Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is Safe?


Look, you arrive in Rome foreigners, all this wonder: the staircase of travertine, the sumptuous columns with Corinthian capitals, pediment crowned with the winged statues. The restoration of the old temple of Concord has funded the pious Tiberius the spoils in the conquest of Germany and has returned to dedicate to the goddess, this very morning. The forum has gained in beauty and splendor.

Yet I, perhaps because I'm old and I have seen many atrocities throughout my life, I do not think blood red marbles are the taste of the gods. They are just an excuse for men to extol their own killings.

NOTE 1: The Temple of Concordia was the Roman Forum and leaned back against the Capitol Hill. He was voted in 367 BC to celebrate peace between plebeians and patricians, but there is no evidence that was never built. In 121 BC built a temple dedicated to Concordia by the consul Lucius Opimio having defeated (and killed) his countrymen, followers of the Gracchi. Perhaps destroyed by fire, who later became Emperor Tiberius remade and expanded the temple between 7 and 10 AD with the spoils of war in Germany. Dedicated it on 16 January of year 10.

NOTE 2: I leave the link to the full interview I carried out in his blog Javier Pellicer Land of Bards: first part and second part

* Remains of Temple of Concord today. Is the mass of stones in the foreground. The building behind is the Tabularium and the Senatorial Palace. Rome. **
reconstruction of the Temple of Concord in Tiberius. Internet image. ***
Detail of a capital from the temple of Concord.
internet image.


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