Well, I've always thought that Miguel Luna write a fucking and so I Gotcha Poetry is not dead ( DVD Editions) and my first thought is that a book that a section on the 223 bus of Continental Auto deserve my respect because in the end we all love the homeland and my homeland is a green bus that does not smell of all wrong and have passed some of the most massive binges of my life, but actually are not drinking ever, but something more Dasein you have left and you know you'll never be able to write poems about it and well someone else does. Like the book of L. Miguel also because it is insulting. Insulting the form of those books that you catch a verse at random and you say "but what shit ...?!» and your head turns and says this is not poetry (as if there is something that out) but you know that such capitals are the same pose that almost destroys you, I speak literally, for fourteen years, to age L. Miguel says he has en este libro —aunque la edad es siempre un accidente que nunca justifca cosas como la condescendencia, apunto—, y que te costó siglos y lecturas llegar al momento en el que escribes esta líneas para aplaudir libros como estos. Porque estás de vuelta de un millón de cosas. Y este libro está de vuelta de un millón de cosas. Soy autobiográfico porque me da la gana y es mi blog, pero este libro tiene muchos filos. Eso mola. Casi todo lo que escribe esta mujer tiene muchos filos. A lo Pizarnik , aunque a mí no me gusta la Pizarnik y por eso me parece mejor que la Pizarnik . Ahí es nada. Doy mi opinión porque es mi blog, pero hay que tenerlos bien puestos para hablar de bowls, but today, this November 27, after the pop, to be up pOp eggs, need to be more well-placed to write a poem about fights and cite anecdotes gafapastas Foster Wallace, because I remember Nietzsche -mistranslated "said his neighbors were not worth the fucking effort Curran to become a sea urchin spines, but the Poetry think so, yes it's worth, and always cool that you remember.
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