P U L P O.
Desde un acuario de Alemania, un pulpo con supuestos poderes adivinatorios ha concitado la atención de la opinión pública mundial prediciendo resultados de partidos de fútbol, aunque el autor de estas líneas coincide con el escritor Eduardo Galeano en que probablemente "este pulpo sea un corrupto".
De todas maneras, tal perhaps worth remembering that the word octopus, which is recorded in English for at least the fourteenth century, comes from Latin polypus, word formed from Greek polloi (many) you can (feet), so also a centipede could have been an octopus or a spider with eight legs, but, well, that did not happen.
Corominas assumes that the polypus or became, or the effect of a dialectal phenomenon is verified in some talking in northern Spain.
worth noting that the Latin word also gave voice to English polyp, with an "a pedunculated tumor, benign, which is formed and grows in the mucous membranes and, in some cases can evolve towards malignancy. "
There is also a named coelenterate polyp and finally, the dictionary states that the octopuses also can be called polyps, although the latter seems an occurrence that can only be in the library DRAE antiquities, dictionary should be of use.
(Word of the Day)
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