N O M E O L V I D E S.
There are about fifty species of the genus or raspilla Miosotis, also known as impatiens.
Most have flowers 1 cm. in diameter with five blue petals that grow on the ends of stems.
According to a legend that during many centuries was part of the amorous games in the European courts, carriers blue flower known as Miosotis or respilla never be forgotten by their lovers, which resulted also in English it is called impatiens.
This belief is so widespread in Europe that this name is semantically identical in many European languages: German, Vergissmeinicht, in English, forget-me-not, in Dutch, vergeet-mij-mietje; in Danish forglem -mig-ej; in Swedish, förgötmigej, in Romania, nu ma IUF, in Hungarian, nefelejcs, in Czech, pomnenka, in Russian, nezabudka, in Slovak, nezábudka, in Polish, niezapominajka, in Italian, notiscordardimé, and French , ne pas m'oubliez.
(Word of the Day)
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