Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cotton Buds For Camcorder

H Í G A D O.

Our language is but a late Latin, enriched by many elements Goths and Arabs after these people occupied the Iberian Peninsula.

could therefore expect that the name appeared related to liver palabra latina iecur, o tal vez con la griega épatos, pero ¿por qué hígado?

Se trata de una historia curiosa que comienza con una digresión gastronómica.

Los franceses dieron a conocer al mundo el foie gras de oca, una delicatesse ( delicia) elaborada con hígado de oca hipertrofiado con dosis abundantes de maíz.

Pero el producto es mucho más antiguo que Francia y los franceses; ya era conocido por los atenienses del siglo de Pericles, quienes, como no tenían maíz, cebaban a las ocas con higos (sykon, en griego) y, como tampoco sabían francés, lo llamaron hépar sýkoton.

Esta exquisitez gastronómica fue legada a Roma, where gourmet Apicius Marcus innovated by introducing the custom of dipping the liver in a milk bath with honey to increase size and improve its taste with new fragrances.

The Hépar sýkoton of the Greeks in Rome iecur ficatum called 'liver with figs', a term that eventually came to refer to the liver, with figs or not, any animal, the man also.

few centuries, and the word iécur was lost in the darkness of the times, while ficatum continued to be used as the name of the court, until the Spaniard fégadu, the ancient Castilian and Portuguese fígado and finally the liver English modern, documented since the late fifteenth century.

(Word of the Day)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Does Xanax Show Up On A Blood Text?



I greatly appreciate the musta GRANTED.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Song With Giant Woman

N O M E O L V I D E S.

There are about fifty species of the genus or raspilla Miosotis, also known as impatiens.

Most have flowers 1 cm. in diameter with five blue petals that grow on the ends of stems.

According to a legend that during many centuries was part of the amorous games in the European courts, carriers blue flower known as Miosotis or respilla never be forgotten by their lovers, which resulted also in English it is called impatiens.

This belief is so widespread in Europe that this name is semantically identical in many European languages: German, Vergissmeinicht, in English, forget-me-not, in Dutch, vergeet-mij-mietje; in Danish forglem -mig-ej; in Swedish, förgötmigej, in Romania, nu ma IUF, in Hungarian, nefelejcs, in Czech, pomnenka, in Russian, nezabudka, in Slovak, nezábudka, in Polish, niezapominajka, in Italian, notiscordardimé, and French , ne pas m'oubliez.

(Word of the Day)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Candy Centerpieces Toronto



imaginations eggs were a symbol of life and emerged as a symbol to ensure fertility and good harvests.
According to the Christian, Holy Week recalls the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ.
is this last event, known as Easter.
What is your relationship with the eggs and the Easter bunny?
The origin of Easter dates back to 1513 a. C., when the Jewish people began their exodus from Egypt to the Land Promised, an event that was celebrated every year because it is the liberation of the Jewish people.
Tradition has it that the celebration involved the sacrifice of a lamb.
and seven days later, the Jewish people ate unleavened bread, which they called bread unleavened. "
Similarly, for Christians, Easter is the feast commemorating the Resurrection of Christ, after having given his life on the cross for the sins of the world.
is the Lamb of God who offers a sacrifice to cleanse men from sin.
Over time, the early Christians celebrated the Lord's Passover while the Jews, the night of the first full moon, the first month of spring.
not until the late fourth century, the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem was moved to Sunday after the Jewish holiday, celebrated separately on Good Friday and Easter.
Historians also mention as the origin of "Easter" spring celebration in honor of the Teutonic goddess of light known as "Easter", represented with an egg in his hand and a rabbit beside a sign of fertility.
There are many possible origins of the famous exchange of chocolate eggs at Easter.
Some stories date back to medieval times, when Easter was time to pay the census, and this payment was made on Easter Sunday and eggs.
There are also records of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in which the date of Easter in France, the monarch offered him baskets full of artistically decorated eggs as a symbol of the birth of a new life that represents the resurrection of Christ. MY FRIENDS

Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, the disenchanted and Hopeless I WISH YOU HAPPY EASTER.

a big hug from MNB.