Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Is The Little Techdech Called

Reflections plump. Glossolalia

- A waiting to sink his teeth into visceral -is the first time participating in a collective and the desire to read what others have done me more than the ego-published, I hear of who have been examples in the Central, La Fnac and Antonio Machado, among other bookstores in Madrid, so I guess that other sites will not be hard to find. Moved a little ass.
- I'm happy because I've written twenty stories in a month. Short stories, yes, the kind that any of those made with the tip of the penis or the equivalent, but as I only do those things on the way from my house to the job back, because I'm excited and I share it here. Although you peel. Of course, considering that my gigs and is in itself to write quite reached a point where you just a bit tired and I have no desire to update the 'blog'. In case anyone was wondering what I say.
- When you publish your first book and discovers that what is just going to charge twice what they paid for publishing his first story, "Artifex Third Time in 2005 - and that is completely is normally because the writers say the scene is that geeks are not known for many charge-contains new things. The problem is when many things happen you fail to ignore the fact that writing is not to make bowls, for example.
- And finally, I invite you to find the seven differences enter Isasaweiss and PJJ Harvey in this video.


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