Sunday, January 30, 2011

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De Claudia Hortensia a su liberta Lálage

¿Has reunido los textos que te pedí? No esperes a tenerlos todos, lleva los que tengas al establecimiento de Silius, en la vía del Argiletum, y que empiecen ya a hacer las copias. Dile que yo misma pasaré a pagarle y que es muy urgent. I'm hoping that I moved into my house. I've prepared a bedroom next to mine, so that we can work late and talk without disturbing anyone. I burn with desire to start. Yesterday the noble Claudia Cecilia assured me that I will do a great good to the midwives telling the origins of Rome. I think so too. There is a story worth telling it, because no other city is founded on so many crimes, betrayal and deceit and, despite all the gods had received shelter and protection.

NOTE: Dear friends, you see, we live the adventure of founding Rome. I hope you all very excited! For those who did not read the previous posts, I repeat the characteristics and conditions to be a character in the story, but not before warning the ladies, however much it hurts, my dears, have to be married. Things were so! Virtuous matrons need to kick this city, so start thinking ... But, I will try them as free as possible in the heart and soul, as women have always done throughout history. Allowed a pair of queens, a nurse, ordinary mothers, a Vestal and girls of marriageable age. As men, however pacifists who want to be kind, are advised that tendrán que tomar las armas. Procuraré no verter mucha sangre. Reyes, malhechores, sujetos de mal vivir serán bien recibidos (aunque parezca mentira). Tambien hay plaza para el dios Marte y seguramente alguno más.

Para participar no tenéis que hacer nada más que elegiros un nombre y una actividad – si vais a ser seres humanos –; podéis también ser un lugar, animal, objeto, planta, o cualquier cosa que os apetezca. Por mi parte, como ya hice con “Dido reina de Cartago”, me comprometo a sacar a todos los personajes en la novela. A cambio, os pido poco: que comentéis de vez en cuando porque eso me da ánimo y me ayuda a ir forjando la historia. ¡Espero que os animéis!

Me marcho esta semana a Sax, a las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos, y estaré allí tan perdida como Rómulo y Remo el día de su nacimiento. A la vuelta actualizo todos los datos, y ¡allá vamos!
A continuación, pongo de manera esquemática los personajes que ya han sido elegidos, con sus nombres (en el caso de que los tengan). Los adjudicatarios, por favor comprobad que están bien, así como el enlace a vuestras páginas. Quienes han elegido personaje y aún no tienen nombre, que se vayan decidiendo. Y a los demás, espero que con estos datos ya podáis ir decantándoos por algo/alguien.

Larentia ACA, Faustulus wife. Natali Sentmartí

ACISCULUS O Acisclo soldier. The Drac.

AMNESIS , assistant painter. Handel Ariodante .

Appius, augur. Antiqva.

ARPANDRO , kindly farmer. Insula Litterae.

Caius, pastor responsib. Cayetano.

CELIA , guess. La dame masqueé.

CORA , malvada ayudante de arúspice. Vallivana Sanchis.

CORNELIA , elabora dulces dulcísimos. Reyes.


ÉNULE , entendida en hierbas curativas. Elene Gallardo.

ESPIRITU DE UN GATO. Pues eso. El gato Jano.

FÁUSTULUS , mayoral de los rebaños del rey Amulio. Antonio Martín Ortíz

ILIA-REA SILVIA , vestal. Isabel Martínez Barquero.

KRITUBIS , sacerdotisa de un culto oscuro. Carmen Béjar.

LA LUNA . Isabel Zarzuela.

PALANTEA , pastora. Freia.

CRISEIDA , mujer del rey Amulio. Margarita Belinchón.

SEIUS , perro pastor fidelísimo. Bagoas.

TÍBER , río difícil de olvidar. Txema.

SILANA , bosque sagrado de. Elena Clásica.

UN AVE canora. Clarice Baricco

UN OLIVO . MariaJesúsParadela.

PASTOR melancholy. Pedro Ojeda Escudero.

A MARE. Dial.

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The game of making verses

Maybe I owe an explanation. I hate to use the word "anthology" for my book-yes, I use the plural: I have five or six unpublished sold to the bidder best, just like most of you, so do not look at me as if he were stoned , on the other hand, I am, because I think that when I collect texts that deal is global in some way, consistent, and basting, more than a mere collection. But when a few months ago I got to review a hundred poems that I wrote in the last five or six years, several of which have been hanging around here the last few days, and I will still hang: this is what I wanted to explain- to show to a publisher as a business card, I realized there was not much in common between them either in theme or style, beyond a certain, I do not know how to call it, ad nauseam twisted bad milk, and jokes recurrent tontísimos on straw to give the reason Gil de Biedermann. And I think to some extent so to speak, in recent years I have been "falling apart" as a poet, which is not without its funny because I think at this time I found something like a "voice", which is what I was looking at the bottom . Although I only like me and only I understand this witness that I will continue to plant around here, but surely whichever you prefer to read other things, also to agree with Gil de Biedermann.

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A reading of Hughes

Said the fox: "It is enough, we are destroying"
when their fur was lit with kerosene particles
confused with the laws of astronomy and paid
high price for it,

unusual since he has found his death
flush on the binding of the book I read
this witness, but imagine a tin god

dismembered in the trunk so recent that night against the psalm ,

and could also be the only trace of the beginning, the dream

graying of gunned between past bears that are the size of blood leaking through the pupil
Like a child abandoned by his father

shows already well deformed ankles, but remains based
from abyssal worms
and unwary travelers en route to the lack
in half with his beak, made of pitch
applied generously to face and cheek

crushed until he
take the form of mushroom clouds pyrrhic case
will learn to cherish as a skin
the world, not is by no means self
but from the top of the jungle

translated by the creek and the voracious dog man, man
north wind, the dry
man portraying himself to
cooing and dagger pages each dreadful shadows
between thrones, and they take amazing to see.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Barral kiss the statue

Scholasticism bee loses its rigor
in this hotel they have caved
avid oneself from the rocks of courtship
out his hand
clear and specific to the tissue on the chest libreversismo
when the author makes a prop
white-collar soul for
cruel hypothesis is that speech the man in the street, the tacit
distantly related to your elliptical
and devour the story against
trick the hypothalamus of each of us
jingling and erected as the Sanctified and sufficient empirical someone devotion
that we know well Smudge
if this trade being alive today.

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On Freedom her friend Elia Laia.

Laia dear, do not you going to believe. I went this morning to Lalage house to accompany me to the market to buy a new curling iron to curl her hair and has steadfastly refused to leave. Apparently his old lady has gone mad, it is proposed not know what to write history on Rome, and has asked for help! I left there shocked. If during the next few months will be enclosed by this absurd job, it was worth paying so much money to buy his freedom? I tell you, Laia, do not envy at all Lalage. Moreover, I think it will be blind from reading old scrolls and dusty as the merits of his wife will take it away. And they have well deserved presumptuous for refusing to choose a simple curling a loyal friend like me!

NOTE: Dear friends, those of you being a character in the next novel I write here on the blog, you can go on thinking ... The novel runs in time less ancient than that of Queen Dido, but equally mythical. Ordered it not be a Christian martyr, or legionnaire, or emperor, in the eighth century BC, the era that we live, there was nothing of that, but rough shepherds and farmers, yes, with enough ambition.

To participate, you do not have to do anything else that will choose a name and an activity - if you are going to be human -, can also be a place, animal, object, plant, or whatever you fancy . For my part, as I did with "Dido Queen of Carthage", I promise to get all the characters in the novel. In return, I ask little: that comenteis from time to time because it gives me courage and helps me to forge history. In the next post I will tell you exactly what the novel. I hope you feel encouraged!
* Painting Alma-Tadema.
** Detail of a mural. Rome.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Siete veintiséis cúbicos milímetros de escama
en nueva solución salina por acelerar
el tracto de la glotis que derrama el canto
y nuestros médicos se quejan –así lees–
de un despótico sintagma que es dolor
tan viéndose obligados a extirparlo,
estrofa por estrofa, con lo fácil; dicen: «nadie
ha desandado nunca el desenlace
de esta arteria en su pulmón,
el electrón antiguo en la sinapsis
que denuncia el ojo ante las formas,
el pavor del negro que se entiende
como ausencia no insuflada
por los términos ni por los burdos tiroteos
de serpientes que hemos de llamar
Love or rasa "and calm us in their manuals as calm
formalin inserts
the crack between the cells
arpeggio not confuse anyone can-design-
blank, it turns white
that is almost exclusively
spasms himself and then-we are so sincere,
its demolition the worst after this static background
very even before the defection Senada
a tremulous thunder-ridge-insist. Seeking

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Is there nothing I can do, my husband, to keep you in my bed? In just appreciate my charms and my touch. But what I complain to the mother if Juno had to borrow a belt Venus and retain magic to seduce her husband Jupiter? Little power have the death in a case in which even fails the queen of the goddesses. It's in the irrational nature of men outside the home find the delights they have inside.

NOTE: Dear friends, I'm already planning to start writing a new novel on the blog. Those who wish to participate by proposing a character can go and warming up. I will elaborate in the next post.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Redoubt in this together now

-and-seek all the glorious
transubstantiation of pornography in post-Soviet

petrarquista silver thread that leads to kleenex
by the grace of my right hand exclusively
grosso furious Orlando this afternoon
Sunday July thou
yet powerful and lucid as the jungle
that you dared to ask.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Juliet Pill Side Effects

disjointed and broken like a doll, Julia Drusilla, I've buried the garden and I can not even pinpoint the location with a stone. Good Praetorians who wanted to liberate Rome from the tyranny of your father, the emperor Caligula, have decreed that you should die with him and no less brutal. Your two years of age you were very dangerous! I cry for you and your life not lived. And since the best people act like this, I implore the fates soon to cut the thread of mine.

NOTE 1: Julia Dursila (September 4, 1939 - January 24, 41) was the daughter of Emperor Caligula and his late wife Milonia Caesonia. The day her father was murdered por una conjura, los conjurados dieron muerte también a Cesonia y su hija. Según Suetonio, a la niña le estrellaron la cabeza contra una pared. Calígula fue enterrado secretamente en los Jardines de Lamia y es suposición mía que la hija y la esposa lo fueran también en el mismo lugar.

NOTA 2: Los romanos contaban la edad de una persona teniendo en cuenta los 9 meses de gestación, de ahí que se diga que Julia Drusila tenía dos años. Según nuestro cómputo, en el momento de la muerte tendría poco más de 16 meses.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Is The Little Techdech Called

Reflections plump. Glossolalia

- A waiting to sink his teeth into visceral -is the first time participating in a collective and the desire to read what others have done me more than the ego-published, I hear of who have been examples in the Central, La Fnac and Antonio Machado, among other bookstores in Madrid, so I guess that other sites will not be hard to find. Moved a little ass.
- I'm happy because I've written twenty stories in a month. Short stories, yes, the kind that any of those made with the tip of the penis or the equivalent, but as I only do those things on the way from my house to the job back, because I'm excited and I share it here. Although you peel. Of course, considering that my gigs and is in itself to write quite reached a point where you just a bit tired and I have no desire to update the 'blog'. In case anyone was wondering what I say.
- When you publish your first book and discovers that what is just going to charge twice what they paid for publishing his first story, "Artifex Third Time in 2005 - and that is completely is normally because the writers say the scene is that geeks are not known for many charge-contains new things. The problem is when many things happen you fail to ignore the fact that writing is not to make bowls, for example.
- And finally, I invite you to find the seven differences enter Isasaweiss and PJJ Harvey in this video.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sayings About Family Stories

¿Cuál fue tu error, Calisto? Si no fue culpa yours be beautiful, if you could not guess that under the guise of the goddess Diana, who used to accompany hunting in the woods, hiding the powerful Jupiter, if your strength were not enough to get rid of his embrace and desire, if thy womb, hitherto untouched, his divine seed took root, tell me what you do in the sky turned into a bear? I feel sorry for you and me, Callisto, then, just for being female, suffered a double penalty: the abuse of boys and the jealousy of goddesses.

NOTE: The nymph Callisto was owned by Jupiter, who had come to her under the appearance of the goddess Diana, and left her pregnant. His wife, the goddess Juno, enraged with jealousy, took revenge by transforming it into a bear. Jupiter turning escaped death in the constellation Ursa Major.

* Jupiter and Callisto. François Boucher painting. Photo taken from internet.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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From Day Tomorrow, my words
going to be the slow slime poured
by relics of the Baptist
in indigo-colored cabinet
Parliament that, alas, the jaw supported
engranajes que, sabiendo a témperas,
subsisten tras la polución.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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E N E R O.

The ancient Roman calendar had ten months, from March to December, six of thirty days and four of thirty-one days, giving a total of three hundred four, plus a winter period of sixty days during which no date was recorded .

According to tradition, the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, established in the eighth century BC C. the months of January and February.

January-Latin, Januarius, with thirty-one days, was created in homage to the god Janus, who ruled the entrances and beginnings, and became the first month of the year, moving to March, as the consuls elected in January.

(Word of the Day)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is Safe?


Look, you arrive in Rome foreigners, all this wonder: the staircase of travertine, the sumptuous columns with Corinthian capitals, pediment crowned with the winged statues. The restoration of the old temple of Concord has funded the pious Tiberius the spoils in the conquest of Germany and has returned to dedicate to the goddess, this very morning. The forum has gained in beauty and splendor.

Yet I, perhaps because I'm old and I have seen many atrocities throughout my life, I do not think blood red marbles are the taste of the gods. They are just an excuse for men to extol their own killings.

NOTE 1: The Temple of Concordia was the Roman Forum and leaned back against the Capitol Hill. He was voted in 367 BC to celebrate peace between plebeians and patricians, but there is no evidence that was never built. In 121 BC built a temple dedicated to Concordia by the consul Lucius Opimio having defeated (and killed) his countrymen, followers of the Gracchi. Perhaps destroyed by fire, who later became Emperor Tiberius remade and expanded the temple between 7 and 10 AD with the spoils of war in Germany. Dedicated it on 16 January of year 10.

NOTE 2: I leave the link to the full interview I carried out in his blog Javier Pellicer Land of Bards: first part and second part

* Remains of Temple of Concord today. Is the mass of stones in the foreground. The building behind is the Tabularium and the Senatorial Palace. Rome. **
reconstruction of the Temple of Concord in Tiberius. Internet image. ***
Detail of a capital from the temple of Concord.
internet image.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blob Mucus Before Period

All my friends were vampires

Tuve por primera vez referencias de Javier Esteban cuando mi compañero Barrueco me pidió que fuera a un tienda friki de Alcorcón para comprarle el último libro de Javier, “El principio antrópico”. La tienda estaba cerrada y me quedé sin poder leerlo. Al relacionar a Javier con la tienda friki, por pura y estúpida asociación de ideas, pensé que su literatura era otra, más cercana al género fantástico, si se quiere. Pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Al recibir su relato “All my friends were vampires”, descubrí a un escritor particularísimo. An author, managing to craft the language and syntax, is able to mix in the same text elements as diverse as religion and Belén Esteban.

Mario Crespo Generous words about my collaboration in the Visceral.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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So Corina reacts to Ovid gift .

contemplate on my finger the ring that you gave me, my beloved, and I see it shine. Hopefully always shine and your love and mine. That when the fire of the funeral pyre consumes me, cover my bones with the gold ring as a sign of your eternal love material. But, alas, I dare not dream much. I have seen many times, just the wind changes direction, the eyes of a handsome boy as you fly with him in search of new love and excitement ...! So, not to suffer, I agree with the mother Venus grant me this, that my love for Ovid lasts only one day more than his love for me.

NOTA: Espero que hayáis recibido muchos regalos y acerdados...
*y ** Pinturas murales de Pompeya.

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I do not start a story.

invite the girl from the parterre to our fiesta1 to know anagrammatical turf color, dyes mutation of synesthetes that a parent had disclosed to others in connection with a swollen and pepper barbecue onion moist, fragrant as a subtle form of fullness after a squeeze masked strong, virile, de manos de esos que deben de catalogarse en las Guías de Buenas Costumbres que, más o menos, la mitad de ciudadanos excelentes redactan en sus ratos libres para uso y disfrute del, aproximadamente, otro cincuenta por ciento.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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El poeta Ovidio envía un anillo a su Corina

Anillo que has de ceñir el dedo de una hermosa muchacha, en ti nada se debe valorar sino el amor de quien te regala. Ve y resúltale un obsequio agradable; que te reciba con alegría y que enseguida te ponga en su dedo; que te ajustes a ella tan bien como ella se ajusta conmigo, y que rodees convenientemente su dedo con un círculo for you. Blessed are you, ring, because I will use my mistress: I have envy and my own gift, poor me. "

OVIDIO .-" Amores "

Translation Vicente Cristóbal López.

can read here Corina reaction to this gift.

NOTE: That the Magi bring you many gifts and made it much love as Ovid ...

* Roman Ring. Photo taken from internet.
** Detail of decoration of the Baths of Trajan. Rome.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Hail, child, and welcome to your home ephemeral. Just two days old and you smile. I will smile too. Take care of you, even when you're happy or turn away from me. Also when teenage capricious and you do not listen to my requests, or hear them with disdain, or cry for a thwarted love, or feel cold. Take care of you when your crown leaves wither and flying over the roofs torn off by the wind. And later, old and toothless, I'll love you and asking the same things that I love and take care of me as I love you. Because, you know? if I'm missing you, would end all I have. Want

accompany the Fates grant until your last day. Look, meanwhile, with favorable eyes. And say the boy will come to replace you in a few months, I hope. And he will not be less generous with you: every one of you get a whole load of love and a thanks.

NOTE: I wish all this to be a good year despite the difficulties, and we can face it with courage and with hope. And I also hope que lo podamos compartir. Las Moiras eran las tres hermanas encargadas de nuestro destino y de la duración de nuestras vidas.

*Detalle de un putti de una fuente en el Paseo de la Alameda de Valencia.
**Detalle de un monumento con columnata en los Jardines de Viveros de Valencia.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Smoke Alarm Diagram 2009

worst. Visceral

Mi propósito de año nuevo es terminar una novela que llevo atascada cosa de dos años y un libro de cincuenta cuentos que empecé en octubre. Voy por el número quince. Es posible, a lo mejor, quién sabe, que publique otro libro de cuentos este 2011. No lo afirmo porque no depende de mí y sé que el editor tiene otras cosas más interesantes en la recámara del calendario. Es la historia de mi vida. Recuerdo, por supuesto, lo of visceral , which is hell of a pint and I hope that enough play in the coming weeks, but for me there is more to announce. You know the rules. This is a blog supposedly literary self-aggrandizement. As in all of 2010 I have published almost nothing but Anthropic Principle "after a year and half frozen in the room above, and some micro-stories in blogs and websites through the generosity of others, I admit it has been moved the ass too, there is no great thing to do balance. I mean things that you can read on paper or whatever and they voted. If I may, I'm happy with what I have been doing and the steps taken in the direction I wanted to give them. Happy and well. So do not pray for me.