar todo esto sola.

- ¡Ay, yo solo espero que esos asesinos no la hayan perseguido y matado también a ella! – dijo con falsa compunción Criseida.

- ¿Y por qué habrían de hacerlo? – respondió Camilia quickly, turning to Criseyde -. Do you know something others do not? Do you mean to say it was a deliberate attack and not an attempted robbery has done so dire?

- No, no, Camilia. It is an unfounded fear. Mothers usually be very afraid ... - was quick to answer. But his face was hatred, a growing resentment towards that stupid Vestal that had been submitted without being called and I was complicating the plans. Hopefully Prátex had already fulfilled his orders and had had the wisdom to hide the corpse of Rhea Silvia.

News about the beginning of this novel in some blogs friends on poetry. , mariajesúsparadela. , Rafa Almazán, Antonio Martín Ortiz, Javier Pellicer THANKS TO ALL, FRIENDS

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blueprints Build A Mousetrap Car

do not have to start a story (and 2)

The reptile home we all know and love for its bright magenta fervor and sorrows Standard lubrication point, has not always been this glorious example of human engineering we all know and love for their agility and extremely clever centripetal batter between the buttocks and thighs of the grateful owner, or owner, but there were times in which in which his body resembled more color of a warm gasping dregs perched on the branches of a fern terrarium false and we are not allowed to talk to his "immobility" or on the hypothetical Kantian or concerning the problems caused by overproduction of replacement organs in the economies Central. For to say something.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ho Long Does It Take To Get Food Poisening?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Candid-hd Alternative



Many believe, in our day que a los dioses no les interesan los asuntos humanos y nuestra suerte les es indiferente. Sin embargo, en tiempos más antiguos los seres humanos y los divinos se unían y se entremezclaban con frecuencia. Ocupaban los mismos espacios: los campos anchurosos, los pastos y los labrantíos, las selvas, el aire, los riachuelos. Allí donde se dirigiese la vista había una deidad y, bajo su protección, crecían los rebaños y las cosechas aumentaban; se conocía que un dios o una diosa andaba cerca porque se estremecían las hojas de los árboles y las cañas emitían un lamento dulce. El ser humano sabía reconocer la divinidad allí donde se hallara y le rendía tributo. A su vez, los dioses recompensaban a sus protegidos concediéndoles una descendencia gloriosa. Porque mortales e inmortales compartían, también, pasiones idénticas.

“Silana, levantando un espeso muro de niebla,/ impidió a los perseguidores de Rea Silvia el acceso a su bosque./ No salvó de sus espadas a una virgen/ sino a toda la estirpe de Marte/ que de ella desciende”. Así relataba Urbano Lacio en su crónica oral parte de lo sucedido durante las primeras horas de aquel día nefasto. Y afirmaba, porque era muy minucioso, haber tomado ese testimonio de la joven Énule, que aquella famosa mañana recogía hierbas medicinales para sus remedios cuando Rea Silvia, que was always quiet, had gone right by running with the panic reflected in the face and had entered the forest Silana. Seen arriving shortly after chasing strangers appeared and did attempt to enter the same grove. With their own eyes watched in an instant, the oaks until then clear and straightforward, had been covered with a fog so thick you could not see beyond two steps. After a couple of attempts, the strangers stopped looking there and took another direction.

Knowing Rhea Silvia sheltered in the woods, loaded Elecampane shouldered his bag esparto herbs and returned to Alba Longa to make inquiries. It had seemed very strange and had not gone unnoticed by the purple color of the sky. He looked for his sister Amnesis and both went to the widening, located at the northeastern foot of the wall, where farmers and herdsmen exchanged their products. Alba Longa was not in a better place to learn the news, since the market always ran from mouth to mouth the last events, the gossip and rumors.

That day everyone had a story to tell: from the Alec beggar, like every morning, had gone to the cabin for their real cake Spelt and found the kitchen was empty as her belly, until Espórtula, whose language he feared around the world. A railed loudly against the head chef of Queen Aurelia, because, after having ordered the previous day a bag of cabbage, that morning he had gone to take it and had grown tired of waiting on the street without that neither she nor any someone else would have deigned to pick out. Combined

complaints and comments from each other, was that those who attended the king's hut Numitor that day had found an anomaly: they had not seen any of the people living there, not heard noise or any movement could be seen, made unusual in a cabin where there was always activity in and out and servants, of the guards at the door there was no sign. However, it had taken place Amulius men and not allowed entry. The concern was growing. Anyone purporting to hide a secret, had failed. How long could something so strange to go unnoticed in a city of a thousand huts?

About Numitor housing had gathered a crowd. Amnesis Elecampane and went there, mingled among the audience and listened. Versions had very inconsistent: some claimed that the king had died in Coriolan Numitor and were planning a trip to pick up his body. Others, a mysterious disease that had attacked the inhabitants of the cabin. Many people believed that any misfortune that had happened, would not be alien to the machinations of Criseyde, wicked among the wicked. Amulius also said he wanted to buy the throne to his sister and before that rumor many winced. No one, among all those gathered, he thought that so much mystery was due to something good. The happy news fly like pigeons and miserable crawl like snakes.

- We've heard enough - said his sister Elecampane -. Let's go. We should be seizing this moment to act.

Oblivious to the crowd waiting at the gates, Queen Aurelia made superhuman efforts to stand firm and not sink into despair. In just a few hours, the house had collapsed Numitor: his son viciously murdered, her daughter in danger of suffering the same fate; servitude destroyed, loved ones who knew almost from birth. How well known the usurpers had planned it all, take advantage of the absence of Numitor! She had been left alone, isolated, without anyone who could help her. Feared for Rhea Silvia, for those fourteen years of his own innocence uncle wanted truncated. Needed to protect it. And so stubbornly refused to give up claim to the throne Amulius if not before her daughter returned safe and sound.

- It's over time, Aurelia -. Cris glanced burning with hatred and contempt -. Listen, why do not you repeat it! If you do not give up the throne immediately accuse you of being yourself who has caused these deaths. Tell your son has surprised you with a raised-bed and threats to their infidelity and discover your report you, you've ordered your lover to kill him. You will be a parricide adulterous queen! Do not you asked for it to die a moment? So continue refusing to do what you ask and you believe that you will die, put to death, rejected by your husband and cursed throughout the land. There will be grave for your bones.

- I want here to Rhea Silvia - hit repeat Aurelia lifeless voice, his mind dazed and overwhelmed by the blow of this new threat.

- No time for that. Decide now.

- Can I have a choice, then, between my daughter's life and mine? - Asked at last.

- have no such luck: you must only choose which of the two die earlier.

A deathly silence descended on the cabin.

Monday, February 14, 2011

1920 Gangster Wallpaper


With mind stunned by a hodgepodge of emotions, Rhea Silvia, roadside, hesitated while fetching breath . Where do you flee? Would not it be better to step back? Seen from a distance, the city of Alba Longa seemed quiet waking. However, the actual cabin was plunged into a chaos of battle and blood. Again heard in his head the cry of his mother and flinched. No, not return yet. Was a step in the sacred grove of silanes and knew him well. They seek shelter.

"nymph Silana Oh, I claim your protection as I am in danger. Accept me in your forest as a host mother in his lap to their offspring. Ofrendarte promise wreaths as many days in the summer. "Saying this prayer went into the forest and went rushing back to the hidden cave where he was born Silana source. As I crossed the threshold of the cave and purify their hands and face with water, a new anxiety seized his thinking. How long was to go there? If kept hid da how would know what happened to her mother and brother? Another wave of panic gripped her heart: and if they needed his help?

Feeling dry mouth, both hands joined to form a bowl and drink. By leaning on the surface, the pond gave him his own image. The cheeks had turned red from the effort of the race, but the front was snowy, soft on the thin eyebrows and brown eyes. Sucked air through her lips parted, pink edges of a perfect mouth, and hair fell in waves to both sides wanting touch the water. In her eyes shone the fear and anxiety. Then the light flashed on his reflection Silana like lightning and emanated an aura soothing haven. But Rhea Silvia's eyes remain the rest of his life overwhelmed under the weight of uncertainty.

Meanwhile Pratex and his henchmen searched the road looking for footprints or signs of the passing of Rhea Silvia. Near the forest edge were some herbs Silana crushed, as if someone had been standing there. Pratex thought it was worth a look among the oaks. He called a couple of men to accompany him and others ordered them to continue to crawl around. He drew his sword and entered the realm of the nymph.

real cabin in the front of his son's body in the presence of their murderers, Queen Aurelia tried the various injuries that can withstand a human. Like an insect trapped inside a glass cup filled with despair, flies and crashes into the walls and his mind was lurching and stumbling against a pain to another. A wound unbearable son's death was added as a handful of salt, contempt for the deceased. Was not less agony because of the danger that threatened Rea Silvia, whose prosecution had already departed Amulius hitmen. Thus, his heart was torn between grief for his son and lived and the impending murder of his daughter.

- Have mercy on Rhea Silvia, Amulius! - Exclaimed -. Have mercy
you, Cris, because you are a mother too! What wrong I have done my children? What I have offended your father and me?

- Enough, Aurelia! - Extravagantly said Chryseis -. I hear tires. Do not you shut up like all women? If you have not understood what happened, explain it not worthwhile. We, husband terminemos lo que hemos venido a hacer!

Amulio examinaba los cuerpos de los criados y ordenaba a uno de los etruscos rematar a los que aún estaban con vida. Al oír las palabras de su esposa levantó la cabeza e hizo un gesto al sicario para que continuara solo.

- Escúchame, bien cuñada – dijo acercándose a la reina Aurelia y poniéndosele delante –. Ya no eres reina, ni mi hermano es rey. Ahora mismo vas a preparar una declaración para anunciar, delante de testigos, que mi hermano Númitor se encuentra fatigado de las tareas de gobierno y renuncia al trono in my favor.

- And how will convince them of such a hoax, with my son's body still warm, with all my servants killed by your men?

- The're going to persuade you. Who said that my wife or I have something to do with this massacre? Blame it on your child. Has been disrupted. In a fit of madness has attacked its own servants. They have defended and, by the will of fate, have been all dead.

- intended to represent a farce? -. Aurelia had stood, and suddenly eyes dry, looking defiantly at his brother. - Never declare that my son has gone mad and killed those people.

- Tell cation to enter - Amulius ordered the bailiff. This left the real cabin for a moment and re-entered accompanied by a poorly dressed and faced man, his nose and cheeks streaked purple veins.

- Well, cation, in front of the Queen repeated what you've seen these days.

- I've seen your son, ma'am, sleeping at noon in the shade of a cypress tree - the man said, staggering and giving off a strong smell of wine.

- That's a lie - Aurelia howled.

- The testimony of this man, simple but respectable - categorically refuted Criseida -. The god has gone insane Fauno your child as punishment for taking away his favorite place to nap. It is the first evil than crazy.

- Kill me if you want. Or if not like, kill me! Never say such a falsehood. My son has died wielding the sword, yes, but defending the murderers who have commanded you.

- You think things better, Aurelia - insisted Criseida approaching and turning her sister about him challenging -. Your word is worthless, because you are nothing. Nothing! You're alive but your luck may get worse.

- not scare me, Criseyde - said the queen -. After what happened what do I care about my luck?

- But how foolish you are, sister! I bet it will matter.

Here you can read how it was received the news that we are to found Rome in various blogs: Reyes , Elena and Domus Baebia Saguntino.

This post belongs to the series that will relate the myths of the founding of Rome. I can not put in the title, because google me "punished" by the repetition, so I'll numbering each post with Roman numerals and will be grouped under the label "Founding of Rome (1 ª part)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Resetting An Opened Master Lock

Pumpkin meets

glutamatizado An itch spray is projected from the right ventricle of your heart thirteen seconds before the glass slipper is shattered when he stepped on the thirty-second step and shrapnel drilled you with enough heel extended metaphor then perfect and fulminant infection as the orangutan sniper who leaves his pegotoneadas cropoesquirlas ammunition in red glass Palace of the Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo and the smell is what attracts the Seeds of the Kingdom chased by a Paleontologist in a rough chariot bamboo also chipping latitudes where collude, bark, exceed the parietal and atmosphere make this planet skeleton growl like a tap-step execution when it gets dark and all the paraphernalia cutthroat disclosed the poor stepchild to acquire the moral status because mice decided it was good because of his habit (or use ) to morph into the worst one can imagine mares and in the worst driver.